Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why War? Part VIII

Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions and his Choice for Putin

The Process of Degradation* that began under Brezhnev is slowly but steadily leading to the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc first and then spreading to the USSR itself. 

In 1991, fifteen independent states are formed, one of which is Russia. The new leader Boris Yeltsin becomes the president of Russia and removes Mikhail Gorbachev from the leading position.

*Degradation from a spiritual point of view is the process of loss of previously accumulated energies

Fig 1. B. Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions

Direction to Light

Victory over Communism

Yeltsin's greatest achievement as a Russian leader is his ultimate victory over the dictatorship of Communism**, which was lasting for almost 75 years.

A communist by right, Yeltsin criticizes the leadership of the Communist Party and cancels his membership in the party. That is an act of unheard-of Courage and Honesty in his time (1990) and gives Hope to many.

He significantly shakes the Faith in Communism and destructs the cult of the party elite, that have been violating the first two Commandments of God for several generations.


By giving Freedom for Conscience (including freedom of religion and thought), Yeltsin softens the country's karma which results in a new, democratic constitution, significantly improving the Human Rights of ordinary citizens.

Another significant Yeltsin's step towards Light was the replacement of a Command Economy (without freedom and choice)  with a Free ( Market) one.


Also, Yeltsin signs a breakthrough arms-reduction agreement with President of the USA George H.W. Bush ( Peace = Value of Lights).

B. Yeltsin was a representative of the following  Values of Lights:

Human Rights

Direction to Darkness

However, there are also some economical and political challenges that B. Yeltsin could handle much better. 

Among them:

  • Problems with the control of freedom, for example in the economy, leading to Chaos 
  • As a result of the Chaos, Yeltsin provides Russians with misleading information about the non-devaluation of the ruble in 1998, i.e. he Lies
  • The War in Chechnya, which fights for sovereignty, i.e. for Freedom (= Value of Light)
  • As a result of the war - the assassination of the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria  D. Dudayev, who Hopes for Peace and Freedom for his people

As we know Chaos, lies, and War are Values of Darkness, bringing Negative Karma to anyone who created them.

Karmic Aspect


Chaos in the economy brings instability to Yeltsin himself and his family, making them dependent on others, including V. Putin.


The Lie leads to a sharp loss of Yeltsin's popularity among ordinary Russians who have lost all their savings. This resulted in a political crisis as Yeltsin, with domestic support evaporating, has to contend with an emboldened opposition in parliament.


The first unjust war in Chechnya brings with it a second round of hostilities with thousands of dead and wounded, including Russian soldiers, and the rise of the Dark Ones in Chechnya.




Whether we love democracy or those who are able to bring into the world we must recognize that any personal weakness of a leader is a huge obstacle to a Choice towards Light not only for himself but also for his country.


According to public information, B. Yeltsin had some attachments - to alcohol, family, and, possibly, power. These predilections could force him to bring a successor more convenient for himself, but not for the Russian people, to whom he wanted to give, but did not give the desired democracy.


Deteriorating health and lack of due diligence* were additional factors for the transfer of power in Russia to a man like Vladimir Putin.

*Young Putin served in the 5th Directorate of the KGB - to combat dissent, including religion, which is a contradiction to Freedom of Conscious, which Yeltsin was fighting for.


  • Yeltsin liberates Russia from Faith in Communism and cleanses the country's negative karma
  • Under his leadership, the Russians receive Hope for the continuation of the movement toward the Light.
  • Due to attachments and illnesses, Yeltsin takes several big steps toward Darkness
  • The created negative karma hits Yeltsin personally, providing dependence on others, which brings such a successor as V. Putin.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Why War? Part VII

When a spiritual being, including a country, constantly accumulates Dark Energies and cannot make the right Choice towards Light, the Higher Ones can give it a program of Degradation1


In the hands of the Highest, a Degradation is a tool for clearing accumulated harmful energies.

So, in 1964, Nikita Khrushchev is replaced by the new leader of Russia (USSR) Leonid Brezhnev, who has all the prerequisites to implement the Degradation plan.

