Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The 6th Excerpt from the Novel Redemption. Part 2 from 2


Ann and Rob

This is the second part of the sixth excerpt from my novel Redemption

In this conversation, Ann continues to ask Rob about Fate and Free Will.


Ann thought about this as she disconnected from the tunnel’s SmartDrive and headed towards the exit. Could this really be true? Had her life in twenty-first-century America really been shaped by the lives of Mi, Ra, and Isabelle? Had there been other lives in more recent history that had also affected her life now? 

“So let me just get this straight,” she said, merging with Chicago’s traffic. “My fate is already set, but it has been shaped by my choices I’ve made in past lives. Is that it?”

“Exactly,” said Rob. “The reason your Creator gave you Free Will in the first place was to make you each different, unique individual instead of uniform robots produced in some divine mold.” He put on a sad face. “Unfortunately, I have run out of gold stars.”

“Pity,” said Ann with a smile. “I was doing rather well! Explain more about the correlation between fate and Free Will. Can they really work together?”

Rob seemed to ponder this for a moment, though Ann knew this was just part of his programming; he could analyze many terabytes of data in a fraction of a second. 

“Fate and free will work together well. You’ve been given free will so you can choose your personal direction, but your choice does not remove the next milestone of your fate. In another word, you still have to come to that next programmed point.” Rob eyed her from the screen, noting the thoughtful look on her face. 

“Consider this,” he continued. “We are on our way to the supermarket, which, if you turn right at the next set of lights, we will approach from the South entrance. However, if you choose to turn left instead, you will approach the same shop from the North. However, your purchases will not be affected by this, and you will still end up going to the shop. This is similar to fate and Free Will. You cannot escape your fate, but you can choose how you face it.”

As he finished, Ann found herself at the traffic lights in question and looked in each direction. “So, what difference does it make to me in the course of my life if I choose now to go right or left?”

“Well, as far as your soul is concerned—that being the part of you that goes from life to life throughout your spiritual existence—it’s not so much about right or left as it is about good or evil,” said Rob. “However,” he added, with a wink, “turning right would bring us to the supermarket almost 5 minutes quicker than turning left.” 

“Thanks,” said Ann, pulling away to the right. “Carry on. What difference do good and evil make to my soul, then?”

“This is where Nirvana comes in. By choosing what is good, your soul is enlarged, progressing towards enlightenment and ultimate redemption. But when you choose evil instead, your soul becomes darker, heavier, heading deeper into the gloom of brutality.”

Ann turned the car into the parking lot and eased it into space. Switching off the engine, she picked up the E-A device to give Rob her full attention. “It sounds like we’re talking more about spiritual choices, rather than deciding which way to head to the shops?”

“Quite,” said Rob, his screen rippling as he took on his usual form.

“So, what effect do these spiritual choices have on a person in a material sense?”

“My sources tell me that as you progress towards enlightenment, by making choices for good, your eyes are more open, able to see things which you would never have noticed before. You gain a greater understanding, broader insight, a heightened ability to see what is good and evil, and making the right choices easier. On the other hand, choosing darkness affects every area of a person’s life for the worse. Their insight is narrowed, and their capacity for vision and creativity are diminished.”

“So making the right choices is pretty important!” said Ann. “How can I ensure I don’t end up making the wrong decision?”

This Extract is taken from the Redemption novel,  the 4th Part: PEACE. 

Find a 50% discount on the Redemption e-book via Smashwords!

Saturday, May 8, 2021

The 6th Extract from the Novel Redemption, Jacklyn A. Lo


Ann & Rob
Ann & Rob

I'd like to present the 6th extract from my novel Redemption.  In this conversation, Ann asks Rob about Fate and Free Will.


What’s going on with me? She wondered. I feel like a ship in a storm being tossed about by the waves of fate.

“What do you know about fate, Rob?” she asked, as much to distract herself as to get information from him. “The psychic said it’s a sort of pre-written script for a personal development, something that can’t be changed.”

“Interesting,” said Rob, nodding on the screen of the E-A device. “My sources would agree, though it’s less like a written script than a program.”

“Like a television program?”

