Sunday, May 22, 2022

Why War? Part IX/A: The Anatomy of Power's Darkness πŸ•Έ️

Trapped in Satan's Web

"By their fruit, you will recognize them."
                Holy Bible

V. Putin 

Vladimir Putin became President of the Russian Federation in 2000

By abusing his authority, he amended Yeltsin's constitution, allowing himself to remain in power until today (May 22, 2022) with a lifetime perspective.

The less you know...

In order to understand who Mr. Putin is from a metaphysical point of view, we must conduct a thorough check, using not only the “nice and polished” official pages of the president but also information from independent researchers.

Mr. Pu

Based on open Internet sources, Vladimir Putin gathered an extensive list of "merits", which David Sutter called "The less you know, the better you sleep."

Since V. Putin has never officially been under investigation or trial, we shall conduct our metaphysical analysis by creating a fictional character named Mr. Pu.

Time and place of birth

In accordance with the researcher Krystyna Kurczab-Redlich, Mr. Pu was incarnated into a human body 2 years earlier and in a place a thousand times smaller than it mentioned in his official sources of info. 

Initial Energy Potential 

Judging by the fact that little Pu was born in poverty and grew up in an environment that was not very supportive of his personal growth, his initial Energy Potential ( and consciousness) was low.

However, at the age of 10, he gets a significant boost by moving to St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).

Change in Energy Potential

A city of 5 million people gives little Pu much better opportunities for study, sport, and street life. However, his grades, especially in logical subjects, and leadership abilities were rather mediocre, which confirms the low energy potential of his soul and the low level of his consciousness

Outstanding results in combat sports (if any) do not add too many bonuses to his spiritual development.

Increasing Energy Potential 

Getting a law degree at the State University, working several years for KGB, and attending know-how courses add further potential to Pu's energy reserve.

Nevertheless, according to Yuri Shvets, a former Soviet intelligence officer and fellow student of Pu in the Academy of Foreign Intelligence, Pu was also far from perfect in professional studies, had weak analytical skills, and got several offensive nicknames, which again points out his not high energy potential.

Fig. 1 Upgrade of Pu's consciousness via education

Before Choices

The unemployed Pu returned to Leningrad and was thinking about working as a taxi driver, but sudden luck brought him together with the mayor of Leningrad  Anatolii Sobchak, who hired Pu to attract foreign investment to the city.

Spiritual Choice#1 - Money

Most probably at that period of his life, Pu faced his first Spiritual Choice.  A Spiritual Choice is always a tailored-made exam given to an adult individual to choose his Spiritual Direction based on his personal values.

Such a dilemma seems to have appeared for Pu in 1992 when he had to decide whether to feed the starving in Leningrad or steal food money

Mr. Pu chose the second option, betraying the fabulous city to which he owes so much.


Having made the Spiritual Choice in favor of Darkness, Mr. Pu falls under the close attention of SatanIn order to encourage the potential victim, the CEO of Darkness throws Pu a portion of energy, as well as other benefits of the material world.

Money, like alcohol or drugs, is addictive. Satan grabs the “compliant” and slowly but steadily drags him into his bosom in order to make him an easily obedient slave.

Spiritual Choice #2 - Power

Another famous tool of Satan is Power.  He had his chance in August 1999, when a weary Yeltsin announced Pu as his successor.

Pu faced a choice - to go to the presidential elections on the recommendation of Yeltsin only, or to organize a "special operation" to increase his own pre-election rating. 

Mr. Pu chose the second option. In September 1999, several apartment bombings took place around Moscow and the region. Pu promised to find those responsible, unleashed a second war in Chechnya, and won the presidential election.

Achievement of Goal

Achieving the goal of becoming the president of Russia gave Pu additional energy potential but coarsened his soul and consciousness (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Change of Energies and Consciousness via Spiritual Choice towards Darkness

πŸ” Read More:

πŸ“– Spiritual Choice – Explore this concept in-depth in HERE

🎭 Satan & His Team – Discover their role in the screenplay Redemption.

πŸ“œ Related Reads:

⚖️ Why War? Part IX/B – Putin’s Pact with the CEO of Evil πŸ”₯
⚔️ Why War? – Full Article

#PoliticalPsychology, #PowerDynamics, #SpiritualDarkness, #PutinRise, #GeopoliticalManipulation, #MetaphysicalJourney, #PoliticalShadows, #SystemicControl, #PowerCorruption, #GlobalPolitics, #AuthoritarianPsyche, #EthicalChoices, #PoliticalTransformation, #DeepStatePolitics, #SpiritualChoice

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