Monday, March 18, 2024

Unveiling the Rewards for "Melissa's" Beta Reading Program: A Heartfelt Thank You!

Greetings, fellow fans of the fantastical!

As the beta reading program for "Melissa" draws to a close (program start date: February 4th, 2024), we at The Melissa Team want to express our deepest gratitude to all the incredible readers who embarked on this journey with us.

Your insightful feedback has been invaluable in shaping the thrilling world of Melissa and ensuring it resonates with readers like yourselves.

A Look Back: The Rewards of Collaboration

We're thrilled to share the fantastic rewards you earned through your participation in the beta reading program:

1. Signed Digital Copy of Melissa, Part I: Congratulations to those who completed 50% of the questionnaire! Hold a personalized, signed digital copy of the first part of Melissa, a testament to your contribution to the story.

2. Complimentary Digital Copy of Redemption: For those who reached 75% completion, dive deeper into our world of suspense with a free digital copy of our chilling supernatural novel, Redemption.

3. Become a Literary Guardian: A special thank you to those who achieved an impressive 90% completion! Your name will be forever etched in "Melissa's" history, proudly displayed on the dedication page of Melissa, Part I.

4. Queue-Free Access to Future Writings: A round of applause for those who completed the entire beta reading process (program ended: March 17th, 2024 - Extended)! Enjoy exclusive queue-free access to the author's future works, ensuring you're among the first to experience upcoming stories.

As of today, March 17th (midnight), the beta reading program for "Melissa" has officially closed. However, if you haven't submitted your final questionnaire yet, no worries! Your well-deserved rewards are still on their way. We'll be processing them as soon as we receive your completed questionnaire.

A Glimpse into the Future: Calling All Hamlet Heroes!

We were truly inspired by your dedication and insightful feedback during the Melissa program.  This passion for storytelling paves the way for our next exciting project!

Get ready to sharpen your wit and unleash your creativity, because the early sign-up program for our new novella, "The Last Choice of Hamlet," is coming soon!  Stay tuned for more details on how you can become a beta reader and help shape this unique reimagining of the classic tale.

Thank you once again for being a part of this incredible journey with Melissa.  We look forward to collaborating with you on future adventures!


The Melissa Team

PS Don't forget to check out the stunning video of Echoes of Ambition and Horror: Quotes from the Characters of "Melissa": 

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