“Like a computer program, similar to the one that runs me. I cannot change my code, and in that sense, I am restricted; I can only do what I have been programmed to do. Yet, at the same time, I am constantly growing in knowledge, both through my research and interaction with you. You, humans, are far more complex, but your individual fate works in the same way.”

Ann considered this for a moment. “So, are you saying that the script or program for my life is set? That I cannot change it?”

“Not exactly.” Rob’s image flickered as he took on the appearance of a professor, complete with mortarboard, gown, and glasses. “Let me explain. At present, you are Ann, living in twenty-first-century America. However, as you have seen, you were not always this person. In former lives, you have been Mi, a woman from the Stone Age, and Ra, a priest of Isis in the Roman Empire. And during the reign of Louis XIV, you were Isabelle, a girl from Paris. Correct?”

“Er, yeah,” said Ann, impressed. “Nice summary. But what has this to do with fate?”

“You will recall our conversation about Karma?”

“Of course. It’s the effect that one life has on the next, yes?”

“Correct!” Rob’s hand appeared on the screen and stuck a gold star in the corner. “Now imagine I have a bug in my programming.”

Ann broadly smiled. “That’s not hard. Especially when you look like that!”

“If I had a bug,” he continued, ignoring her joke, “which I don’t, of course, you would get your guys to go into the program and fix the code, yes?”

“I guess so.”

“And then you would upgrade me, so I had a new bug-free program; a new life, if you like.”

“Are you saying that’s what I’ve done as I’ve gone from one life to another?” said Ann. “I’ve been upgraded?”

“Exactly,” said Rob, beaming at her and sticking another gold star in the corner of the screen.

But Ann was unconvinced. “So who upgrades me?” she asked. “Who fixes the bugs in my program?”

“Well, you do, of course! When you use your free will to make correct choices, you are working on upgrading or developing yourself, shaping your own program, your own fate.” 


To be continued...

This Extract is taken from the Redemption novel,  the 4th Part: PEACE. 

Get a 50% discount on e-book via Smashwords!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE. Review. Part 2 out of 2



An especially big concern is Drunvalo’s aggressive promotion of the MerKaBa meditation and permission to his students to mix it with any other meditation technique which they practiced before.


Practicing a serious meditation by myself I know well the teachers'  warning about the danger of mixing the meditations.  

We also have to be aware that western psychiatry won't be able to help in the case of "side-effect" of any meditation as it doesn't have the necessary knowledge.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Multiplying this risk by Drunvalo's definition that "the brain (physical organ) is the mind ( intangible)“, you begin to question his real ability to successfully teach any meditation.

I also googled the “MerKaBa meditation  Drunvalo Melchizedek”. 

Resurrection or Ascension 

The book was written in the 80s-90s, i.e. more than 30 years ago, translated to many languages, and was sold to thousands of people around the world in addition to the dedicated seminars. 

That must be gathered huge statistics on results. As Drunvalo said it depends on you what you will choose - resurrection or ascension (;D). However, I didn't find anything except a 10-min YouTube video of someone with a chat.

Free Will

We have finally to knowledge that there are no magical short-cuts to the higher realm except the tool which was generously given to us by our Spiritual Father. This tool is our Free Will, for defining our Spiritual Direction (towards Light or Darkness or Degradation) and our Goals for gathering higher energetic potential which will allow us not only to enter the Higher Ẅorld but also to survive in it.

Spiritual Choices 

This path of several incarnations with Spiritual Choices and culmination in ascension is entertainingly presented in my fictional novel "Redemption". The idea of the story was brought to me by my personal Heavenly Teacher on my quest for a new ambitious goal.

Currently, this novel is available in the printed and e-book formats on Amazon and Smashwords.

Invisible Worlds

In conclusion, there is no doubt that invisible matters and invisible worlds are difficult to prove, that the UFOs evidence is hidden by governments as they don't know what to do with that, that our consciousness is very low and it must be raised, therefore there is a need for people who are willing to talk about the spiritual.

Spiritual Philosophers 

Unfortunately, our societies don't recognize the need for independent spiritual philosophers and don't pay them salaries, so sometimes the writers must do compromises and go for commercial success under the pressure of a publisher or an investor. 

