Sunday, May 8, 2022

Why War? Part VII: Cleansing Through Degradation 📉

A symbol of the era

When a spiritual being, including a country, constantly accumulates Dark Energies and cannot make the right Choice towards Light, the Higher Ones can give it a program of Degradation1


In the hands of the Highest, a Degradation is a tool for clearing accumulated harmful energies.

So, in 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by the new leader of Russia (USSR) Leonid Brezhnev, who had all the prerequisites to implement the Degradation plan.

Fig 1. L. I. Brezhnev. Period of Degradation 


Brezhnev began his regime with the mass production of nuclear and other weapons, costing the Soviet economy dearly.

At the same time, any entrepreneurship, initiative in the economy, or other areas is severely punished. Violators are punished either in prison or in a psychiatric hospital (injustice and slavery are the values of the Darks). 

No Choice 

The planned from above economy2 itself with fixed prices and an information vacuum is a "No Choice" feature of Darks. 

Lack of motivation and incentives moves people into such workplaces where they can steal (i.e., catering, trade). The value of honest work is declining. The Commandment of God "Thou shalt not steal" is violated on the country level.

Values of Darks

In addition, in 1968, Russia (USSR) carried out an invasion of Czechoslovakia to suppress human rights and freedom (inhumanity and slavery = values of Darks) and started a costly war in Afghanistan in 1969 (war = value of Darks).

Faith in communism

At the same time, the government elite strongly promotes Faith in Communism along with the worship of Lenin and the cult of Brezhnev (a violation of the 1st and 2nd commandments and dedicated karma for it).


Brezhnev also used the sale of alcohol as a source of government revenue.  Drunkenness becomes a serious social problem, hitting the quality of goods produced.

Stagnant processes lead to a slow but steady loss of previously accumulated energies. Degradation affects the country's economy badly, generating a shortage of all products, including essential goods. 


Addicted to glory3 and autocracy L. Brezhnev becomes the perfect executor of the Highest plan. Old and ill he drags on his role until the very end of his life (1982).

Fig 2. Brezhnev's addictions

M. Gorbachev

The average age of the government elite in this era is about 70 years old.  Sick and old successors of Brezhnev fall ill and died one after another, clearing a place for relatively young Mikhail Gorbachev

Having become a leader of Russia ( USSR) in 1985 Gorbachev set a new challenge for the country - the Spiritual Direction toward Light.

Fig 3. M. Gorbachev's Spiritual Choice 

As we learned earlier, the Spiritual Choice towards the Light is the most difficult choice. Therefore, oil prices on the world market are falling, which further weakens the Russian economy.


The leader of the country Gorbachev is able to establish the main Value of Light - FREEDOM

Russians get the opportunity to travel abroad, open a business, and publish and read books that have been banned for almost 70 years.

As a real pacifist, Gorbachev also gives political freedom to the Eastern Bloc of countries.


A new vocabulary has been created: GLASTNOST (Freedom of Speech) and PERESTROIKA (reconstruction).

Negative Karma 

However, the new leader still violates the 1st Commandment of God, keeping the Faith in communism, which continues to generate negative karma for the country.

Command Economy

Another problem is that Gorbachev is in no hurry to change the command economy ( a feature of Darkness) to the market economy (a feature of Light). Half-hearted measures impede rapid economic growth.

Eastern Bloc

As the Russian economy continues to decline, financial assistance to the countries of the Eastern Bloc ends, causing the bloc itself to collapse. Most likely, this is a continuation of the degradation process that began a generation ago.


  • Guided by compassion, the Higher Ones gave the USSR a Degradation program for cleaning from Dark Energies
  • L. Brezhnev, obsessed with glory and autocracy, is an excellent executor of this plan
  • After 21 years of forced cleansing, the USSR finally gets a chance to head for the Light through the leadership of M. Gorbachev
  • The ongoing process of degradation of the USSR and the freedom granted destroyed Communist regimes in the Eastern Bloc


1 The process of Degradation is well described in the books of contactees L. Seklitova, L. Strelnikova
Everything was planned from above; there was little that could be done from the level of the household, the individual worker, or the enterprise.  This killed the initiative from below, and the planned nature of the system brought the situation to the point of absurdity: for example, in the light industry, to make minimal changes in the design of clothes, it took an extremely long time to coordinate them in different instances.
Brezhnev's first desire as a future "leader" was that the entire party elite should stand up when he entered the hall 😉.


Why War? Part VIII: Light, Darkness, and the Politics of Transformation 🌀

Why War⚔️Full Article

#Degradation, #USSR, #Brezhnev, #Gorbachev, #Glasnost, #Perestroika, #SovietHistory, #SpiritualChoice, #Karma, #ColdWar, #PoliticalReform, #EconomicDecline, #SpiritualCleansing, #HistoricalAnalysis, #SovietUnionCollapse, #RussianHistory, #SpiritualWarfare, #Geopolitics, #Ideology, #HistoricalKarma

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