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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Spiritual Choice towards Light.. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Spiritual Choice. Part II

Right Spiritual Choice 

In our God’s hierarchy, a Right Spiritual Choice is a Choice towards Light. 

One of the best samples of a Right Spiritual Choice is represented in the drama-horror movie The Rite ( 2011).

Multiple Spiritual Choices towards Light is the best-case scenario for any spiritual entity as it guarantees the least incarnations to achieve Liberation and membership in the team of Lights.

For example, a man has made Spiritual Choices towards Light during his five past lives. In the present life, he again goes for Light. As a result, he will reach extra Spiritual enlightenment, upgrade his consciousness, and get closer to the Final Exit.

Multiple Spiritual Choices towards Light and its consequences are well described in Jacklyn A. Lo's Redemption novel.

A Spiritual Choice is the biggest challenge in anybody’s life as it is tailor-made for a particular individual and couldn't copy-paste it for anyone else.

Sometimes we get only a fraction of a second to execute our Spiritual Choice and to define our future for the next several lives.

However, we can also get months and even years for the Choice and define our Spiritual Direction. In this case, we might apply to decision making and use our analytical skills and intuition besides evaluating our Spiritual Values.

Why is Spiritual Choice towards Light so hard?

The Hierarchy of God is the most demandable; therefore, requirements to get Into it are the toughest. 

For example, going to prestigious Harvard University, you need to present a great Grade Point Average and high entrance exam score. The same with entering God's Hierarchy - you have to perform well daily and make the Right Spiritual Choices on the top.

However, as anything in the physical reality, the Spiritual Choice towards Light has its own risk - Degradation. A danger of degradation can appear if a person underestimates the risks of physical reality. 

For example, a man gives his kidney to his dying wife (Compassion is a Spiritual Value of Light). The wife is recovering but leaving the man and taking his property*. Due to disability, the man, who was a sportsman, can’t continue his carrier.  Being psychologically and financially broke, he finds no use for himself and becomes an alcoholic. Alcohol and drugs shorten a life-project and continuously reduce energy potential, which has been gathered before. The man faces Degradation.

* The reason for the betrayal can be the man's similar act in one of his past lives, that is, the Law of Karma works. However, we cannot know for sure.

Wrong Spiritual Choice 

In our God’s hierarchy, a Wrong Spiritual Choice is a Choice towards Darkness. 

There are several types of souls making that Choice:

  • A young soul up to the first 10 lives

    • Young souls who do not know how to separate "the wheat from the chaff" often go astray, succumbing to the temptations of the physical world. 
    • Very often, such a soul ends up in prison. 

  • A mature soul with a direction towards Light:

    • If a mature soul striving towards the Light makes an erroneous choice to the direction of Darkness, then the Law of Karma comes into force, which allows the person to return to the error and work it out. This Choice prolongs his path to the Final Exit. Negative karma always brings suffering.
    • The Wrong Spiritual Choice and following Karma is well represented in the following films Bram Stocker’s Dracula (1992)The Machinist (2004)

  • A mature soul makes his final Spiritual Choice towards Darkness:

    • This is the last Spiritual Choice of the person. The soul might come back to the Earth or other dense world again, but without Free Will. The soul will be executing the Will of Satan.


Degradation is the worst-case scenario for Spiritual Choice. 

Degradation characterizes by the constant loss of the previously gathered energies. As a result, it leads to a spiritual being's unprofitability and, ultimately, his soul’s decoding, i.e., Spiritual Death. 

For example, a man has made Spiritual Choices towards Degradation during his four past lives. In the present fifth life, he goes for Degradation again.  As a result, after his physical death, his soul will face Spiritual Death. 

The Spiritual Death means that energy accumulations during the man's all incarnations, including minerals, animals, etc., will be permanently erased. He will die as a Spiritual Being without a right to incarnate again. The life in the identity of the man is his last one.

Typical samples of spiritual entities moving towards Degradation are people-parasites who consume what is earned by family members or society. 

Other Degradation samples are descended angels; reference film - City of Angeles (1998). 

Spiritual Values

Spiritual Choice is not easy to recognize for outsiders, as it is individually tailored for every being and based on an individual's spiritual and energetic potential. 