Paranormal Elements

Is Drunvalo Melchizedek one of them? We don't know. But his book can be also a great inspirational source whether for a sci-fi movie-maker, fantasy writer, or as a kick-off read for any inquisitive man keen on paranormal elements.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE. Review. Part 1 out of 2


Heavenly Teachers

Each of us has a personal Heavenly Teacher*, that appears to us time by time. His main purpose is not to entertain us or himself, but to give us a hand for our spiritual growth.

Spiritual Contact

Unfortunately, the current consciousness of the human race is so low, that it doesn't allow everyone to recognize this spiritual contact - some of us mix it with intuition, others ignore it or simply scared to acknowledge it.

In his book "The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE" (1985-1994)  Drunvalo Melchizedek describes his spiritual teachers such as Thoth, his wife Maat as well a pair of Angels coming to him to reveal unknown.

Sacred Geometry 

The book has two volumes, where the main topics are Sacred Geometry and Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. 

The biggest PROS for the manuscript is the great enthusiasm of the author which is going on through the book. That definitely lifts up a reader from the everyday routine and gives inspiration for the unknown. 

Seed of Life and Flower of Life 

The Seed of Life and the Flower of Life as a part of the Sacred Geometry and the new-age meditation are indeed fascinating subjects to dig in.

There are also other paranormal things in the book which make it entertaining to read.

But there are also significant Cons in it.

One of the problems is a lack of structure -  the manuscript looks like a yellow press sketch with hundreds of shallow developed topics, which hop in and hop out without too much explanation.

However, the bigger issue of the manuscript is the obsessive marketing of the themes described in it and the author himself. 


For example, one of Drunvalo's biggest arguments for immediate spiritual practices is that we live in a time of rapid spiritual growth. He, unfortunately, doesn't specify what his conclusions are based on.  However, the COVID-19 shows us an absence of any glimpse of spirituality on the Globe as during the pandemic no single political nor social leader turned to his people with the words whether about spiritual strength or God. And comparing this with 500 years ago epidemy in England well described in the TV-series "The Tudors", we can see a significant decline in the spirit.


Or Drunvalo states that immortal Thoth came to him to learn Mer-Ka-Ba, as it's much easier meditation than he (Thoth) had been practiced before in order to carry on his immortality.

Inaccuracy is another problem of the writer.


For example, Drunvalo states that during one of the telepathic contact with Thoth he (Drunvalo Melchizedek) was translating Egyptian hieroglyphs to the human language (!). But anyone who experienced telepathy knows that all information is coming and going as a  hologram picture where to see and feel much better and deeper than in the "normal" reality and that the alphabet as a low, logic transmission level is not needed at all.


God mentioned in the book only briefly and with kind of negligence. At a certain point, the author describes our Spiritual Father as an entity ( or the author says He could be several entities) in the physical body and with an irritated mind towards "his children”.  


It is not clear why Drunvalo does not specify the main spiritual question of who our God is, for example, from his Heavenly teachers - Angels ​but applies to the questionable source of knowledge by Zecharia Sitchin.


Drunvalo doesn't deny the reincarnation concept, but he prefers does not to talk about a "soul". 

For instance, the author continuously calls the human race "we", whether he talks about the ancient times - 200 000,13 000 years ago, or about nowadays. But mankind on the Earth now is almost  8 billion.  200,000 years ago some of "us" were in the stage of flora, gathering spiritual energies as a tree or flower or even grass, others were animals and someone lived in the energetic form at the faraway galaxy. 

To be continued

*More about the Heavenly Teachers in the book "Unordinary Life of Heavenly Teachers" by Larisa Seklitova and Ludmila Strelnikova.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why doesn't God hear?

Spiritual Father 

Our Spiritual Father is an owner and CEO of Four Physical Universes and an uncountable number of Thin Worlds*, where our planet Earth is one of the trillions of celestial bodies.

Higher Hierarch

Our Creator is a project manager Himself involving in multidimensional multi-tasking programs and moving towards his goals and objectives on speed beyond of our imaging. Every fraction of a second of His time is preplanned and organized most efficiently in the benefit of the Higher Hierarch, the Greater Being than Himself.