Fig 1. L. I. Brezhnev. Period of Degradation 


Brezhnev begins his regime with the mass production of nuclear and other weapons, costing the Soviet economy dearly.

At the same time, any entrepreneurship, initiative in the economy, or other areas is severely punished. Violators are punished either in prison or in a psychiatric hospital (injustice and slavery are the values of the Darks). 

No Choice 

The planned from above economy2 itself with fixed prices and an information vacuum is a "No Choice" feature of Darks. 

Lack of motivation and incentives moves people into such workplaces where they can steal (i.e. catering, trade). The value of honest work is declining. The Commandment of God "Thou shalt not steal" is violated on the country level.

Values of Darks

In addition, in 1968 Russia (USSR) carries out an invasion of Czechoslovakia to suppress human rights and freedom (inhumanity and slavery = values of Darks) and starts a costly war in Afghanistan in 1969 (war = value of Darks).

Faith in communism

At the same time, the government elite strongly promotes Faith in Communism along with the worship of Lenin and the cult of Brezhnev (violation of the 1st and 2nd commandments and dedicated karma for it).


Brezhnev also uses the sale of alcohol as a source of government revenue.  Drunkenness becomes a serious social problem hitting the quality of goods produced.

Stagnant processes lead to a slow but steady loss of previously accumulated energies. Degradation affects the country's economy badly generating the shortage of all products, including essential goods. 


Addicted to glory3 and autocracy L. Brezhnev becomes the perfect executor of the Highest plan. Old and ill he drags on his role until the very end of his life (1982).

Fig 2. Brezhnev's addictions


1 The process of Degradation is well described in the books of contactees L. Seklitova, L. Strelnikova

Everything was planned from above, there was little that could be done from the level of the household, the individual worker, or the enterprise.  This killed the initiative from below, and the planned nature of the system brought the situation to the point of absurdity: for example, in the light industry, to make minimal changes in the design of clothes, it took an extremely long time to coordinate them in different instances.

Brezhnev's first desire as a future "leader" was that the entire party elite should stand up when he enters the hall 😉.

M. Gorbachev

The average age of the government elite in this era is about 70 years old.  Sick and old successors of Brezhnev fall ill and died one after another, clearing a place for relatively young Mikhail Gorbachev

Having become a leader of Russia ( USSR) in 1985 Gorbachev set a new challenge for the country - the Spiritual Direction toward Light.

Fig 3. M. Gorbachev's Spiritual Choice 

As we learned earlier, the Spiritual Choice towards the Light is the most difficult choice. Therefore, oil prices on the world market are falling, which further weakens the Russian economy.


The leader of the country Gorbachev is able to establish the main Value of Light - FREEDOM

Russians get the opportunity to travel abroad, open a business, and publish and read books that have been banned for almost 70 years.

As a real pacifist, Gorbachev also gives political freedom to the Eastern Bloc of countries.


A new vocabulary has been created: GLASTNOST (Freedom of Speech) and PERESTROIKA (reconstruction).

Negative Karma 

However, the new leader still violates the 1st Commandment of God, keeping the Faith in communism, which continues to generate negative karma for the country.

Command Economy

Another problem is that Gorbachev is in no hurry to change the command economy ( a feature of Darkness) to the market economy (a feature of Light). Half-hearted measures impede rapid economic growth.

Eastern Bloc

As the Russian economy continues to decline, financial assistance to the countries of the Eastern Bloc ends, causing the bloc itself to collapse. Most likely, this is a continuation of the degradation process that began a generation ago.


  • Guided by compassion, the Higher Ones give the USSR a Degradation program for cleaning from Dark Energies
  • L. Brezhnev, obsessed with glory and autocracy, is an excellent executor of this plan
  • After 21 years of forced cleansing, the USSR finally gets a chance to head for the Light through the leadership of M. Gorbachev
  • The ongoing process of degradation of the USSR and the freedom granted destroyed Communist regimes in Eastern Bloc

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Why War? Part III

We must understand that the souls of the "Treasury Fund" having a higher consciousness see all flaws and imperfectly of the physical reality and truly want to improve our world

Illustration 1.


