We must understand that the souls of the "Treasury Fund" having a higher consciousness see all flaws and imperfections of the physical reality and truly want to improve our world.
But, in order to develop their ideas or implement a project, the Artists need money, at least to cover the cost of living.
So, some of them find part-time jobs, which are normally low-paid manual labor ( migration A). Low consciousness
In this process, the sophisticated souls face the primitiveness of the low consciousness and suffer. Many can't stand this and give up the development of their own ideas.
They go to learn a profession that could provide them with a predictable monthly income ( migration B).
Physical world
Understanding the primitiveness and falsity of most of the knowledge of the physical world, the souls of higher consciousness rarely enter the magistracy or doctoral studies (migration C).
Those souls who lose their hope get depressed and end up in a mental hospital and, in the worst case, commit suicide (migration D).
Life project
The interruption of a life project by premature death is harmful not only for the soul itself but also for the Higher Ones since they invest a lot of resources both for the incarnation of the soul and for maintaining it on Earth.
A return on Their investment runs in minus, and They start questioning the practicability of Their project on our planet.
High-quality energies
Someone might say, “I don't believe it's that bad. There must be other ways to make high-quality energies, not only through the daily energies of sophisticated souls of Treasury Fund.”
Well, that's partly true. And now we come to another significant point - Spiritual Choice.
To be able to make any choice, including spiritual choices, you must have free will.
Free Will |
Free will
Free will is given by our Spiritual Father to a soul at its first incarnation, i.e. to a young soul entering the human world from the animal kingdom ( illustration 1).
Illustration 1. |
Heavenly programmers
This gift of free will is quite expensive for our God because instead of one direct program, Heavenly programmers need to make three - according to the number of directions of choice - a choice to Light, Darkness, and Degradation.
God goes to this extra expense because He wants to see us as diverse and individual.
Spiritual Choice
Spiritual Choice plays the main role in the diversification of our souls.
Illustration 2. |
Spiritual directions
At the moment of a Spiritual Choice a person faces two main spiritual directions - towards Light and Darkness ( illustration 1). Degradation is a sub-direction and this is the worse case scenario for any soul.
Spiritual test
Spiritual Choice is a spiritual test for any person or group of people. The size of a group can be as big as a nation.
The guideline for spiritual choice is always a set of VALUES. The values of Darkness are opposite to the values of Light.
Negative karma
Making a conscious choice towards the values of Darkness, a spiritual entity* acquires negative karma. As a result, it receives a program and a guide from the Dark Ones, which brings suffering.
Light Ones
In the event that the spiritual entity works off mistakes (the negative karma), the leader from the Dark Ones is replaced by the leader from the Light Ones, who introduces into her existence the values of Light and prosperity.
Who tests us
In Part IV, we will consider what will happen to Free Will if a spiritual entity constantly chooses Darkness, and also who tests and tempts us and why.
#CreativitySurvival, #ArtistStruggle, #CreativeSouls, #TreasuryFund, #ReplenishingCreativity, #CreativeDrought, #SoulSurvival, #ArtisticFreedom, #CreativeEnergy, #SpiritualCreativity, #MaterialWorld, #CreativeFuture, #IdeaGeneration, #ArtisticEndurance, #CreativeResilience, #SpiritualArtists, #CreativeBlock, #ArtisticIntegrity, #CreativeInspiration, #SupportArtists
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