For turning God's attention to a much lower degree problem, such as a human's,  would mean a radical change in his speed; comparable only to the sudden stop of a spacecraft.

Does this mean that He left us here alone? 
No way!

 Heavenly Teachers

Besides providing us with physical bodies and a platform of the  Physical Reality, our Creator appointed individual supervisors for us, which some contactees** call Heavenly Teachers.

Heavenly Teachers are energetic (spiritual) entities living in the Higher World in a different dimension than we are.
They have a much higher level of consciousness than any man and not necessarily have a human origin.


Most importantly, they have much more magnificent and further vision than any of human.

Like any teacher, they benefit from the students' development and improvement and suffer damage in the event of their regression.

Subtle bodies

Usually, one teacher leads a person from the moment of fertilization of the mother's egg until the end of his physical existence and the disassembly of subtle bodies***.

Also, Heavenly Teachers' have such a high level of consciousness that we too can call him God.

However, do Heavenly Teachers hear us? 
Yes, they do!

Spiritual improvement

Can they fulfil any request? 
Theoretically - yes, practically - hardly,  as they will respond only on the petition which is in line with our spiritual improvement, but man demands something material typically.

Is communication with our Heavenly Teacher is only one-way?  No.  
In the best-case scenario, it's two-way communication. 


Heavenly Teachers also can send messages to us.  But, again, can we hear them? 

Theoretically - yes, practically - only very few of us. Unfortunately, our current level of consciousness is so low that even those who can catch and recognize a message do not necessarily interpret it correctly.

However, some people get messages from their Heavenly Teachers daily or frequently. These people are inventors, artists, entrepreneurs and even politicians! For example, one of the most exceptional engineers and futurist.
Nikola Tesla didn't hide that he had received his ideas from above. And that "above" was his Heavenly Teacher.


So, what to do that your Heavenly Teacher heard you? The answer is -  an improvement of Your consciousness.

To sum up, we live in a well-organized hierarchy of our Spiritual Father.
If we compare this hierarchy with a corporation, then our God is CEO of it.

As in any big company, General Director operates on higher or strategic tasks and duties; lower degree managers implement His vision communicating with workers on the lower levels.
The better the worker understand the message from the higher level - the better the result.

In a corporation, the quality of communication is higher with better education of the employees, in our world - with a higher consciousness. 

*Thin worlds= Intangible worlds

** Contactees: Larisa Seklitova, Ludmila Strelnikova

*** Subtle bodies = six thin bodies

This article is based on Jacklyn A. Lo’s thoughts and does not purport to be the absolute truth.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Why Liberate? Part I

Statue of G. the Buddha in Myanmar

a better place to live

People tend to look for a better place to live.  Some emigrate from Africa to Europe, another from Mexico to the USA, etc. European countries, USA, Australia, etc.  are places with the better-developed economy than others; therefore, there is less risk to die from hunger, there are higher security and better shelter.


Therefore the main reason for emigrating there is the elimination of a risk of survival and getting better opportunities for self-development. However, even economically developed countries do not guarantee protection against many other risks contained in the physical reality, as well as provides only limited possibilities for personal growth.


However, are the opportunities of the better living limited only to the economically developed countries and only on the Earth? No, not at all!

There are innumerable amounts of the better developed physical and thin worlds which have much better conditions for living than here in the Earth. So, how to get there?

Thin world

The higher place where to be is a Thin world*, the world without physical reality and a physical body.

As the Higher Teachers try to prepare us to the Thin environment, they provided us with a digital technology - a somewhat prototype how to exist in the upper world. For instance, you play computer games, network with avatars, buy products online or earn bonuses without your physical presence.

It's not too far back we used a physical format for letters and invoices instead of an electronic format. For example, to pay an electricity bill, we had to get it in paper format, go to the bank, stand in line at the checkout, pay in cash, receive a paper check, and send it to the electricity company as proof. If the paper invoice was lost, we had an additional inconvenience and wasted time-solving the problem.

The tangible format of the billing was an inconvenient, time-consuming and kind of risky way to handle the everyday things.

digital technologies

Nowadays, digital technologies provide us with the opportunity to pay bills electronically and automatically.  Once you set-up the e-banking, you don't need to spend any time or energy to deal with the payment issue any more. Therefore,  the risk and time required to pay the bills are close to zero.

