Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Melissa": A Haunting Exploration of Grief, Science, and the Supernatural

"This book was really good. The author was very descriptive throughout the entire book. This did give me pet cemetery vibes." - Reviewer Erin S.

A Thrilling Exploration of the Afterlife

"Melissa" is a novel blending horror, suspense, and spiritual exploration. It follows Nathan, a brilliant scientist pushed to the brink by personal tragedy, as he grapples with the boundaries between life and death.

Beyond Pet Sematary

"Pet Sematary": Death isn't the end

While it may evoke comparisons to Stephen King's "Pet Sematary," "Melissa" forges its own distinctive path. Rather than focusing solely on horror elements, it delves deep into spiritual and ethical territories. The story explores Nathan's journey from scientific hubris to a profound spiritual awakening.

Ethics, Grief, and the Human Condition

Explore Life After Death in "Melissa"

"Melissa" strikes a delicate balance between cutting-edge science and weighty moral considerations. This approach allows for a complex examination of human actions in the face of grief and loss. Throughout the narrative, readers are challenged to contemplate the nature of life, death, and the soul.

A Supernatural Journey of Faith, Free Will, and Consequences

Science Vs Supernatural 

Ultimately, "Melissa" provides a unique blend of suspense, spirituality, and philosophical inquiry. It offers a thought-provoking exploration of faith, free will, and the consequences of human ambition, setting it apart in the realm of supernatural fiction.

Reader Reviews: Love It or Leave It?

"Love can make you do crazy things! Thank you to Jacklyn A. Lo for an arc copy of this great book!" - Reviewer Ali O.

"A must-read for anyone who has ever grappled with loss." - Reviewer GhostDragon

If you're a fan of gripping suspense, thought-provoking themes, and a touch of the supernatural, "Melissa" is a must-read.

Ready to delve into Nathan's haunting journey? 

Visit Our Melissa Webpage 

"Melissa" Webpage


Grab your Free copy of 'Melissa' on Kindle Unlimited


* All images were generated by NightCafe AI

Saturday, August 13, 2022

What was it like for the people who sold their souls, and what did they gain from it?

This is another fascinating soul question on Quora.

Soul selling is a simplified name for the complex process of transferring Free Will from a person to Satan*.

The process of selling the soul is well described by a number of authors, including Goethe in the tragic play "Faust";


Oscar Wilde, in his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the film "Dorian Gray" 

The Picture of Dorian Gray

and me, in the novella Tomo and The Soul Catchers, which became a base for the screenplay Heaven**.

Tomo and The Soul Catchers

In each of these cases, Satan is ready to satisfy any desire of the victim in exchange for his/her soul.

For example, due to such a deal, Faust got limitless knowledge, Dorian - eternal youth, and Cora - seductive beauty.

So, in principle, we can say that these guys got what they wanted from earthly pleasures. However, is everything so simple? Or are there side effects?

Yes, they are.

The soul becomes a slave of the Head of Darkness*, losing its own "voice", the freedom of further choice and decision-making.

The good news is that the soul will not be punished for its "bad deeds", meaning it avoids karma. On the other hand, it will forever lose the opportunity to become the Creator, "produce" souls, and the opportunity to become "first", since Satan (which the soul eventually become) is always "second" to God.

Also, for a short time, the soul avoids Degradation and the risk of spiritual death for the loss of energy. On the other hand, it will run the risk of spiritual death as a punishment for cruelty.

A young soul might say, "I enjoy earthly pleasures, I hate making decisions and don't like karma at all, so this might be great for me." But in fact, Satan's "kindness" is a well-disguised evil, and in all of the stories listed, the protagonist encounters side effects shortly after the deal and is deeply disappointed in what he/she has done.

After the soul's Earthly existence, Satan will continue to “work” on it sending it to study or labor in the hardened worlds to achieve the energies and goals that He wants.

The soul will not have the opportunity to choose a planet, body, etc., and the habitat and shell of the body can be really terrible.

One way or another, the process of selling the soul or the temptations of Satan stretches over hundreds or even thousands of incarnations and does not necessarily end with a deal, since the majority of souls still choose the direction to the Light, leaving Satan empty-handed. This case of Satan chasing the soul for five incarnations, is well described by me in the screenplay Redemption**, based on my novel Redemption.

novel Redemption


*Satan = Head of Darkness

** We are looking for an experienced producer and director

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Where do the new souls come from?

The interesting question appears on Quora: Where do the new souls come from?

The multiplication of souls suggests a logical problem, unless time is not linear and in my next life I come back in the Dark Ages as a peasant, and in the following in the 25th century. 

If lower life forms evolve into higher life forms, where do these new “souls” come from? The bio-mass of insects and non-human life forms is greater than the number of humans which might be 100 billion since the first homo sapiens.. The population is growing exponentially. 

Where do the new souls come from? 


To answer the question "Where do souls come from?" we must examine the structure of the soul.


According to the latest esoteric knowledge, the soul consists of a matrix that works as a container for collecting various types of energies and the energies themselves.

There are two main ways to get souls' matrices.

1st way: 

Main stream - getting matrix from scratch

The matrix is ​​made by the Highest Assistants of our Spiritual Father (God).  

This process requires not only special skills and high energy potential, but also a special energy that can spiritualize these matrices. 

2nd way: 

Recycling of matrices

a. decoding of parasites

About 10% of the total number of souls do not have guts for evolution and are considered faulty. 

Most of these people are those who spend their valuable life time on fictitious pleasures. They parasitize on society and / or family, not bothering themselves with work or study. 

This does not give them the opportunity to collect energy either for their souls or for the needs of the Higher Ones.

God gives the parasite a chance to change within four human lifetimes. In the event that the soul still prefers not to work, a tough decision is made - this soul is taken for decoding

Decoding is the process of deleting all accumulated energies from the matrix and permanently removing the spiritual personality. The spiritual entity ends its existence, i.e., faces spiritual death.

The empty matrix is spiritualized and a new personality is born. This matrix is used to integrate into a new physical body.

The new spiritual entity begins to collect its own higher energies, filling the matrix with tiny particles of energies day after day for millennia until the matrix container is full.

b. decoding unreasonably cruel souls

In the same way, souls who display unjustified cruelty run the risk of facing the same fate, i.e. decoding. 

We have to admit, however, that in some exceptional cases, God gives Satan the opportunity to take this soul into His Hierarchy.

Find more in the book The Soul and Secrets of Its Structure