However, there is a common thing in all Spiritual Choices - all of them are linked to the Highest Intangible Values. Some of them are presented in Table 2.

      Table 2. Samples of Values of Lights and Darks

The Values of Lights are always opposite to Values of Darkness with one exception - Loyalty. Loyalty is a Value, which belongs to both parties - Lights and Darks.


However, their quality of Loyalty is not the same. If Lights' loyalty is based on Faith and Love, for example, Faith in God/ Creator, the Darks' loyalty is based on obeyance and fear, for example, fear of Satan.

In the novel Redemption, the protagonist, a powerful tech executive, chooses multiple Lights' Values, such as Freedom, Love, Courage, Peace, and Hope.

A Spiritual Choice as a Spiritual Test

A human with the higher energetic and spiritual potentials gets the toughest Spiritual Choice - Spiritual Test. 

For example, the Old Testament tells us about God’s test of Abraham; the New Testament describes Satan’s temptation of Jesus. 

The Great Gautama the Buddha made a tough Spiritual Choice leaving the Golden Palace with his young and beautiful wife and his baby-boy. Later on, the Demon Mara’s brought another Spiritual Test to Gautama, assaulting him by several temptations.

A Spiritual Direction towards Light is the most challenging but the most promising, as in the long run, it brings opportunities to become a Creator by yourself! 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Spiritual Choice. Part I

Spiritual Choice_article by JAL


According to contactees with Supreme Consciousness, we live in a transition period from the fifth to the sixth human race. That is an extremely challenging time since the previous era's results are summed up, and humans' destinies are decided.

A tiny group of the very best people will receive liberation from the physical world and enter the Upper realm. The best of the population (roughly a third part of the planet) will upgrade and shift to the Earth's 6th race.

The souls of people with a lowered energy and spiritual potential will be transferred to the denser worlds of our God's Hierarchy. 10% of the Earth's total population, about 800 million people, will be decoded. Decoding of a soul means spiritual death, no return back.

There is not too much time left to correct errors and wrongdoings; therefore, we have to focus on the most efficient tools and methods to lift our own destiny.

One of the most efficient methods is Spiritual Choice.

Spiritual Choice

Spiritual Choice is the main choice of a person or nation, which influences their destiny for a long time. The consequences of one Spiritual Choice can affect several lives of a person and the millennia of a nation.

As a Spiritual Choice is a complex “no-return” point affecting non-tangible matters, the best case to describe it is through someone’s life story in a film or a novel.

Spiritual Directions

We can say that a Spiritual Choice is a mental choice of a Spiritual Direction. 

There are two main Spiritual Directions - the path toward Darkness and the path toward Light. There is also a sub-direction - Degradation.

Spiritual Concepts

Spiritual Choice is based on several Spiritual concepts, such as Free Will, Reincarnation, and several Universal Laws - the Law of Evolution, the Law of Change, Law of Cause and Effect (Karma).

Free Will

Free Will is the main tool to execute a Spiritual Choice. It’s given to a human for differentiating himself and defining a Spiritual Direction.

Following the latest information6, Free Will is not available for all people.  It's given to young souls living the first ten lives and to mature souls moving towards Light.  The mature souls that choose Darkness do not have Free Will anymore; therefore, they cannot exercise any choice. 

            Law of Reincarnation

The Law of Reincarnation works only on the lower realms - physical worlds where our world on Earth belongs. The short lives are given to us by a purpose as shorter projects are easier to implement with fewer errors.

Law of Evolution

The Laws of Evolution and Change are the main driving forces of human evolution. The great Gautama Buddha said that nothing is permanent; everything and everyone is changing every fraction of a second.

Law of Cause and Effect

A Law of Cause and Effect helps people to understand that each doing matters. This law is always about correcting mistakes. This chance is given only to those souls who have not made the final decision to Darkness.

It works efficiently by providing practical cases to experience a wrong did which you did for another one.

Spiritual Choice vs. Daily Choice

We have to distinguish a Spiritual Choice from a daily choice and decision-making. 

If we compare a daily choice with preparation for a school lesson, then decision-making would be a quarterly exam; therefore, a Spiritual Choice is a Grand Final.