Now, imaging that instead of the bills, your physical body shifts from the tangible format to an intangible one.


So, you don't have a material body anymore. And what is you is your consciousness only. You don't need to worry either about food, shelter or clothing. You can move where ever you want just by your will. How does it sound?

You might say, Okay, but it's nothing new. I have an avatar and play in the fantasy world as much as I want. Besides,  I can be any hero in the interactive gameplay with other avatars remotely.


You might say that you also network with people whom you never met and no liberation is needed for that. Yes, that's right; the digital technologies gave us a great chance to check out an intangible world before Spiritual Exit**.

However, as you go back from a virtual experience to physical life, you still have to nourish your physical body, provide shelter, etc.


However, the primary care of your body is not the only challenging part of the physical existence. The essential problem is a high risk for your soul.

*Thin world*= Intangible world
**Spiritual Exit = liberation

This article is based on Jacklyn A. Lo’s thoughts and does not purport to be the absolute truth.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Fearless (1993). Spiritual Movie Review - Jacklyn A.Lo

© IMDb

The Fearless (1993) is a high-end Spiritual movie, and the keyword is Compassion.

The main protagonist, Max, faces a Spiritual Choice.

This experience, decisive for his fate, takes place during an aeroplane crash. In this extraordinary situation during the minimal time, Max must choose his Spiritual direction

Fear would lead him to the path of Darkness, but choosing Courage - to the Light. And he goes for the second option. 

His choice works as a trigger for the program of that life path that is programmed for this choice.

Usually, an average person can't see a consequence of his spiritual choice beforehand, the same with Max.

After the strong mental statement "I am not afraid" Max moves from his seat to help a lonely boy.
As a result, changing the place prevents him from death, which his partner got.

Like a chain reaction, the highest intangible values of Lights switch on and
Max experiences Compassion inside himself, which leads him to rescue surviving people.

His soul and mind rejoice because Max not only made the Right Spiritual Choice but also survived: "That was the best what happened with me in my life".

Now Max recognises how much he was close to death.  His soul can pick up the "echo" of that life-scenario that remained unmanifest.

He captures this 
echo not with reason, but with a unique inner feeling. Max, however, is mistaken by thinking that all survived people feel the same. And when he points out that "we are already dead" to Carla, she is not able to understand him because her inner experience is not the same. 

Unconditional love is the highest 
grade of Compassion. That is a stage what, Max, experiences with Carla. She lost her child and desperate, and he is ready to sacrifice his life to awaken her from the depression.

Unfortunately, unconditional love is so rare in people's lives that even sophisticated and caring people, such as Max's wife, cannot understand this.

To make a conclusion, Compassion is one of the highest intangible values of Lights. Unfortunately, due to our low level of consciousness, most of us do not understand the meaning of it. 

As a result, there are not many films with a theme of Compassion. And, as an unfortunate "norm", Compassion does not come from a person, but from a creature not of human origin ( Kyle XY (TV Series 2006-2009),  K-PAX (2001).

Certainly, Fearless (1993) by Peter Weir is a beautiful spiritual film, and the plot could be even stronger if the awakened Max would rethink about his Faith in God.

You can find more about Spiritual Choice and the highest intangible values of Lights in the novel Redemption

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Review on Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) and lessons learnt

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) is a movie about Benjamin Barker, who, being conquered by his angry mind, became a murderer and finally was murdered himself.

                                                                                             Sweeney Todd © IMDb

Unjustly convicted and imprisoned, Benjamin Barker returned to his native city. Led by his irritated mind, he programmed himself for revenge and changed his name to Sweeney Todd.
As that, the protagonist, putting all his effort into vengeance, is not capable of catching either hope for a brighter future or any opportunities in his new life. His anger spreads and hurts innocent people.
Benjamin’s mad mind pushes him to murder anyone who enters his barbershop. It doesn’t matter who is in front of him. Whether it’s his offender (Judge Turpin) or anyone else, his anger hits everyone.
Murdering innocent people, Sweeney Todd continuously harms his own soul by absorbing heavy, dark energies. He is steadily turning towards Darkness and shutting down a new and brighter future not only for himself but also for others, including his teenage daughter and his new spouse.

