Showing posts with label #direction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #direction. Show all posts

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Grigory Rasputin - Light or Dark? Part II of III

Elder Macarius, Bishop Feofan, Grigory Rasputin

In this part, we shall cover the rest of the values/qualities of the Dark Ones and will compare them with those that Grigory Rasputin had.

5.  Atheism (godlessness)

Grigory not only had Faith but also knew that God exists. His prayers were distinguished by sincerity and lack of copying.

He spoke to God without servility, in his own words, as with a close friend: 

In You, Lord, I trust and I will never be ashamed of it! I praise You, Lord, and I say in my soul: be my Creator and Intercessor!

A person with a truly deep faith in God cannot be Dark.

6. Lack of interest in spirituality

Grigory had a deep passion for spirituality and took every opportunity to share his feelings and spiritual revelations with others. He had fans who regularly gathered to listen to him and record his stories. 
In 1907 he wrote his notes The Life of an Experienced Wanderer: “Spring means a great celebration for a spiritual person. As a decorated bright May happens, so the soul of the one who watches the Lord blooms and May arises.”
And in 1915  My Thoughts and Reflections: “They can deprive of everything - even a 
dwelling, but never a soul. The loss of earthly things is a great feat; you need to ask God to give you patience. For the loss of the earthly and the reward is great.”

Passion for the spiritual cannot belong to the Dark, therefore Grigory was Light.

7. Inability to heal

Grigory was a healer. He recognized this ability as a teenager, treating horses in his native village, alter he started to treat people. In some cases, he used healing Siberian herbs, but mostly he healed with his prayers, i.e. God willing
Repeatedly Grigory helped the sick, even those who are considered incurable. Once, in a Ural monastery, he healed a demon-possessed - a woman who had suffered from seizures.
Among the others, his patients were Tsar Nicholas II and the heir to the Russian throne, Tsarevich Alexei.

A healer can’t be Dark, therefore by this criteria, Grigory belongs to Light.

8. No skills to see future

From adolescence, Grigory had the ability to make predictions.

For example, he “saw” when and how a person would die, and told his fellow villagers about it.

His daughter Matryona describes a case when, thanks to Grigory's foresight, a horse thief was found.

Grigory's predictions came true regarding the royal family, the fate of St. Petersburg, the then capital of Russia, the fate of his homeland, and much more.

He predicted: “Darkness will fall on Petersburg. When its name changes, the empire will end". In August 1914 St. Petersburg was renamed Petrograd. March 15, 1917, Nicholas II abdicated; this marked the end of the Russian Empire.

And another one: “If my murder is committed by nobles - relatives of the tsar, then the future of Russia and the royal family will be terrible. The nobles will flee the country, and the tsar's relatives will not be left alive; in two years the brothers will rise up against the brothers and kill each other.” 

The royal family, together with the emperor, were brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks, and at the end of 1917 Russia entered the Civil War.

As Darks do not have the ability to see the future, but Grigory does, he is representative of Lights.

9. Chauvinism

Grigory promoted mutually beneficial cooperation between people of different nationalities and countries.

In private conversations with the tsar, he calls him for friendship with the United States and economic cooperation with Germany.

In his own country, he points out the advantages of international marriages and helps Russian Jews through his personal secretary Aron Simonovich*.

Grigory does not fit into the goals of the Dark Ones - incitement of chauvinism, but represents the opposite - therefore he is a Light One.

*Aron Simonovich, Rasputin and the Jews. Memoirs of the personal personality of Grigory Rasputin ( in Russian).

10. Slavery and dependency

Grigory was freedom-loving and this is evident from his travels - within the country and abroad to Palestine and Jerusalem. The presence of a wise wife gave him the opportunity to make long pilgrimages. The pleasure of freedom is felt in his notes "The Life" and " My thoughts".

Grigory never depended on anyone. Living in his village, he was an independent farmer, fisherman, and cart driver. 

When he moved to St. Petersburg, many wanted to make a puppet out of him, but, guided by his mission, he remained incorruptible, causing irritation among the nobles and open and hidden enmity.

Freedom and independence are values of Light, therefore, Grigory is a representative of Lights.

Photo: Grigory with villagers

11. Vision of the devil and demons 

During his life, Grigory had a vision of the Mother of God who appeared to him when he plowed the field. The vision lasted several seconds and left an indelible impression on Grigory. Later, the vision motivated him to come to St. Petersburg.*

A vision of the Queen of Heaven can’t appear to a person moving towards Darkness, therefore Grigory was a Spiritual entity moving towards Light.

*Matryona Rasputina. "Rasputin Why?" (in Russian)


The conclusion from these analyzes is unequivocal - none of the qualities and values of the Dark Ones fit Grigory's profile.

