Sunday, June 12, 2022

Why War? Summary (A) — The Hidden Power of Spiritual Choice 🌟

A Leader's Spiritual Choice Shapes the Future of Humanity

What Spiritual Choice do you think Volodymyr  Zelenskyy would have made on February 24 if twenty years ago he would have gone to work as a lawyer for whom he studied?

I think his Spiritual Choice would have been different, our current moment would be different, and the future of humanity would have been different. 

Fig.1. Levels of Consciousness: Artist and Lawyer

We must recognize that Creativity is of far greater value than Logic or Analysis, and Artists* have the highest level of consciousness (between 75 and 100 levels).

All other professions (including lawyers) are a reflection of a lower level of consciousness.

CArtist       CLawyer 

Why War? Summary / Part A

  • Our Earth is just one of the countless planets in the materialistic worlds of Our Spiritual Father, the Head of Light*

Universe ©

  • The creation of our planet and the people on it is the result of the need for a certain type of daily energies and a certain type of souls
  • The daily energies come from the thoughts, speech, and doings of humanity, where the highest quality of energy belongs to the "Treasury Fund" of people, i.e. Artists.
  • Since the Artists have the highest level of consciousness, this allows them to have a broader vision of not only the Material Reality but also the hidden one, i.e. Metaphysical.
  • However, there is a lack of recognition of the Artists’ value, so the Artists suffer from a lack of money and respect. Therefore, instead of developing their own creative projects, they are forced to look for a job with a predictable salary, which means under someone's lower strategic vision.
  • The Head of Light demands us to have more souls moving towards Light, but the Spiritual Choice of Light is very challenging. This is especially difficult to do in an environment that supports superficial vision, that is, the exaggerated power of money and other values ​​of the material world.
  • As long as we meet the requirements of the CEO of Lights, we will enjoy peace and prosperity. However, when the quality of everyday energies and the quality of souls deteriorate sharply, we get an extreme, i.e. WAR.
  • The Spiritual Choice of a Leader is very important, especially in wartime. 
  • At a certain point in history (for example, now), this can lead either to the development of the Values of Light (Choice of Light) or to the failure of the entire project of the planet Earth and humanity on it (Choice of Darkness).

But are there any means to prevent WAR?

YES, indeed!

Our Spiritual Father always provides us chances to prevent a WAR

In the case, if the chance is taken we continue a peaceful movement forward, but if we miss the chance for voluntary improvement we face harsh consequences, where one of those is WAR, i.e. suffering of a big number of people.

You ask: "And if the war has already begun?"

Our Spiritual Father is always watching over us, and He can stop the war run by Satan at any moment. 

So what needs to be improved? Let's make a list.

πŸ’‘ List of Improvements:

  • Raise the value of Independent Thinking
  • Do not abuse Political Power
  • Improving Women's Rights
  • Raising the Value of Art and Artists
  • Financial Support for Writers
  • Recognition for Energy Healers
  • Discover Reincarnation concept


*Artists, musicians, healers, spiritual preachers, writers, philosophers, screenwriters, directors, and business idea generators.

*CEO of Lights = God = Head of lights = Our Spiritual Father

πŸ” Read More:

πŸ“– Spiritual Choice – Explore this concept in-depth in HERE

😈 Satan & His Team – Discover their role in the screenplay Redemption.

πŸ“œ Related Reads:

⚖️ Why War? Summary (B): Toward a More Conscious Society πŸŒ

⚔️ Why War? – Full Article

#WhyWar, #SpiritualChoice, #Zelenskyy, #Leadership, #Consciousness, #Metaphysics, #LightVsDarkness, #Freedom, #Artists, #Humanity, #WarAndPeace, #History, #IndependentThinking, #Future

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