Sunday, February 2, 2025

🧭 Why Pride? (Part XI). Corporate Hubris

The Paper Mountain: A Visual Representation of Corporate Hubris

In the corporate world, success can be both a blessing and a curse. While achievement builds confidence, it can also breed a dangerous form of pride – corporate hubris. 

This excessive self-confidence, often stemming from a lack of consciousness and self-awareness, has led many once-mighty corporations to stumble and fall. 

The pattern is remarkably consistent: low consciousness leads to false pride, which blinds leaders to changing realities, ultimately resulting in catastrophic defaults.

The Seeds of Corporate Hubris

The Price of Pride: When Success Blinds Leaders

The root of corporate hubris often lies in a fundamental misunderstanding of success itself. When organizations achieve market dominance, they tend to attribute their success solely to their superior abilities rather than recognizing the complex interplay of factors that contributed to their rise. 

This low level of consciousness – the inability to see the bigger picture and acknowledge external forces – creates a fertile ground for false pride to take root.

This false pride manifests as an unshakeable belief in the organization's invincibility, leading to a dangerous narrowing of vision. Leaders become enclosed in echo chambers, dismissing warning signs and alternative viewpoints. The very success that should drive innovation instead becomes a barrier to change, as companies become prisoners of their past achievements.

The Kodak Case: A Cautionary Tale

The Rise and Fall of a Photographic Giant

Consider Kodak, a name synonymous with photography for over a century. In 1975, they created the first digital camera but buried the innovation out of pride in their existing business model. 

Their own engineer, Steve Sasson, was told, "That's cute, but don't tell anyone about it." The company's leadership, blinded by their 90% market share in film, couldn't imagine a world where traditional photography would become obsolete. 

This pride-induced blindness ultimately led to their bankruptcy in 2012, after 130 years of market leadership.

Nokia: Pride Before the Fall

From Market Leader to Niche Player: The Nokia Story

Nokia's story parallels Kodak's in many ways. Dominating the mobile phone market in the early 2000s, Nokia's leadership dismissed the iPhone as a "niche product." 
Their pride in their existing phone designs and market position prevented them from seeing the revolutionary change that touchscreen smartphones would bring. 
By the time they acknowledged their mistake, it was too late – the company had lost 90% of its market value between 2007 and 2012.

The Theranos Tragedy: Hubris at its Zenith

Perhaps no recent example better illustrates the dangers of corporate hubris than Theranos. Elizabeth Holmes built a $9 billion company on the promise of revolutionary blood-testing technology. 
The company's leadership maintained their grandiose claims even when their own scientists warned of impossibilities. This extreme form of pride – believing they could bend reality to their will – led to the company's complete collapse and criminal convictions for fraud.

Blockbuster: A Case of Blindness to Change

A Visual Reminder of the Past: The Rise and Fall of Blockbuster

The Blockbuster versus Netflix saga provides another telling example. 
When Netflix's founders approached Blockbuster in 2000 with a partnership proposal, Blockbuster's CEO reportedly laughed them out of the room. 

Pride in their brick-and-mortar empire, generating $800 million in late fees alone, blinded them to the future of streaming entertainment. 

By 2010, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy while Netflix soared to a $13 billion valuation.

Overcoming Corporate Hubris: Cultivating Consciousness

Finding Zen in Business: Cultivating Awareness to Overcome Hubris

These cautionary tales highlight a crucial truth: sustainable success requires high consciousness – the ability to remain aware, adaptable, and humble despite achievements. 

Companies must cultivate what Zen Buddhists call a "beginner's mind" – approaching each day with openness and without preconceptions, regardless of past successes.

True vision requires the courage to challenge one's own assumptions and the wisdom to recognize that today's strengths could become tomorrow's weaknesses. 

Corporate leaders must understand that pride is a double-edged sword – while confidence is necessary for bold action, hubris inevitably leads to downfall.

A Call to Action: Embracing Higher Principles

A Higher Purpose: Navigating Beyond Corporate Greed

The antidote to corporate hubris lies in raising collective consciousness inside the company through bold choices toward humanity, compassion, justice, and courage.