The main differences between the three types of choices are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Spiritual Choice vs. Daily Choice

Explanation of Table 1.

1. A Spiritual Choice is programmed and integrated into a human life scenario before his birth. A Spiritual Choice always has a higher energetic potential than a person itself; therefore, no one can escape it. 

The daily choice has a low energy potential; it could be easily replaced or changed to another choice. For example, "What to drink? Coffee or tea?"You can choose either of these two or get juice or water instead.

2-3. A Spiritual Choice is given to a person very rarely - once or twice per human life and only to a mature person with certain life achievements and experience, i.e., in adulthood.

You face a daily choice frequently, i.e., every day, several times per day.

4.  For one man, a Spiritual Choice could last only a split second, for another one - several years.  

A good example of a short duration Spiritual Choice is the film Scarface (1983). The several years'  Spiritual Choice is represented in the movie Papillon (2017).

5. Spiritual Choice provides a long-time term duration of human exposure. 

Most important, however, is the totality of Spiritual Choices. The best sample of multiple Spiritual Choices toward Light is presented in the novel Redemption by Jacklyn A. Lo

6. Effect of a Spiritual Choice on the inner vibrations is more than significant.  

A Spiritual entity can dramatically upgrade its intern world by higher vibrations of Light. The amplitude of inner vibrations will dramatically increase, providing an upgrade of consciousness and following "enlightenment"—the recommended film - The Rite (2011).

A Spiritual Choice towards Darkness would bring the brutality of Darks and degradation of consciousness.

A daily choice does not affect the soul's vibrations.

7.  Once a Spiritual Choice is made, it's impossible to go back. Spiritual Choice works as a trigger for a life path, which is programmed for this choice. A nice film to check is Fearless (1993).

The number of future lifepaths is normally two-three. An average person can't see them beforehand, but some spiritually advanced people can make accurate predictions. A great film about such a person is Rasputin (1996).

A daily choice can be replaced by another one easily.

8. A Right Spiritual Choice works as a shortcut for upgrading a human consciousness, enlightenment, and liberation from the Physical Reality, i.e., Final Exit.

A daily choice doesn't make an impact on Final Exit.

9. While the number of options to choose from is limited to two-three in Spiritual Choice, the daily choice doesn't request a limitation. On the question "What shall you drink? " you can choose tea, coffee, hot chocolate or juice, and water.

10. A Spiritual Choice is always connected to the Highest Intangible Values. A daily choice has no attachment to the Values.

Decision making

Decision-making has a higher energy potential than a daily choice but lower than a Spiritual Choice. It contains information gathering, analytical thinking, risk management, etc., and could be involved in a Spiritual Choice process.

Unlike Spiritual Choice, which is always associated with Highest Intangible Values, decision-making does not have such a connection. This is a key differentiation between a Spiritual Choice and decision-making. 

End of the Spiritual Choice. Part I 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Why War? Part V

The Spiritual Choice of a country (nation) is the most fascinating because we can trace the consequences of the Choice on the historical timeline. 

spiritual direction

As for the Higher Powers, a Spiritual Choice of the country is an effective tool for checking the spiritual orientation of a significant number of people.

Just as with the Spiritual Choice of one person, the country must choose one of the Spiritual Directions - the Direction to Light or the Direction to Darkness. Degradation, as a sub-path, exists as a worst-case scenario and should be avoided.

leader as a key decision maker

A key decision-maker in the Spiritual Direction is the leader of the country.    

The duration of the Spiritual Choice, as in the case of a person, is unpredictable and can sometimes reach several years.

In this part of the article "Why War?" we will take a look at the Spiritual choice of Russia, which happened about a hundred years ago (illustration 1).

Illustration 1.

To simplify the analysis, we shall skip the "Degradation" sub-direction.


So, first of all, we must understand that before each Spiritual Choice, the Higher Ones design programs for both Directions, i.e. Light and Darkness.

This work is carried out in the form of holograms, on a subtle plane, accessible only to a clairvoyant.

spiritual strength

We must also realize that the Choice towards Light is much more difficult than the Choice towards Darkness, and requires a certain Spiritual strength of the leader.

beginning of the 20th century

So, let's plunge into the beginning of the 20th century when Russia was an empire with a population of 200 million.

