Showing posts with label self improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self improvement. Show all posts

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Why War? Summary /C

Beauty will save the world.

  Fyodor Dostoevsky


Female beauty has always been a source of inspiration for poets, and the insane feats of knights competing for the beauty's heart. But women are not only a source of love but also of a higher level of consciousness.

A. Mucha

Involve Women in Decision Making

Women's consciousness is on average higher than men's. The higher the consciousness, the greater the vision and hence the fewer mistakes and less suffering.

Therefore, women should be involved in decision-making in any sphere of life much more widely than is done.

Improve Women's Rights

Restrictions on women's rights should be avoided. 
This should include the right to have an abortion, as a woman has the right to decide if she wants to turn an embryo* into a baby or not.

It is necessary to improve working and rest conditions for working mothers. Governments should stimulate the birth rate in "soft" ways, for example:

A. Reduce women's working hours from 8 to 7 hours by ensuring equal pay, starting at least with women with two children.

B. Increase paid leave for women with children

C. Improve conditions for children in school, such as free hot meals, as well as an after-school model if both parents work.

*Note: An embryo is not a spiritual being, as it does not have a soul. The incarnation of the soul occurs at the time of the physical birth of the baby.

'Planet' at the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore. Photo © Jacklyn A. Lo

Maybe high-end entrepreneurs can show their Courage to start this innovation? 
You can do it! 💪

To increase the value of Art and Artists 

At present, the value of wealth exceeds the value of Creativity ( Art), which is the main Value of Higher Consciousness. 

For example, in the UK, property owners do not bother to personally go to the artists who come with their work, but disrespectfully send their servants to them (!). Imagine how Satan, the general director of Darkness, at this moment enjoys the triumph - how low are the Values of God in the World He created!

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore. Photo © Jacklyn A. Lo

Financial support for Artists

In other Western countries*, public and private artist support funds are so small that they can only provide grant funding to one in ten applicants. 

Please note that the grant is not given for several years, not for a year, but maybe as small as for a couple of months only. After that, the Artist is once again left to struggle with unpredictability.

* Finland

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore. Photo © Jacklyn A. Lo

Reduce taxation for emerging artists

Whether the Artist has started his own company, is a freelancer, or works part-time to support his own creativity, don't bombard him with all possible payments, including income tax.

ArtScience Museum, Singapore. Photo © Jacklyn A. Lo

Raising the value of Artists

Raise the value and visibility of Artists by organizing Art Houses in every major city. 

These Houses should function as creative and crowdsourcing venues where artists can present their work, negotiate contracts and sell their art in physical and digital formats. 

Organizers and membership decision-makers should be the successful artists themselves, not the government bureaucracy looking for an easy paycheck.

Part D is coming shortly...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why doesn't God hear?

Spiritual Father 

Our Spiritual Father is an owner and CEO of Four Physical Universes and an uncountable number of Thin Worlds*, where our planet Earth is one of the trillions of celestial bodies.

Higher Hierarch

Our Creator is a project manager Himself involving in multidimensional multi-tasking programs and moving towards his goals and objectives on speed beyond of our imaging. Every fraction of a second of His time is preplanned and organized most efficiently in the benefit of the Higher Hierarch, the Greater Being than Himself.


For turning God's attention to a much lower degree problem, such as a human's,  would mean a radical change in his speed; comparable only to the sudden stop of a spacecraft.

Does this mean that He left us here alone? 
No way!

 Heavenly Teachers

Besides providing us with physical bodies and a platform of the  Physical Reality, our Creator appointed individual supervisors for us, which some contactees** call Heavenly Teachers.

Heavenly Teachers are energetic (spiritual) entities living in the Higher World in a different dimension than we are.
They have a much higher level of consciousness than any man and not necessarily have a human origin.


Most importantly, they have much more magnificent and further vision than any of human.

Like any teacher, they benefit from the students' development and improvement and suffer damage in the event of their regression.

Subtle bodies

Usually, one teacher leads a person from the moment of fertilization of the mother's egg until the end of his physical existence and the disassembly of subtle bodies***.

Also, Heavenly Teachers' have such a high level of consciousness that we too can call him God.

However, do Heavenly Teachers hear us? 
Yes, they do!

Spiritual improvement

Can they fulfil any request? 
Theoretically - yes, practically - hardly,  as they will respond only on the petition which is in line with our spiritual improvement, but man demands something material typically.

Is communication with our Heavenly Teacher is only one-way?  No.  
In the best-case scenario, it's two-way communication. 


Heavenly Teachers also can send messages to us.  But, again, can we hear them? 

Theoretically - yes, practically - only very few of us. Unfortunately, our current level of consciousness is so low that even those who can catch and recognize a message do not necessarily interpret it correctly.

However, some people get messages from their Heavenly Teachers daily or frequently. These people are inventors, artists, entrepreneurs and even politicians! For example, one of the most exceptional engineers and futurist.
Nikola Tesla didn't hide that he had received his ideas from above. And that "above" was his Heavenly Teacher.


So, what to do that your Heavenly Teacher heard you? The answer is -  an improvement of Your consciousness.

To sum up, we live in a well-organized hierarchy of our Spiritual Father.
If we compare this hierarchy with a corporation, then our God is CEO of it.

