Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Why War? Part VIII

Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions and his Choice for Putin

The Process of Degradation* that began under Brezhnev is slowly but steadily leading to the disintegration of the Eastern Bloc first and then spreading to the USSR itself. 

In 1991, fifteen independent states are formed, one of which is Russia. The new leader Boris Yeltsin becomes the president of Russia and removes Mikhail Gorbachev from the leading position.

*Degradation from a spiritual point of view is the process of loss of previously accumulated energies

Fig 1. B. Yeltsin's Spiritual Directions

Direction to Light

Victory over Communism

Yeltsin's greatest achievement as a Russian leader is his ultimate victory over the dictatorship of Communism**, which was lasting for almost 75 years.

A communist by right, Yeltsin criticizes the leadership of the Communist Party and cancels his membership in the party. That is an act of unheard-of Courage and Honesty in his time (1990) and gives Hope to many.

He significantly shakes the Faith in Communism and destructs the cult of the party elite, that have been violating the first two Commandments of God for several generations.


By giving Freedom for Conscience (including freedom of religion and thought), Yeltsin softens the country's karma which results in a new, democratic constitution, significantly improving the Human Rights of ordinary citizens.

Another significant Yeltsin's step towards Light was the replacement of a Command Economy (without freedom and choice)  with a Free ( Market) one.


Also, Yeltsin signs a breakthrough arms-reduction agreement with President of the USA George H.W. Bush ( Peace = Value of Lights).

B. Yeltsin was a representative of the following  Values of Lights:

Human Rights

Direction to Darkness

However, there are also some economical and political challenges that B. Yeltsin could handle much better. 

Among them:

  • Problems with the control of freedom, for example in the economy, leading to Chaos 
  • As a result of the Chaos, Yeltsin provides Russians with misleading information about the non-devaluation of the ruble in 1998, i.e. he Lies
  • The War in Chechnya, which fights for sovereignty, i.e. for Freedom (= Value of Light)
  • As a result of the war - the assassination of the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria  D. Dudayev, who Hopes for Peace and Freedom for his people

As we know Chaos, lies, and War are Values of Darkness, bringing Negative Karma to anyone who created them.

Karmic Aspect


Chaos in the economy brings instability to Yeltsin himself and his family, making them dependent on others, including V. Putin.


The Lie leads to a sharp loss of Yeltsin's popularity among ordinary Russians who have lost all their savings. This resulted in a political crisis as Yeltsin, with domestic support evaporating, has to contend with an emboldened opposition in parliament.


The first unjust war in Chechnya brings with it a second round of hostilities with thousands of dead and wounded, including Russian soldiers, and the rise of the Dark Ones in Chechnya.




Whether we love democracy or those who are able to bring into the world we must recognize that any personal weakness of a leader is a huge obstacle to a Choice towards Light not only for himself but also for his country.


According to public information, B. Yeltsin had some attachments - to alcohol, family, and, possibly, power. These predilections could force him to bring a successor more convenient for himself, but not for the Russian people, to whom he wanted to give, but did not give the desired democracy.


Deteriorating health and lack of due diligence* were additional factors for the transfer of power in Russia to a man like Vladimir Putin.

*Young Putin served in the 5th Directorate of the KGB - to combat dissent, including religion, which is a contradiction to Freedom of Conscious, which Yeltsin was fighting for.


  • Yeltsin liberates Russia from Faith in Communism and cleanses the country's negative karma
  • Under his leadership, the Russians receive Hope for the continuation of the movement toward the Light.
  • Due to attachments and illnesses, Yeltsin takes several big steps toward Darkness
  • The created negative karma hits Yeltsin personally, providing dependence on others, which brings such a successor as V. Putin.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Why do people believe in God when I can disprove the Bible in the first couple pages?

© Jacklyn A. Lo

Quora sent me a thought-provoking topic a few days ago, "Why do people believe in God when I can disprove the Bible in the first couple pages?"


We must admit that intelligence has never been equal to spirituality. And if you're smart enough, you can approve or disapprove of anything.

This, however, does not mean that you have reached the ultimate truth; for without spirituality it is nothing more than a mental exercise, a waste of time.

In this regard, the parable of the blind and the elephant comes to mind.


Since the blind have never seen an animal, they evaluate it by touch; each for their part.

One of them touches the elephant's tail and says to the others: "the elephant is like a brush," the other one touches its trunk and concludes that the elephant is like a fat snake, etc.

After the assessments, each of the men began to prove that his experience is the real truth, and the other is talking nonsense.


We can compare blindness to low consciousness.

However there is nothing wrong with intelligence, but it is simply not enough to "see the true nature of things." Only a sighted person can see either an elephant or the surrounding world as a whole.