The lesson learned:
In the Western world, revenge is an acceptable reaction to someone who has made you unhappy. People fight against those who insult them because they think they have lost their happiness due to an injustice enacted by the offender, not because of their own imperfections. When an angry person hits back at his offender, he makes the problem bigger, creating the same effect as pouring petrol into a fire – the fire becomes larger and more dangerous.
The Eastern world, experienced with spiritual wisdom and meditation practices, teaches that instead of petrol, one should pour water into the fire, which would extinguish it.
That essentially means that if you have been offended, you must not only observe your emotional state but also keep your mind above the situation. A balanced mind in this case can become a friend and won’t give anger a chance to push you towards words or actions, which would badly affect your future.
Some people might argue that they want to hit back at an offender because that action would teach the offender a lesson. In addition, they would get the personal satisfaction of the protection themselves. However, this is a reaction of your ego; reality shows that hitting back does not make things better, only worse.
Hatred absorbs a lot of time and effort; you are shifting your focus from your life’s goals to the distracting direction of revenge. You risk turning your life into hell – irritation and anger as a chain reaction are jumping up from the offender to the innocent one, hurting guiltless people only because they were in the way.
The worst thing happens on the deeper level of the subconscious – an uprising of the karmic nodes. Each karmic node would require attention, if not in this present life, in the next. You’re going to meet the same spiritual entity (a person) again and again to solve the problem – to unleash the karmic node. This involves extending your existence in the physical world and prolonging your path to liberation.

Anger management by G. Buddha:
One person, who lived on the Earth about 2,600 years ago, invented a technique helping people manage anger. As a matter of fact, that technique was a remedy addressing any imperfection of the human mind, creating the chance for full enlightenment and, consequently, providing a fast track to liberation from the physical world. This person is best known as Buddha, but his real name was Siddhartha Gautama.
Gautama became fully enlightened at the age of 35 and, driven by compassion, helped people until his death at the age of 80.
Buddha’s meditation, known as the Vippasanna technique, helps balance and manage your own mind. He invented the technique with the intention of removing imperfection (= sins) and avoiding generating new ones.
For example, going for revenge, a person would generate a new karmic node with each offender. Each karmic node, as a heavy stone, would prevent him from climbing up to the goal – liberation from physical reality. 

Each and every one of us, time after time, has faced a situation with a person who has insulted us. Buddha was no exception – he also met offenders, but he could transform negativity into positivity without hurting the offender, also gaining extra psycho-energy for himself. In this article, I provide two examples of how he did it. These examples I have heard are from the Vipassana meditation course.
One day, Buddha received a visitor. The man was very irritated. He told Gautama that though he pretended to be a spiritual guru, he wasn’t because, according to the man, a true yogi was supposed to have long hair, tiger fur, and other accessories.
Buddha listened to the man without interrupting. When the offender finished, Buddha asked him, “Are you, dear sir, getting guests in your house?”
“Yes, I am,” answered the offender.
“Do they give presents to you?”
“Yes, sometimes they do bring me presents.”
Buddha said in a calm voice, “I do not accept your present to me. Take it back and go home.”
The offender wanted to fire but left with empty hands because the fire died when Gautama poured water on it. The offender had no other option than to turn back and go home.

Another case of anger management from the life of Buddha.
There were some people who were jealous of Gautama’s fame and popularity. They decided to damage his reputation.

They sent a young, beautiful woman to his ashram, and she attended Buddha’s teaching. Every morning the woman passed the people in the ashram and told them she had spent another night with Gautama. Time passed and one day many important people gathered in the Buddha’s ashram. The woman came also. It looked like she was pregnant. She accused Gautama of being the father, using nasty words. Buddha listened to her and said in a calm voice, “We both know the truth." The woman became nervous; the wooden piece attached to her belly dropped out and everyone saw that she had lied.

The lesson: Keeping your mind in balance gives you a great advantage in a situation when you face an offender who has the intention of making you unhappy. A trained mind that focuses on positive decisions will help you figure out the right solution for the problem you face.