But, in order to develop their ideas or implement a project,  the Artists need money, at least to cover the cost of dwelling and food.
So, some of them find part-time jobs, which are normally low-paid manual labor ( migration A).  

low consciousness

In this process, the sophisticated souls face the primitiveness of the low consciousness and suffer. Many can't stand and give up the development of their own ideas. 

They go to learn a profession that could provide them with a predictable monthly income ( migration B).

physical world

Understanding the primitiveness and falsity of most of the knowledge of the physical world, the souls of higher consciousness rarely enter the magistracy or doctoral studies (migration C).

Those souls who lost their hope get depressed and end up in a mental hospital and in the worse case commit suicide (migration D).

life project

The interruption of a life project by premature death is harmful not only for the soul itself but also for the Higher Ones since they invest a lot of resources both for the incarnation of the soul and for maintaining it on Earth. 

A return on Their investment runs in minus and They start questioning the practicability of Their project on our planet.

high-quality energies

Someone might say, “I don't believe it's that bad. There must be other ways to make high-quality energies, not only through the daily energies of sophisticated souls of Treasury Fund.” 

Well, that's partly true. And now we come to another significant point - Spiritual Choice.


To be able to make any choice, including spiritual choices, you must have free will.

Free Will

free will

Free will is given by our Spiritual Father to a soul at its first incarnation, i.e. to a young soul entering the human world from the animal kingdom ( illustration 1).

Illustration 1.

Heavenly programmers

This gift of free will is quite expensive for our God because instead of one direct program, Heavenly programmers need to make three - according to the number of directions of choice - a choice to Light, Darkness, and Degradation.


God goes to this extra expense because He wants to see us as diverse and individual

Spiritual Choice

Spiritual Choice plays the main role in the diversification of our souls.

Illustration 2.

spiritual directions

At the moment of a Spiritual Choice a person faces two main spiritual directions - towards Light and Darkness ( illustration 1).  Degradation is a sub-direction and this is the worse case scenario for any soul.

spiritual test

Spiritual Choice is a spiritual test for any person or group of people. The size of a group can be as big as a nation. 


The guideline for spiritual choice is always a set of VALUESThe values of Darkness are opposite to the values of Light. 

negative karma

Making a conscious choice towards the values of Darkness, a spiritual entity* acquires negative karma.  As a result, it receives a program and a guide from the Dark Ones, which brings suffering

Light Ones

In the event that the spiritual entity works off mistakes (the negative karma), the leader from the Dark Ones is replaced by the leader from the Light Ones, who introduces into her existence the values of Light and prosperity.   






who tests us  

In Part IV we will consider what will happen to Free Will if a spiritual entity constantly chooses  Darkness, and also who tests and tempts us and why.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Why War? Part II

To move on to further analysis of why humanity experiences wars, let's take a look at the hierarchy of human consciousness.

Fig. 1

consciousness of mankind 

Let's take a scale for measuring people's consciousness from zero to one hundred.

0-25 levels of consciousness

Then at levels 0 to 25, we will get young souls who have recently entered the world of humans from the animal kingdom (illustration  1).

As a rule, young souls have a limited vocabulary and disabilities in learning, and as a result, they do mostly only physical work

energy quality from young souls

The energy the young souls produce for the High Ones is crude and of low quality

Their salaries are relatively low, which does not give them the opportunity to travel and visit theaters or museums.  And this again does give another portion of low-quality energy.

25-50 levels of consciousness 

It is conditionally possible to call the souls between 25-50 levels "techies". 


The techies reincarnated many hundreds of times and accumulated great knowledge about human life. Their ability to learn gives them the opportunity to get a bachelor's degree and become a programmer, accountant, teacher, or nurse.

Because of higher wages, they can have more sophisticated holidays, such as trips abroad, and richer cultural and social life than young souls.

Consequently, techies produce a higher (but average) level of energy than young souls.

50-75  levels of consciousness 

Souls between 50 and 75 levels can be called "high professionals".

high professionals

It is not a problem for the "high professionals" to learn earthly things, and they may have a doctorate or a couple of master's degrees.  Some of them are high-level intellectuals, linguists who speak a dozen languages, high-profile multi-entrepreneurs, and so on.

