Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why War? Part VIII: Light, Darkness, and the Politics of Transformation 🌀

Broken Chains, Unfinished Freedom

Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions and his Choice for Putin

The Process of Degradation* that began under Brezhnev is slowly but steadily leading to the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc first and then spreading to the USSR itself. 

In 1991, fifteen independent states were formed, one of which was Russia. The new leader, Boris Yeltsin became the president of Russia and removed Mikhail Gorbachev from the leading position.

*Degradation from a spiritual point of view is the process of loss of previously accumulated energies

Fig 1. B. Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions

Direction to Light

Victory over Communism

Yeltsin's greatest achievement as a Russian leader is his ultimate victory over the dictatorship of Communism**, which lasted for almost 75 years.

A communist by right, Yeltsin criticized the leadership of the Communist Party and canceled his membership in the party. That is an act of unheard-of Courage and Honesty in his time (1990) and gives Hope to many.

He significantly shakes the Faith in Communism and destroys the cult of the party elite, that have been violating the first two Commandments of God for several generations.


By giving Freedom for Conscience (including freedom of religion and thought), Yeltsin softened the country's karma which resulted in a new, democratic constitution, significantly improving the Human Rights of ordinary citizens.

Another significant step towards Light was the replacement of a Command Economy (without freedom and choice)  with a Free ( Market) one.


Also, Yeltsin signed a breakthrough arms-reduction agreement with President of the USA George H.W. Bush ( Peace = Value of Lights).

B. Yeltsin was a representative of the following  Values of Lights:

Human Rights

Direction to Darkness

However, there are also some economic and political challenges that B. Yeltsin could handle much better. 

Among them:

  • Problems with the control of freedom, for example, in the economy, leading to Chaos 
  • As a result of the Chaos, Yeltsin provided Russians with misleading information about the non-devaluation of the ruble in 1998, i.e., he Lies
  • The War in Chechnya, which fights for sovereignty, i.e. for Freedom (= Value of Light)
  • As a result of the war, the assassination of the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria  D. Dudayev, who hoped for Peace and Freedom for his people

As we know, Chaos, lies, and War are Values of Darkness, bringing Negative Karma to anyone who created them.

Karmic Aspect


Chaos in the economy brought instability to Yeltsin himself and his family, making them dependent on others, including V. Putin.


The Lie led to a sharp loss of Yeltsin's popularity among ordinary Russians who had lost all their savings. This resulted in a political crisis as Yeltsin, with domestic support evaporating, had to contend with an emboldened opposition in parliament.


The first unjust war in Chechnya brings with it a second round of hostilities with thousands of dead and wounded, including Russian soldiers, and the rise of the Dark Ones in Chechnya.




Whether we love democracy or those who are able to bring it into the world, we must recognize that any personal weakness of a leader is a huge obstacle to a Choice towards Light not only for himself but also for his country.


According to public information, B. Yeltsin had some attachments - to alcohol, family, and, possibly, power. These predilections could force him to bring a successor more convenient for himself, but not for the Russian people, to whom he wanted to give, but did not give the desired democracy.


Deteriorating health and lack of due diligence* were additional factors for the transfer of power in Russia to a man like Vladimir Putin.

*Young Putin served in the 5th Directorate of the KGB to combat dissent, including religion, which is a contradiction to Freedom of Conscious, which Yeltsin was fighting for.


  • Yeltsin liberated Russia from Faith in Communism and cleansed the country's negative karma
  • Under his leadership, the Russians receive Hope for the continuation of the movement toward the Light.
  • Due to attachments and illnesses, Yeltsin takes several big steps toward Darkness
  • The created negative karma hits Yeltsin personally, providing dependence on others, which brings such a successor as V. Putin.


#RussianPolitics, #SpiritualTransformation, #PoliticalKarma, #YeltsinLegacy, #LightAndDarkness, #PowerTransition, #GeopoliticalChange, #ColdWarEra, #PoliticalEvolution, #FredomVsDictatorship, #HistoricalTransitions, #PoliticalJourney, #GlobalPolitics, #RussianHistory, #SystemicChange

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