The consequences of the choices will provide a higher vision for corporate executives, shaping a future destiny of the company in a more prosperous way.

The maintenance of true pride is essential - through constant self-examination, openness to criticism, and willingness to adapt.

Only by embracing these higher principles can organizations transcend the pitfalls of false pride and build lasting success that benefits not just shareholders, but society as a whole.

The Arrogance Trap: A Personal Reflection

Corporate hubris often mirrors personal arrogance.  Understanding the dynamics of individual arrogance can provide valuable insights into how it manifests at the organizational level. 

Explore the subtle ways arrogance can creep into our lives, both personally and professionally, in Part VIII of the "Why Pride?" series.

From Boardroom to Fiction: Exploring Hubris in "Melissa"

The Shadow of Hubris: Exploring Nathan's Journey in "Melissa"

From Kodak to Theranos, the fall from grace is often rooted in a lack of consciousness. 

Explore these themes further in my blog and my novel, Melissa, where arrogant scientist Nathan faces the consequences of his own hubris. 

Subscribe to my Blog for more insights into spiritual awareness, conscious leadership, and the human condition, and receive exclusive content and special offers!

#CorporateHubris, #BusinessLeadership, #Innovation, #Humility, #Consciousness, #LeadershipLessons, #BusinessStrategy, #Failure, #Success, #Kodak, #Nokia, #Theranos, #Blockbuster, #BusinessGrowth #MelissaNovel #JacklynaLo

Monday, January 27, 2025

πŸš€ Second Group Embarks: 'Hamlet's Last Choice' Beta Reading

Unveiling the mysteries within...

The adventure begins! ⚔️ 

The Second Group of Beta Readers for 'Hamlet's Last Choice' has officially started their journey πŸ‘« πŸ‘«.

#ReadingJourney #NewBeginnings #HamletsLastChoice #BetaReading

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Writer's Journey: Feedback as a Guide to Success ✍️

The Weight of Duty: Ophelia's Inner Conflict

"The weighty silence that followed felt like a crushing blow to Ophelia's soul. Her mind raced, torn between her love for Hamlet and the duty she owed to her father."

            - From Hamlet's Last Choice

This poignant observation, from my novel Hamlet's Last Choice, highlights the importance of capturing the nuances of a character's inner world and how even seemingly minor details can have a significant impact on the reader's experience.

Writing is a solitary endeavor. We sit at our desks, wrestling with ideas, crafting sentences, and building worlds, often in isolation. But the writing process doesn't exist in a vacuum. Feedback, whether from fellow writers, mentors, or even discerning readers, is an invaluable tool that can transform a good piece of writing into something truly exceptional.

Receiving Constructive Criticism

Feedback: Nurturing the Seed of Creativity

Receiving constructive criticism can be a daunting experience. It can feel like an attack on our creativity, a judgment on our hard work. However, it's crucial to remember that feedback is not about personal attacks; it's about improving the craft. It's about helping the writer to see their work through a different lens, to identify strengths and weaknesses they might have missed, and to unlock the full potential of their story.

For me, receiving feedback from my beta readers has been an invaluable experience. In particular, the insights provided by ConstanΓ§a Baptista, who has graciously agreed to read two of my novels in a row – "Melissa" and now Hamlet's Last Choice – have been incredibly helpful. Her thoughtful observations, such as the need to further develop Laertes' character and enrich the world-building in Hamlet's Last Choice, provided me with a fresh perspective on my own work. It challenged me to look beyond my initial intentions and consider the story from a reader's point of view.

The Benefits of Feedback

Sharpening the Pen: Feedback Refines and Polishes the Writing

Feedback can help writers in numerous ways:

  • Identify Blind Spots: We often become so immersed in our own stories that we lose objectivity. Feedback can help us identify blind spots, such as inconsistencies in plot, underdeveloped characters, or areas where the writing could be more concise or impactful.
  • Improve Clarity and Conciseness: It can help us refine our writing, ensuring that our message is conveyed clearly and effectively. It can help us identify areas where our prose is convoluted or unclear, and suggest ways to improve sentence structure and word choice.
  • Deepen Character Development: Feedback can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of our characters. It can help us to make our characters more realistic, relatable, and memorable by identifying areas where their motivations, actions, and relationships could be further developed.
  • Explore Themes More Effectively: Feedback can help us to identify and explore the underlying themes of our story more effectively. It can help us to ensure that these themes are woven seamlessly into the narrative and that they resonate with the reader on a deeper level.