Consequently, according to these criteria, Grigory does not belong to the Dark, but to the Light.

However, we will not rush to draw a final conclusion, because Grigory Rasputin was accused of debauchery, drunkenness, greed, etc., and in the third part we will conduct additional analyzes.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Spiritual Choice. Part I

Spiritual Choice_article by JAL


According to contactees with Supreme Consciousness, we live in a transition period from the fifth to the sixth human race. That is an extremely challenging time since the previous era's results are summed up, and humans' destinies are decided.

A tiny group of the very best people will receive liberation from the physical world and enter the Upper realm. The best of the population (roughly a third part of the planet) will upgrade and shift to the Earth's 6th race.

The souls of people with a lowered energy and spiritual potential will be transferred to the denser worlds of our God's Hierarchy. 10% of the Earth's total population, about 800 million people, will be decoded. Decoding of a soul means spiritual death, no return back.

There is not too much time left to correct errors and wrongdoings; therefore, we have to focus on the most efficient tools and methods to lift our own destiny.

One of the most efficient methods is Spiritual Choice.

Spiritual Choice

Spiritual Choice is the main choice of a person or nation, which influences their destiny for a long time. The consequences of one Spiritual Choice can affect several lives of a person and the millennia of a nation.

As a Spiritual Choice is a complex “no-return” point affecting non-tangible matters, the best case to describe it is through someone’s life story in a film or a novel.

Spiritual Directions

We can say that a Spiritual Choice is a mental choice of a Spiritual Direction. 

There are two main Spiritual Directions - the path toward Darkness and the path toward Light. There is also a sub-direction - Degradation.

Spiritual Concepts

Spiritual Choice is based on several Spiritual concepts, such as Free Will, Reincarnation, and several Universal Laws - the Law of Evolution, the Law of Change, Law of Cause and Effect (Karma).

Free Will

Free Will is the main tool to execute a Spiritual Choice. It’s given to a human for differentiating himself and defining a Spiritual Direction.

Following the latest information6, Free Will is not available for all people.  It's given to young souls living the first ten lives and to mature souls moving towards Light.  The mature souls that choose Darkness do not have Free Will anymore; therefore, they cannot exercise any choice. 

            Law of Reincarnation

The Law of Reincarnation works only on the lower realms - physical worlds where our world on Earth belongs. The short lives are given to us by a purpose as shorter projects are easier to implement with fewer errors.

Law of Evolution

The Laws of Evolution and Change are the main driving forces of human evolution. The great Gautama Buddha said that nothing is permanent; everything and everyone is changing every fraction of a second.

Law of Cause and Effect

A Law of Cause and Effect helps people to understand that each doing matters. This law is always about correcting mistakes. This chance is given only to those souls who have not made the final decision to Darkness.

It works efficiently by providing practical cases to experience a wrong did which you did for another one.

Spiritual Choice vs. Daily Choice

We have to distinguish a Spiritual Choice from a daily choice and decision-making. 

If we compare a daily choice with preparation for a school lesson, then decision-making would be a quarterly exam; therefore, a Spiritual Choice is a Grand Final.

The main differences between the three types of choices are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Spiritual Choice vs. Daily Choice

Explanation of Table 1.

1. A Spiritual Choice is programmed and integrated into a human life scenario before his birth. A Spiritual Choice always has a higher energetic potential than a person itself; therefore, no one can escape it. 

The daily choice has a low energy potential; it could be easily replaced or changed to another choice. For example, "What to drink? Coffee or tea?"You can choose either of these two or get juice or water instead.

2-3. A Spiritual Choice is given to a person very rarely - once or twice per human life and only to a mature person with certain life achievements and experience, i.e., in adulthood.

You face a daily choice frequently, i.e., every day, several times per day.

4.  For one man, a Spiritual Choice could last only a split second, for another one - several years.  

A good example of a short duration Spiritual Choice is the film Scarface (1983). The several years'  Spiritual Choice is represented in the movie Papillon (2017).

5. Spiritual Choice provides a long-time term duration of human exposure. 

Most important, however, is the totality of Spiritual Choices. The best sample of multiple Spiritual Choices toward Light is presented in the novel Redemption by Jacklyn A. Lo

6. Effect of a Spiritual Choice on the inner vibrations is more than significant.  

A Spiritual entity can dramatically upgrade its intern world by higher vibrations of Light. The amplitude of inner vibrations will dramatically increase, providing an upgrade of consciousness and following "enlightenment"—the recommended film - The Rite (2011).

A Spiritual Choice towards Darkness would bring the brutality of Darks and degradation of consciousness.