In July 1914, the ruler of the Russian Empire, Tsar Nicholas II, must decide whether his country will enter Serbia - Austria-Hungary war or not.

Russian prophet

Two years earlier, the Russian prophet Grigory Rasputin dissuades the tsar from entering the war in the Balkans.

However, now the seriously wounded Grigory is in the hospital and does not have the opportunity to personally talk with the tsar.


As a clairvoyant, Rasputin sees both programmed holograms based on the tsar's future Spiritual Choice - without war (Choice to Light) or entry into the war (Choice of Darkness). He tries to convey his vision to the tsar, but fails - driven by false pride, the Russian leader decides to mobilize the Russian army.

Find more about Grigory Rasputin in the article "Grigory Rasputin - Light or Dark?"


All predictions of Grigory came true.

As a result of the Tsar's Spiritual Choice towards Darkness, Grigory was brutally murdered, the royal family, along with his relatives, were killed, and Russia fell under the control of the Dark Ones with their representatives - V. Uljanov-Lenin and J. Dzhugashvili-Stalin

law of karma 

Despite the fact that there were armed forces that opposed the Bolsheviks, the Law of Karma ("God's Wrath" by Grigory Rasputin) allowed the Darks to seize power in Russia and occupy the entire country. 

Millions of souls turned to the values of Darkness.



However, what would be the alternative future of Russia if Nicholas II made the opposite choice?  You can find it in the "The Tsar's Choice" Screenplay on Smashwords! ðŸ˜€

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Why War? Part IV

In Part IV, we will look at what will happen to Free Will if a spiritual entity constantly chooses Darkness, as well as who and how tests and tempts us and why.

Free Will

free will as a key for freedom

As we learned in Part III, Free Will is given as a gift that allows us to enjoy individuality and freedom.

However, do we have any obligations to Our Spiritual Father who gave us this gift? The answer is Yes and No

Let's deal with this.

free will and spiritual direction

A  Spiritual entity moves towards the Light

In the event that the spiritual entity moves more or less towards the Light, Free Will remains with it until the final exit1 from the physical world.

B.  Spiritual entity moves towards the Darkness

However, if the spiritual entity repeatedly makes  Spiritual Choices towards Darkness and crosses the point of no return2, Free Will is taken away ( illustration 1).

Illustration 1.

The logic of this step is simple - if you follow the 
Values of Darkness, where SLAVERY is the main value, you do not deserve freedom, which is given by Free Will.



selling soul to satan

The loss of Free Will is often compared to selling the soul to Satan, since the soul, which originally belonged to God, consciously or subconsciously choosing the priorities of Darkness and rejecting the values of Light, becomes a SLAVE of SATAN.

The process of giving away his Free Will is the last will of man.

who tests and tempts us

But who is interested in depriving a person of Free Will and why?

As we already mentioned, the most interested party is the CEO of Darkness - Satan. Having taken away a person's Free will, Satan  replaces his will with OWN WILL and subjugates the man to himself

loss of control

The man can no longer control his own decision.

From the point of view of outsiders, it looks like the person has acquired an irrational pattern of behavior.
This can be compared to how a person drives a car to a certain place and knows the route well, but suddenly he makes an unexpected turn in an unnecessary direction, not understanding why he is doing it.

beneficiary of free will loss

Satan is the direct beneficiary of man's renunciation of free will.
He not only becomes the full owner of the soul which loss Free Will, but now he can use this soul as His own when and where he wants it.

satan's tools and tricks

In order to lure more and more people into his bondage, Satan has developed a number of seductive tools to help him achieve his goals ( Illustration 2.).

Illustration 2.

sex,  money, drugs, power

Tools such as sex, money, drugs, power, etc. help Satan test and tempt people. Very often He affects a person through his arrogance and false pride.

The first step for Satan is to hook a person on one of His tools, and then on to the next one. 

human pride

Human pride is a premise to become hooked by Satan. 

Making a person more and more dependent, Satan forces him to step over the values of Light, delving into the Values of Darks.  As a result of this process, a person makes a Spiritual Choice towards Darkness, not realizing the danger of this step.

Find the Spiritual Choice towards Darkness, its consequences and the role of Satan in the screenplay "Heaven".


  • Free will is a gift given to us by our Spiritual Father (CEO of Light). 
  • We can exercise Free Will as long as we move more or less towards the Light.
  • Once Spiritual entity has made its Ultimate choice in favor of Darkness, free will is taken away and replaced by the will of Satan, the CEO of Darkness.
  • Satan is the direct beneficiary of the loss of man's free will, because in this case he can lead man to where He wants
  • Therefore, Satan has developed some tools to push man to make a Spiritual choice towards Darkness.

Final Exit - is a liberation from the physical world, no return.
Point of no return - a point of the Final choice towards Darkness

Spiritual Choice concerns not only an individual, but also a group of people and even a nation.
In Part V we will look at the Spiritual Choice towards Darkness by the Russian ruler Nicholas II in 1914.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Why War? Part X

History is not made by leaders, but by their choice.
                                                                   Jacklyn A. Lo

We must recognize that everything begins in the metaphysical realm, where our thoughts are born, turning into intentions and further on into actions.


We live in a very exciting time when a country (nation) makes its Spiritual Choice toward the Light!

Resistance to Mordor

It is even more amazing to realize that most of the civilized world has come together to help Ukraine confront the real Mordor that appeared on our planet Earth. 

We can say that these countries have voluntarily joined the Choice towards the Light!


The main person making decisions on the Spiritual choice of the country is, of course, the Leader of the country. And people (nation) are influencers in his/her choice.

V. Zelensky

Zelensky's strategy during the Russian military buildup was to reassure the Ukrainian population and reassure the international community that Ukraine was not going to retaliate.

Volodymyr Zelensky (44) was born into a highly educated family and has been accustomed to different cultures since childhood. In this regard, it can be assumed that the environment from the very beginning supported his personal development.

Fig.1 Growth of Consciousness of V. Zelensky

High Energy and Consciousness

Paying attention to the fact that Volodimir studied at a school with in-depth learning of a foreign (English) language and had a vast variety of hobbies, including music, he initially had above average level of energy potential and consciousness.

Degree of Lawyer

Studying at the university and obtaining the qualification of a lawyer allowed him to increase his energy potential and level of consciousness above level 50 ( Fig. 1).

The biggest upgrade in his consciousness, however, came from his choice of career as an Artist and successful career in this field* ( consciousness level above 75).

*Showman, artist, comedian, artistic director, and leader of the Kvartal-95 society, former member and general producer of the Ukrainian TV channel Inter, screenwriter.

Artists = Treasury Fund

As we learned in the second part of this article, Artists are our "Treasury Fund"capable of giving Humanity the largest number of souls making a Spiritual Choice towards Light.

Choice of Freedom

After the invasion began, Zelensky declared martial law throughout Ukraine and the general mobilization of the armed forces. He himself did not leave the country, although he could have.

So, on February 24, 2022, V. Zelensky chose Freedom, where Freedom is the main Value of Lights.




Confronting the Values of Darkness and their CEO Satan allowed Zelensky to raise his consciousness even higher.





We must understand that Satan is not a kind and nice guy, but the founder of the Values ​​of Darkness, where Slavery is His key value. Therefore Satan is actively looking for new slaves.

Fig. 2 Spiritual choice of V..Zelensky on behalf of Ukraine


Satan is ready to buy off as many slaves as he can and is ready to pay for it with everything he owns in the materialistic world. He skilfully plays on the false pride of those people who are greedy for the values ​​​​of the physical world.


Dictators, addicted to money, power, magic, etc., are a great help to Satan on His path to gaining a higher energy potential. Being result oriented, He keeps them in great tension.

Spiritual Choice to Light

The Spiritual Choice towards Light is very difficult and requires great Spiritual Strength. Therefore, the supporters of the Values ​​of Light must provide all possible help to Ukraine to protect the Choice of Freedom and Peace for the entire planet Earth.

Our Spiritual Father

We must remember that our Spiritual Father, CEO of Lights, DOES NOT WANT WAR.
The War in Ukraine is given only as a last opportunity to set us on the right path (see Why War? Part I).

If Ukraine surrendered to the aggressor?