The number of these people on the Earth is smaller than techies. These are the highest-paid people, and they can afford to live in the best conditions with exquisite hobbies and recreation.

Consequently, "high professionals" produce a higher (but average) quality of energy than techies.

75-100  levels of consciousness 

The smallest group of people that we can call the "Treasury Fund" has the highest level of consciousness.

the highest quality of energy

This treasury fund has nothing to do with money, but with the highest quality of energy, they are able to produce on a daily basis. 


This group consists of artists, musicians, spiritual preachers, writers, healers, etc., as well as any person who is able to generate IDEAS and be CREATIVE. 

spiritual choice

Some of these highly conscious souls came from other galaxies, from less dense planets than our Earth, but some of them developed these wonderful qualities, reincarnating here on Earth, making multiple Spiritual Choices towards Light.

are we good?

Someone will say: "Great! We have guys who are able to give the highest daily energies to the Highest Ones! What else?"
However, let's take a closer look at this group.


Most people in this group are active in their youth. The subtlest vibrations of their souls push them to realize their creative projects. But where to get the money?

Governmental or private grant support for artists applying for funding for their projects is only 10% of all applications, i.е. only one artist out of ten will receive some financial support. This support is given for a few months and coverers only basic needs - food and dwelling.

general attitude

With the exception of eminent artists, which are just a few, the general attitude towards artists is more dismissive than respectful.

For example, some wealthy people in Great Britain prefer to send their servants to meet an artist who has come with his paintings to decorate their house than to go out to see him in person.


Because public education only provides human anatomy, most people have a largely materialistic view of themselves.

Most people do not aware of the seven-bodies structure of a human, and knowledge of chakras and energetic channels in the Western world is existing only in esoteric literature.

Human Chakras

As a result, prana-, energy- and spiritual healers, along with alternative medicine, for example, traditional Chinese medicine or Indian Ayurveda, receive little or no government support.

spiritual preachers 

Spiritual preachers who are raising a spiritual awareness of people contribute to their organizations exclusively for free. As a rule, they work part-time somewhere else for a small salary.

film industry

The film industry is one of the worst for a creative soul to survive because film production is very expensive.

To get into the film industry, writers try to hone their writing skills. At best, they are hired by a major movie studio to write a remake or sequel to a burgeoning television series, and they waste their precious time on other people's projects, abandoning their own ideas.

value of an idea

Since most people do not understand what an idea is and what is required for its occurrence, the value of an idea in the modern world is very low.

Struggling for materialistic survival, artists often lose their creativity by working for wages. With age, they lose the ability to generate their own ideas and engage in creativity, as before.

conclusion on part II

The highest quality energy requested by the Highest Ones comes from the "Treasury Fund". However, today's societies do not recognize the true value of artists, musicians, healers, preachers, etc., who are able to give this energy.

In Part III, we will look at how the souls of the Artists are trying to survive in the material world, and also assess the chances of replenishing the "Treasury Fund".

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Grigory Rasputin - Light or Dark? Part III (A)

Very often, Grigory Rasputin was accused of drunkenness, debauchery, and even venality.  

To get to the bottom of the truth, we must understand why alcohol, sex, and money exist in the human world.

Grigory Rasputin 1909

satan's tools

We must recognize that alcohol, sex, money, and so on are neither values ​​nor qualities of Darkness, but effective tools of Satan to tempt and test the human soul.

This main goal of Satan is to make a person addicted, and in the long run - to gain complete control over him.

negative karma

At best, the person will acquire negative karma, and retribution will prolong his existence in the physical world; in the worst case, his soul will be decodedThere is an intermediate option - the person will be dragged into the Dark System with their CEO Satan.

Let's take a closer look at alcoholsexmoney closer to Grigory.


Grigory's favorite alcoholic drink was Madeira with a strength of 18–20%, which is two times lower than standard Russian vodka. 