A daily choice does not affect the soul's vibrations.

7.  Once a Spiritual Choice is made, it's impossible to go back. Spiritual Choice works as a trigger for a life path, which is programmed for this choice. A nice film to check is Fearless (1993).

The number of future lifepaths is normally two-three. An average person can't see them beforehand, but some spiritually advanced people can make accurate predictions. A great film about such a person is Rasputin (1996).

A daily choice can be replaced by another one easily.

8. A Right Spiritual Choice works as a shortcut for upgrading a human consciousness, enlightenment, and liberation from the Physical Reality, i.e., Final Exit.

A daily choice doesn't make an impact on Final Exit.

9. While the number of options to choose from is limited to two-three in Spiritual Choice, the daily choice doesn't request a limitation. On the question "What shall you drink? " you can choose tea, coffee, hot chocolate or juice, and water.

10. A Spiritual Choice is always connected to the Highest Intangible Values. A daily choice has no attachment to the Values.

Decision making

Decision-making has a higher energy potential than a daily choice but lower than a Spiritual Choice. It contains information gathering, analytical thinking, risk management, etc., and could be involved in a Spiritual Choice process.

Unlike Spiritual Choice, which is always associated with Highest Intangible Values, decision-making does not have such a connection. This is a key differentiation between a Spiritual Choice and decision-making. 

End of the Spiritual Choice. Part I 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Why Liberate? Part II



Our soul is the biggest treasure for any spiritual entity as it includes all spiritual inheritance that has been collected during an uncountable number of existences. 


However, the most significant disadvantage of living in physical reality is high-risk factors for our soul. 

What are they, these factors?

the Laws

The first factor is our ignorance of the Laws of the Universe.

We live in the complex hierarchy of our Creator, which is running under these Laws.

Unfortunately, humankind's knowledge of these Laws is close to zero. Nevertheless, our ignorance does not excuse us for responsibility for what we do, and the punishment can be severe.


The second factor is our limited knowledge of yourself and especially about our psyche.

Our subconscious is massive storage with the data collected through our embodiments.

Unfortunately, as any storage, it also contains some impurities negatively affecting our psyche.  


Our trained mind must be a warrior to recognize these impurities and eliminate them; however, methods of mind control are almost unknown in Western society.

As a result, these impurities generate mental problems such as anger, anxiousness, phobias, etc.


These problems prevent people from focusing on their primary goals and yielded their life-project in full and in time, which cause a prolongation of their reincarnation chain.

Spiritual Choice

The third factor is the Wrong Spiritual Choice.

Physical reality is a platform on which the qualities of our soul are tested continuously. 

There are every-day tests, and there is a Final Test, which we have to pass once or twice in a life. 

every-day tests

We can compare these tests with the general school - we have to learn every day as well as be ready to answer to our teacher's questions; however, one day we must pass a Final Exam.

The every-days tests keep us in a shape of thinking, evaluating and learning, providing slowly but steadily spiritual growth. 


However, in the case of the choice for pointless or parasitic lifestyle, a human loses a spin of energies and faces slow but steady degradation.

The Final Spiritual Test, however, is critical, as it's a Test for our Spiritual direction and our resistance to degradation.


For example, Spiritual choice towards Light would bring enlightenment and a shortcut to Liberation. Still, it also carries a risk of degradation if due to this choice, the person can't sustain himself.


On the other hand, Spiritual Choice towards Darkness* will bring brutalization, negative karma,  suffer and a risk to drift away from the Hierarchy of God to the Hierarchy of Satan. 

The karmic payment brings a prolongation of the chain of incarnations and in addition - the risk of the next mistake.  This choice doesn't eliminate the risk of degradation as well.

Higher Spiritual Teachers

The Spiritual Test is not possible to avoid and even the Higher Spiritual Teachers supposed to go through the Test.

For example, 

Jesus was tested by Satan in the Judean wilderness; 

The demon Mara was testing Gautama the Buddha, trying to unbalance him. 

And the Old Testament tells about the Spiritual Test of Abraham, which was done by God Himself! 

Jesus, Abraham, Gautama

Jesus, Abraham, Gautama successfully passed their tests and were granted Liberation from physical reality. 

All of them continue their self-improvement and development in Thin world, a much safer place than the Earth.

* *This pattern does not apply to Spiritual entities who have already chosen Darkness as their Spiritual Direction. Having lost the right to Free Will, they strictly obey the orders of the Prince of Darkness and, therefore, do not create any Karma.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) – FRG Worldwide Oy

Do you know that Spiritual Choice towards Darkness will increase the negative part of your soul? 

Read more in the Dracula movie review by Jacklyn A. Lo: