Sunday, March 27, 2022

Why War? Part I: A Spiritual View on War 👁️

© Konstantin Grishin/EPA

The war in Ukraine is a catastrophe that any sane person would like to prevent. But what specifically needs to be done for this from a Spiritual point of view, and why do the Higher Forces allow wars?

To understand this, let's look at why the planet Earth was created.

Why was Earth created? 


Planet Earth, humans, and the interactive platform for them were created by Higher Forces for two main reasons:

A. The need for earthly energies on a daily basis

B. Need for new souls to replenish the Higher Hierarchies

As in any project, the Higher Powers have set concrete goals for themselves and expect results of a certain quality.

A. daily energies

Let's have a look at the daily energies first.  What are these energies? Where do they come from?

Energies come from people through:


There is a large spectrum of energies, which we could combine into three main groups

The highest quality of energy
The average quality of energy
The low-quality of energy

The highest quality of the energy  😀 is the purest energy coming from:

  • Compassion & Help 
  • Love & Healing
  • Gratitude
  • Spirituality
  • Creativity in
    • Art & Music
    • Writing &Films
    • Philosophy & Metaphysical

The average quality of the energy 😐 is the energy coming from:

  • Engineering & Programming
  • Production & Operations 
  • Sales & Marketing 
  • Finance & Management 
  • Pop Music and Art
  • Traveling, cooking

Low quality of the energyis the energy coming from:  

  • Speculation and lies
  • Gossip and slander
  • Quarrel and swearing
  • Fun without learning
  • Drunken fights, quarrels, and fights

Higher powers need a certain quality and quantity of energy. 

Quality demand

Let's look at the qualitative-quantitative demand*  from the Higher Forces and the energies that we produce for them (Table 1).

Table 1. Energies Demand-Supply Correlation

The Highest ones want us to produce 60% high-quality content, but we can only give them 10% only, i.e 6 times less.  

They want us to generate only 30% energy average quality, but we give them twice as much.

And, finally, the Higher Powers set a threshold of 10% for low-quality energies, and we give them three times as much.

In other words, we do not provide the Supreme with the results that they need.

B.  Quality of souls for Higher Hierarchies

The Higher Ones also have requirements for the quality of the souls themselves. The quality of a soul mainly depends on the Spiritual Choice of the soul. 

Hierarchy of Lights
Hierarchy of Darks

Souls with a multiple-choice to the Light acquire such qualities that allow them to enter the Hierarchy of Lights

Souls with a multiple-choice towards Darkness acquire such qualities that allow them to enter the Hierarchy of Darks.

Pic. 1

One of the main principles is that the Hierarchy of Lights must be larger and more powerful than the Hierarchy of Darkness.
Therefore, the demand for souls with the qualities of Light is higher than for souls with the qualities of Darkness (pic. 1). 

So, how well do we satisfy this requirement of the Supreme?

To answer this question, let's build the Demand-Supply for souls* in Table 2.

Table 2. Demand-Supply for Souls

Spiritual Choices

As you can see from the table, we are again far from ideal - people make a choice towards Darkness much more often than towards Light. 

In other words, the Higher Ones receive an excess of one quality of souls and a lack of others.


Souls who have chosen Degradation are the least desirable for the Highest. 

The Higher Ones spent much more energy on them than They received in return; in the long run, as unprofitable, these souls are sent for decoding

The more degradants, the less profitable Their project is.


#UkraineWar, #WarAndPeace, #ConflictResolution, #StopWar, #GlobalConflict, #Spirituality, #Metaphysics, #HigherForces, #SoulJourney, #SpiritualChoice, #HierarchyOfLights, #HierarchyOfDarkness, #SpiritualEnergy, #DivinePurpose, #EarthsPurpose, #CosmicEnergy, #SpiritualAwakening, #HumanEnergy, #EnergyExchange, #PositiveEnergy, #NegativeEnergy, #ThoughtsMatter, #ConsciousLiving, #Philosophy, #Ethics, #HumanNature, #GoodAndEvil, #SeklitovaStrelnikova, #Contactees

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