Since Rasputin was a peasant from a Siberian village, where the morning begins with a large glass of vodka, Madeira was for him a secular drink.

actors and doubles

Grigory's enemies tried their best to denigrate him and compromise him in front of the tsar’s family. Some representatives of high society hired actors and doubles for the role of the drunken Grigory. 

false admirers

Matryona Rasputina wrote that her father loved music and dancing, was an inquisitive person and was often molested by false admirers.

By slipping the drug into his drink, they created an environment with naked women, and photographed Grigory, in order to blackmail and manipulate him. One of the cases is described in Maria Rasputina's book "Rasputin. Why?"


It must also be understood that from the beginning of the mobilization of the Russian army for the First World War  (17th of July 1914) until his death ( 30th of December 1916), Grigory was in constant tension. His mission to influence the tsar Nikolai so that he would not enter the war failed. 

At the same time, the Russian tsar sincerely considered himself the keeper of the good name of the Romanov dynasty and the savior of the Russian Empire and did not want to hear about any peace. Both Nicholas and Alexandra lost interest in Grigory. The number of his fans and students also decreased. 


It must be understood that, as a clairvoyant, Grigory saw the karmic projections of fate on himself, and on the royal family, and on the Russian people, and on the country, and this future terrified him. 

Such stress had to be extinguished somehow, but there was not much choice.

Sexual debauchery

Hieromonk Iliodor (S. Trufanov)2 was one of the main figures in slandering Grigory and accusing him of debauchery.  Driven by pride and envy of Grigory's fame and success, Iliodor, who had much less energy and spiritual capabilities, came up with various absurdities, including Grigory's sexual relationship with the tsarina.

Find more about Iliodor's slandering in the screenplay The Tsar's choice.

However, it is documented that Grigory was faithful to his family with three children all his life. 

Grigory Rasputin with his children

Arriving in St. Petersburg in 1903, he lived first in a monastery, then with his admirers, and only ten years later he moved into his own apartment. 


While still living in someone else's apartment, he brought his daughters to St. Petersburg - Matryona first, and then Varvara. His wife refused to leave the farm and move to the city, visiting them once a year. 

At some point, Grigory's wife Praskovya Fedorovna underwent a total hysterectomy and she told her husband that she was ready for a divorce, but Grigory refused.

Grigory with his wife and daughter

no female victims

When political power came to Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks began to look for materials to denigrate the tsar's family through its inner circle. 

They announced they were looking for Rasputin's female victims, but found none. Also, there was not a single case of pregnancy from Grigory. The close friends to tsar's family Anna Vyrubova/Taneeva, who was rumored to be Grigory's mistress, was, in fact, a virgin, as confirmed by several gynecologists.


The most incredible rumors about Grigory spread not only in Russia, but also abroad and grew to unprecedented proportions. For example, in one of the English-language sources was said that Grigory's real surname was Novy3, but among the people, Grigory received the nickname Rasputin for debauchery.

As the matter of fact, the word Rasputin with the root «put'» has several meanings in the Russian language: 1. Rasputitsa = bad road;  2. Rasput’ye = crossroad;  3. Rasputnik = libertine.  The correct metaphysical meaning of the surname Grigory belongs to the second meaning, that is, the crossroads, hinting at the Spiritual Choice of the Russian Tsar.

Find an alternate reality for Russia's future in 2021 in the screenplay The Tsar's Choice.


Rasputin spoke of love as the highest Christian virtue, but his bright intention was conveniently turned by his enemies into carnal "love" understandable to everyone.


 Soul decoding is a spiritual death of a soul.

Trufanov ended up abandoning faith and God, planning terrorist attacks against the existing government, organizing several assassination attempts on Grigory, and offering his services to the Bolsheviks.

3 "Novy" (new) was the first word of the little Tsarevich Alexei when he first saw Grigory. Since the name and surname Grigory Rasputin were widespread in Russia, it was decided to add the second surname "Novy" to the existing surname Rasputin. Since then, Grigory began to sign with a double surname: Rasputin-Novy. 

Note that two-word surnames with a hyphen were allowed only to nobles, and Grigory was a peasant, but by order of the tsar, he was given such a surname.

Part III (B) will be released soon.