You ask: "What would happen if Ukraine surrendered to the aggressor?"

The Choice in favor of Slavery in a country of 40 million would increase the imbalance between souls moving toward Darkness and Light. This would lead to the utmost risk of the existence of mankind on our planet as a failed project of the Higher Ones.

Sodom, Gomorrah & Atlantis

We must not forget the terrible end of the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah or the death of the haughty high-tech Atlantis.

Our fate is in our hands

We must realize that our Earth is just one of the countless projects of our Spiritual Father.

Mother & Sister Earths

Our planet is a replica of Mother Earth*, which acted 100 years before us. Since the quality of the energies produced on that Earth was far from what the Higher Ones wanted, they allowed the “red button” to be pressed to destroy this planet.

There is another planet that is 30 years behind us. The Higher Ones are correcting the mistakes of our humanity on this young planet. If we destroy ourselves, they will still have a backup.

And the Higher Ones can create as many planets as they want.

Mother-, Sister-, and Our Earth

* Contactees with the Higher L. Strelnikova, L. Seklitova

Part X Conclusions

  • Ukraine has made its Spiritual Choice - toward the Light
  • The civilized world supports the Choice of Ukraine
  • The key reason for this Choice is the Leader - Artist
  • The War in Ukraine is given by purpose
  • The Choice of Slavery is backed by Satan and his servants
  • The destiny of Our planet and humanity on it is in our own hands

The Part "Summary" is coming shortly.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Soul: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Spiritual Choice


Soul (2020)

Pixar Animation Studios, renowned for its consistently meaningful and heartwarming films, has once again delivered a masterpiece with Soul (2020).

This captivating animated film, infused with metaphysical elements, delves into the profound concept of "Spiritual Choice" in a way that resonates deeply with viewers of all ages.


Joe Gardner, a passionate jazz pianist, yearns to grace the jazz club stage and inspire others with his music. However, life has steered him towards an ordinary job as a middle school band teacher. His aspirations seem out of reach until one day, he faces a pivotal dilemma: accept a secure, all-encompassing existence or pursue his dreams, no matter the uncertainties.

Spiritual Choice

In essence, Joe confronts a significant milestone – the Spiritual Choice. This transformative decision, often encountered in life's journey, demands deep introspection and self-discovery. It's a moment to weigh the pursuit of true passions and fulfilling one's higher purpose against the allure of a comfortable, secure existence.

Meaningful Life

Pixar subtly suggests that the Spiritual Choice isn't about a specific decision, such as a career or relationship. It's about aligning oneself with their authentic self and embracing their true calling, even amidst challenges and uncertainties. It's about living a meaningful, fulfilling life, not merely existing.


The Spiritual Choice marks a pivotal moment in every individual's journey, and Joe is no exception. His hardworking mother, understandably, urges him towards a secure path. Recognizing the inherent duration of every Spiritual Choice, Joe receives a unique opportunity to extend his final decision by entering a limbo-like state – a magical realm bridging the physical world (Earth) and heaven. The inherent duration of every Spiritual Choice underscores that these decisions are not fleeting impulses but rather ongoing journeys of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.


This journey helps Joe embrace the challenge, guiding him towards a Spiritual Choice that aligns with the Light, ultimately leading him to fulfill his dream of joining a jazz band.

Light is an ocean

However, the film's ending feels slightly underwhelming when Joe expresses his concerns to the jazz band founder, who imparts a life philosophy using the analogy of two fish. The ending would have been more impactful if Joe had independently arrived at this enlightened perspective, realizing that life is an ocean, and the path to the goal is as significant as the goal itself.


Complementing the "Spiritual Choice" are other metaphysical principles woven into the film, such as souls, life after death, and a higher power, adding layers of intrigue and uniqueness to the narrative.

Deepest values

In conclusion, the animated film Soul, directed by Pete Docter and Kemp Powers, is a compelling story masterfully blending profound spiritual elements with entertaining storytelling.
It invites viewers of all ages, both children and adults, to contemplate their own Spiritual Choice, prompting them to align their life's direction with their deepest values and dreams, bringing the concept of the "Spiritual Choice" to the forefront of our collective consciousness.




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