Sunday, May 1, 2022

Why War? Part VI: The Ten Commandments and the USSR ⛓️

Ten Commandments

The Holy Bible says: 

1. You shall have no gods before me
2. You shall make no idols
3. Honor your mother and father
4. You shall not murder
5. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

Joseph Jughashvili (Stalin)  immediately violated the Five Commandments out of Ten when he came to power in the USSR in 1924.

 A banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin

Stalin's commandments

1. Stalin replaced faith in God with faith in communism

2. Turned Lenin into an idol and generated a cult of his own personality

Berlin 1951 

3. Encouraged children to denounce parents

4. Forced people to bear false witnesses;

5. Carried out constant purges with mass executions of people.


For 30 years, Russia (USSR) paid with karma for joining the First World War, while accumulating a new one for violating the Commandments.

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

Along with the Spiritual Choice towards Darkness made by Tsar Nicholas, the violation of the Commandments of God gave rise to heavy negative karma that tormented the Russian people for almost 30 years - until the death of J. Stalin in 1953.


The next leader of Russia (USSR), N. Khrushchev, admits the grossest mistakes in the creation of the cult of Stalin, repressions, and purges.

Times Magazine 

The mummy of Stalin is taken out of the Mausoleum, the streets are renamed and the city Stalingrad becomes Volgograd.

Repentance for sins

Khrushchev's repentance for sins greatly softened the karma of the country*. The USSR is slowly but steadily beginning to emerge from Darkness into Light.

However, this transformation does not bring everything that should have been done: neither Faith in God nor deliverance from the idol of Lenin, the one-party system, and autocracy.

The new leader has the intention to move towards the Light, but in fact carries a mixture of Values. Here are freedom of speech and persecution of artists, improved living conditions and crop failures, friendship with the West, and military intervention in the internal affairs of a sovereign country.

You shall not murder

In 1956, one of the main Commandments was broken - "You shall not murder". The Soviet Army killed 2,500 Hungarians who fought for the weakening of communist control and the observance of human rights.    

Cruelty and inhumanity in the war against Freedom in a sovereign country (against Free Will) bring despair to people (despair = Value of Darks).


With a three-year education (low energetic potential), Khrushchev autocratically made important economic and political decisions. The consequences of these mistakes give rise to instability and chaos in the country (Values of Darks).

Injustice and despair  

But probably the biggest damage to the movement towards the Light becomes the execution of desperate workers in Novocherkassk (1962) who wanted to improve their plight.

In addition to being unfair, this action of the ruling elite was contrary to the idea of Marxism-Leninism itself with the dictatorship of the proletariat, which was the main engine of the struggle of several generations of revolutionaries. 

This inhuman act of the Khrushchev regime shakes faith in Soviet power and Communism and drives the workers to even deeper despair ( = Value of Darks). 

This destroyed their faith in both God and communism.

* God will forgive a repentant sinner “seventy-times-seven times” (i.e., a limitless number).


  • Russia suffered from the Spiritual Choice toward Darkness in 1914 until 1953
  • During the regime of the Darks, the country accumulated new karma for violating several of God's Commandments
  • The new leader, N. Khrushchev, turned Russia towards the Light by publicly repenting of the sins of the country's leadership (Stalin)
  • Repentance brought relief to the karma of the people, but not all sins were recognized
  • Due to the low energy potential and autocracy, Khrushchev was not able to consistently follow the Values ​​of Light 
  • At the end of the Khrushchev regime, some of the Values ​​of Darkness were returned 


  • Spiritual Choices toward Lights in the Novel Redemption.
  • Find more about Spiritual choice towards Darkness in the screenplay Heaven.

#TenCommandments, #USSR, #SovietUnion, #Communism, #Stalin, #Khrushchev, #Karma, #SpiritualLaw, #DivineLaw, #SpiritualChoice, #Repentance, #Atheism, #Idolatry, #CultOfPersonality, #Purges, #HumanRights, #SpiritualWarfare, #HistoricalKarma, #SpiritualHistory, #SovietHistory

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