Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why War? Summary (C): Women & Artists for a Better Future 👩‍🎨 🎭

Alphonse Mucha

Beauty will save the world.

  Fyodor Dostoevsky


Female beauty has always been a source of inspiration for poets and the insane feats of knights competing for the beauty's heart. But women are not only a source of love but also of a higher level of consciousness.

Involve Women in Decision-Making

Women's consciousness is, on average, higher than men's. The higher the consciousness, the greater the vision and hence the fewer mistakes and less suffering.

Therefore, women should be involved in decision-making in any sphere of life much more widely than is done.

Improve Women's Rights

Restrictions on women's rights should be avoided. 
This should include the right to have an abortion, as a woman has the right to decide if she wants to turn an embryo* into a baby or not.

It is necessary to improve working and rest conditions for working mothers. Governments should stimulate the birth rate in "soft" ways, for example:

A. Reduce women's working hours from 8 to 7 hours by ensuring equal pay, starting at least with women with two children.

B. Increase paid leave for women with children

C. Improve conditions for children in school, such as free hot meals, as well as an after-school model if both parents work.

*Note: An embryo is not a spiritual being, as it does not have a soul. The incarnation of the soul occurs at the time of the physical birth of the baby.

'Planet' at the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Maybe high-end entrepreneurs can show their Courage to start this innovation? 
You can do it! 💪

To increase the value of Art and Artists 

At present, the value of wealth exceeds the value of Creativity ( Art), which is the main Value of Higher Consciousness. 

For example, in the UK, property owners do not bother to personally go to the artists who come with their work but disrespectfully send their servants to them (!). Imagine how Satan, the general director of Darkness, at this moment enjoys the triumph - how low are the Values of God in the World He created!

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Financial support for Artists

In other Western countries*, public and private artist support funds are so small that they can only provide grant funding to one in ten applicants. 

Please note that the grant is not given for several years, not for a year, but maybe as small as for a couple of months only. After that, the Artist is once again left to struggle with unpredictability.

* Finland

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore.

Reduce taxation for emerging artists

Whether the Artist has started his own company, is a freelancer, or works part-time to support his own creativity, don't bombard him with all possible payments, including income tax.

Art Science Museum, Singapore

Raising the value of Artists

Raise the value and visibility of Artists by organizing Art Houses in every major city. 

These Houses should function as creative and crowdsourcing venues where artists can present their work, negotiate contracts, and sell their art in physical and digital formats. 

Organizers and membership decision-makers should be the successful artists themselves, not the government bureaucracy looking for an easy paycheck.

🔍 Read More:

📖 Spiritual Choice – Explore this concept in-depth in HERE

🎭 Satan & His Team – Discover their role in the screenplay Redemption. 

📜 Related Reads:

⚖️ Why War? Summary (D): Writers, Healers & Spiritual Evolution 🔥

⚔️ Why War? – Full Article

#WomenInLeadership, #HigherConsciousness, #SupportArtists, #ArtMatters, #EqualityForWomen, #WomenRights, #CreativeEconomy, #FairPay, #Innovation, #HumanityFirst

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post! Thank you for your enlightened message.


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