As in any big company, General Director operates on higher or strategic tasks and duties; lower degree managers implement His vision communicating with workers on the lower levels.
The better the worker understand the message from the higher level - the better the result.

In a corporation, the quality of communication is higher with better education of the employees, in our world - with a higher consciousness. 

*Thin worlds= Intangible worlds

** Contactees: Larisa Seklitova, Ludmila Strelnikova

*** Subtle bodies = six thin bodies

This article is based on Jacklyn A. Lo’s thoughts and does not purport to be the absolute truth.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Low collective consciousness. "Game of Thrones"

Low collective consciousness on the example of the TV- series "Game of Thrones".

The world described in this series is on a dense planet with a very low collective consciousness. The lifestyle and mindset are close to the Dark Ages in European history on our Earth.

These are several clear signs of low consciousness:

1. The system of values
a. Power and revenge vs. creativeness and art. Most of the people have significant mind pollution; they obsessively pursue revenge or seek to gain power via ownership of land, money or women.

2. The social and economic position of women
a. In general, women have a very low position in society. 
b. They do not use their higher conscious (vs. men) to improve things, as they are either occupied with household work or earning a basic living as servants or entertainers. 

3. Illiteracy and ignorance
a. Most of the people are illiterate.
b. Access to libraries is prohibited for women and children.

4. Low vibrations
a. People eat a lot of meat; some of them eat human flesh.
b. Excessive drinking.
c. Continuous fear.
d. Separation from each other, no goals with a focus on a common good.
e. Duality: “We and them” is the main idea of movement, with "them" being enemies, and war being the only tool for solving any problem.

5. Losing touch with Mother Nature
a. Due to low vibrations, people lose their sense of living nature.
b. People appreciate neither nature nor the spirits which inhabitant it.

6. Dark entities enter the World => White Walkers
a. As a virus becomes active only in a body with low immunity, the Dark entities enter this physical world due to further degradation of the collective conscious.
b. Because of the continuous degradation of the consciousness and distancing from nature, the population of the land collides with true Evil, called the White Walkers.

However, there are sparkles of the highest intangible values. A very few people in this dark world are driven by Courage, Honor, Love, and Justice. That lifts the meaning of existence in that world and provides Hope.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Is Vipassana a fast track to liberation?

Twenty-six centuries ago Gautama Buddha designed a meditation technique that has been helping people not only train their minds to stay in balance, but also to liberate them from Samsara (reincarnation chain).

Gautama used to say that there were Buddhas (enlightened people), there are Buddhas, and there will be Buddhas after him, but his role is to provide an efficient meditation technique that could help people reach liberation (moksha or nirvana) in the present life that will allow one never to come back to the materialistic reality and to experience suffering again.

Before the invention of his own meditation technique, Gautama had tried different meditation methods designed by others, but he never was satisfied by the quality and deepness of them, so he invented his own, which is known as the Vipassana meditation technique.

What the Vipassana technique is about
In short, the Vipassana meditation technique is about getting rid of addictions that we have accumulated during innumerable materialistic existences. These addictions (filth and/or imperfections) are hidden in the deeper mind — our subconscious.
In the beginning of the Vipassana meditation course, a student’s goal is calming down his or her mind by focusing on breathing and clearing the mind from thoughts.
Then, the students do meditation exercises for activating the subconscious. The access to the subconscious is going to provide an option for self-healing, first of all a physical body, and later on a soul.
The subconscious is like a dark room, and concentrating on breathing shall light it, making the previously hidden sins (addictions) visible.
We experience those addictions through the sensations of our bodies.
The goal of these exercises is to keep us indifferent to those sensations.

Why Vipassana
Imagine yourself as a traveler who came to this world with a heavy luggage of karma and a desire to make it lighter.
The project named Your Life is already designed for you, and everything that you need can be found by following the Your Destiny script. Your Life project is interactive, and your task is to correct your sins (imperfections) that you have done during your previous existences and to make your luggage lighter.
You could succeed with this job and return back to Your Home with a smaller bag, or you could fail, generating extra negative karma and return home with a larger bag than before. The smallest group of travelers will come home with no luggage at all. This group of people are the luckiest ones burning away all sins (negative karma), they generate no reason to return back to Samsara.
One of the techniques that help people grab this good fortune is Vipassana

Benefits of Vipassana
The students who are following the Code of Discipline and precisely heeding the teacher’s instructions are getting a chance to get great benefits from the Vipassana meditation.

These benefits are:
·      To train a mind to stay balance in everyday life.
·      To increase the energy level of the physical body.
·      To study the philosophy of Gautama Buddha in the interpretation of his loyal follower, S.N. Goenka, the influential Vipassana meditation teacher.
·      To get in touch with your own subconscious.
·      To get healed.
·      To obtain a release of the old hurt.
·      To get the ability to transform negativity into positivity.
·      To receive a supernatural experience.
·      To network with like people.
·      To reach the ultimate goal of a human being - get redemption from Samsara - an endless cycle of births and deaths.

*Note:  This article is based on my personal experience and thoughts after my first 10-day meditation course of Vipassana, and is not presented to be an absolute truth. – Jacklyn A. Lo.

The next article will tell about possible side effects of the Vipassana, the organization of the training, and accommodations in the retreat territory.