A "sighted person" is a person with higher consciousness. Higher consciousness will help you to better see the picture of the Universe, God, and your place in it.

In other words, to "see" the truth, you need to raise your consciousness.

development of consciousness

The question arises - is it possible to raise consciousness or is it given only to a select few?

Answer: nothing is given for granted, but everything can be earned by persistence and will and my article in 3 Parts tells how: Development of consciousness. 

However, a much larger problem arises when a person expresses his disrespect to God. The "blind" blame God for so many reasons, which further pollutes his mind and causes him serious harm. 


Blasphemy defiles a person's mind and hardens his soul, slowly but steadily drawing him into lower, denser realities.

One of such cases of blasphemy is well described by F. Dostoevsky in his novel The Brothers Karamazov.


Ivan, clever with his eyes and words, publicly expresses his view of the world: "God does not exist!" His atheistic philosophy infects his half-brother Smerdyakov, who, with a much younger soul, “buys” the philosophy and commits a crime.

Thus, Ivan becomes an accomplice in the murder and generates heavy negative karma.


In the modern world, most intellectual atheists are concentrated in science.

One of them is Nathan, a talented biophysicist from Colorado. He does not really deny God, but he hates Him and competes with Him.

Since his mother and beloved wife Melissa believe in God, Nathan has enough chances to turn to Him, but the scientist prefers his own way.

You can find out the details of Nathan's tragic fate and beyond in my art script "The Return of Melissa".


Now an irritated mind might say why God mercilessly punishes those who do not believe in Him or commit sin?

Again, we must understand that the Universal Law of Cause and Effect (the Law of Karma) was formed long before the appearance of our God. That our Creator developed Himself according to this Law and found it useful for the spiritual development of any soul.

Universal Laws

We must also remember that the Law of Karma only works for those who still have a chance to evolute towards the Light, which is a privileged direction compared to the direction towards Darkness.

And finally, we must study other Universal Laws, such as the Law of Evolution, the Law of Change among others, for the further development of our consciousness.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Redemption. Excerpt Four


Ann with her AI pal Rob

I'd like to present the fourth extract from my novel Redemption

In this discussion, Rob explains to Ann which intangible values affected her Spiritual Choices in her first two lives.


“I don’t understand it, Rob,” said Ann as she stepped out of the shower. 
“I had expected these nightmares to stop after going to the psychic. Several weeks have passed but - if anything - the dreams are more worrying than ever. It’s gotten worse instead of better.”

“That is all part of your journey, my lady,” Rob replied, looking out from the screen of the E-A device sitting by the sink. 
“Consider the Buddha’s path from the golden palace to enlightenment or Jesus’ journey through the cross to the resurrection. The greater the destination, the harder the journey must be.”

Ann considered this while drying herself with a towel. 

“I guess I can accept that,” she said eventually, “but from what I’ve seen on my two visits to the psychic, my - what did she call it? - My reincarnation chain has hardly been a series of victories. In my first life, I lost my son days after giving birth to him and ended up killing myself. And in the second I failed to save the woman I loved and died of a heart attack. I achieved nothing!”

“Nothing?” Rob raised an eyebrow at this and shook his head. 
“But, my lady, sacrifice has always been a necessary part of the greatest journey.”

Ann stopped drying her hair to look questioningly at him. “Sacrifice?”
“Of course sacrifice! Or did you think you gave up those lives without reason?”

“Well…” she continued drying her hair as she tried to think. “Maybe,” she conceded. “But I didn’t really achieve anything. I didn’t get Wu back or save Alfreda. Even if I did sacrifice myself, what was it all for?”

“Answer this then: when you were living in the Stone Age, why did you die?”

Ann shrugged as she picked up the E-A device and headed back out into the bedroom. “Because I shoved a spear through my heart.” 
She winced again at the memory that sharpened stick pushing into her body and placed a hand on her chest.

“No,” said Rob, now watching her from the bedside table. “That was how you died. I asked why.”

“Because that big murdering bastard was going to get me!” Ann jabbed crossly at the SmartHome screen on the wardrobe, selecting a red trouser suit. 

A wooden panel slipped back and the requested suit slid out on a rail.

“And what was that ‘big, murdering bastard’ going to do with you?”

“I don’t know,” she said, pulling on the underwear that had appeared through another panel. “Rape me? Beat me? Keep me as a slave wife?”

“All of the above, no doubt. So why did you decide to kill yourself?”

“Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Death has to be preferable to such a life. I died for freedom.”

“For freedom!” Rob agreed. “And what about your death as the Roman priest?”

“Egyptian priest.”


“That was just a heart attack, wasn’t it?”

Rob sighed and gave her a long meaningful look as Ann pulled on her trousers and tucked in her blouse. “Again, that was how you died. Ask yourself why.”

“Because I had been running and pushed my body too hard?”

“Okay… and why had you been running?”

“To save Alfreda’s life, to rescue the woman I loved.”

“So why did you die? For what reason?”

Ann finished buttoning up her jacket and stood up straight, suddenly realizing what Rob was getting at. “I died for love.”

“Exactly!” said Rob with a beaming smile. “You sacrificed yourself for freedom and for love. That’s good karma right there, my lady, huge steps on the path to redemption.”

Redemption?” Ann looked puzzled for a moment, trying to remember where she had heard that word recently. 

“The psychic mentioned that at the end of our last session when she was going on about reincarnation chains and other weird stuff.”

“Perhaps it would be worth talking with her again and finding out what she meant?”

“I’m not so sure, Rob,” she said, picking up the device and walking towards the front door of her apartment. “My past lives might not have been pointless, but that doesn’t change the fact that my nightmares have gotten worse since I went to see that old woman. I don’t want to risk them getting even worse!”

“That’s entirely your choice, my lady. It is your life—your journey—and only you can make that decision.”


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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Why Liberate? Part II



Our soul is the biggest treasure for any spiritual entity as it includes all spiritual inheritance that has been collected during an uncountable number of existences. 


However, the most significant disadvantage of living in physical reality is high-risk factors for our soul. 

What are they, these factors?

the Laws

The first factor is our ignorance of the Laws of the Universe.

We live in the complex hierarchy of our Creator, which is running under these Laws.

Unfortunately, humankind's knowledge of these Laws is close to zero. Nevertheless, our ignorance does not excuse us for responsibility for what we do, and the punishment can be severe.


The second factor is our limited knowledge of yourself and especially about our psyche.

Our subconscious is massive storage with the data collected through our embodiments.

Unfortunately, as any storage, it also contains some impurities negatively affecting our psyche.  


Our trained mind must be a warrior to recognize these impurities and eliminate them; however, methods of mind control are almost unknown in Western society.

As a result, these impurities generate mental problems such as anger, anxiousness, phobias, etc.


These problems prevent people from focusing on their primary goals and yielded their life-project in full and in time, which cause a prolongation of their reincarnation chain.

Spiritual Choice

The third factor is the Wrong Spiritual Choice.

Physical reality is a platform on which the qualities of our soul are tested continuously. 

There are every-day tests, and there is a Final Test, which we have to pass once or twice in a life. 

every-day tests

We can compare these tests with the general school - we have to learn every day as well as be ready to answer to our teacher's questions; however, one day we must pass a Final Exam.

The every-days tests keep us in a shape of thinking, evaluating and learning, providing slowly but steadily spiritual growth. 


However, in the case of the choice for pointless or parasitic lifestyle, a human loses a spin of energies and faces slow but steady degradation.

The Final Spiritual Test, however, is critical, as it's a Test for our Spiritual direction and our resistance to degradation.


For example, Spiritual choice towards Light would bring enlightenment and a shortcut to Liberation. Still, it also carries a risk of degradation if due to this choice, the person can't sustain himself.


On the other hand, Spiritual Choice towards Darkness* will bring brutalization, negative karma,  suffer and a risk to drift away from the Hierarchy of God to the Hierarchy of Satan. 

The karmic payment brings a prolongation of the chain of incarnations and in addition - the risk of the next mistake.  This choice doesn't eliminate the risk of degradation as well.

Higher Spiritual Teachers

The Spiritual Test is not possible to avoid and even the Higher Spiritual Teachers supposed to go through the Test.

For example, 

Jesus was tested by Satan in the Judean wilderness; 

The demon Mara was testing Gautama the Buddha, trying to unbalance him. 

And the Old Testament tells about the Spiritual Test of Abraham, which was done by God Himself! 

Jesus, Abraham, Gautama

Jesus, Abraham, Gautama successfully passed their tests and were granted Liberation from physical reality. 

All of them continue their self-improvement and development in Thin world, a much safer place than the Earth.

* *This pattern does not apply to Spiritual entities who have already chosen Darkness as their Spiritual Direction. Having lost the right to Free Will, they strictly obey the orders of the Prince of Darkness and, therefore, do not create any Karma.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014). Spiritual Movie Review - Jacklyn A.Lo

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)

The keyword in the movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) is duality.

Duality is a component of low consciousness, where spiritual beings divide the World into two different parts - BLACK and WHITE, GOOD and BAD, WE and THEY, etc.