Giving Effective Feedback

Many Minds, One Masterpiece: The Collaborative Art of Writing

Giving feedback effectively is equally important. Here are a few tips:

  • Focus on the work, not the writer: Offer constructive criticism on the specific elements of the writing, such as plot, character, and language, rather than making personal judgments about the writer's abilities.
  • Be specific and provide concrete examples: Instead of saying "This part is confusing," explain what specifically is confusing and suggest ways to improve it.
  • Offer both praise and constructive criticism: Acknowledge the strengths of the work while also identifying areas for improvement.
  • Be respectful and empathetic: Remember that the writer has poured their heart and soul into their work. Offer feedback in a constructive and supportive manner.


Feedback: The Catalyst for Transformation

Receiving feedback can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. By embracing constructive criticism and learning from it, writers can grow and improve their craft, ultimately creating work that is more meaningful and impactful. I am incredibly grateful to beta readers like Constança, whose insightful feedback has been invaluable in my own writing journey.

Help Shape Hamlet's Fate

Help Shape Hamlet's Fate: Become a Beta Reader for 'Hamlet's Last Choice' (Round 2 Starts January 25th!) Link: πŸ•΅️‍♀️πŸ‘‘

#Feedback, #WritingTips, #Constructive, #Criticism, #WritingAdvice, #Feedback, #Craft,

#WritersWorkshop, #Collaboration, #ImproveWriting, Editing

Sunday, January 12, 2025

πŸ—‘️πŸ‘‘ BETA Readers Wanted: A Fresh Take on a Timeless Tale


Map of Scandinavia 1300AD

To be, or not to be... But what if Hamlet's choices led him down a different path?

Reimagining Shakespeare's Prince for a New Era

In "Hamlet's Last Choice," we venture beyond the familiar halls of Elsinore into a vividly realized medieval Scandinavia.

Imagine Hamlet grappling with existential questions in a world of Viking raiders and brutal court intrigue. This reimagining brings humanity and historical depth to one of literature's most complex characters.

What Makes This Version Different?

  • Witness more nuanced, human Hamlet who avoids the tragic fate of Polonius, leading to unexpected consequences.
  • Encounter the cunning gravedigger Magnus, who questions the meaning of life, and the salt-and-gunpowder-soaked pirate captain Gus Ironbeard with a mysterious past as they intersect with Hamlet's tumultuous journey.
  • Rich historical context brings medieval Scandinavia to life.
  • A fresh perspective on eternal themes of filial duty, revenge, justice, and the intangible values determining our choices.

Seeking BETA Readers for Round Two

Launching: Sunday, January 25th, 2025

Ideal Candidates:


  • Familiar with Shakespeare's Hamlet (through text or film)
  • Passionate about historical fiction
  • Interested in character-driven narratives
  • Ready to explore a fresh take on a classic tale

Join Our Literary Journey

For readers who love historical fiction, character-driven narratives, and reimaginings of classic tales, 'Hamlet's Last Choice' offers a fresh perspective on one of literature's most enduring stories.

Whether you've memorized every line of the original play or just remember the basic plot from high school, your perspective is valuable. Help shape this new vision of a timeless story.

🎁 Beta Reader Benefits

All participants receive:

  • πŸ“œ Certificate of Participation
  • πŸ–‹️ Digital copy of the final e-book with Author's Signature

Complete the full questionnaire and receive:

  • πŸ“š Physical paperback copy of "Hamlet's Last Choice"
  • ⭐ Your name in the book's acknowledgments section

Special Bonus:

  • πŸ’Ž Three randomly chosen beta readers will name a character or pet in our upcoming sci-fi novella "Free Will 2138"
Join us on this literary adventure and help bring "Hamlet's Last Choice" to life. Your feedback is crucial to shaping this captivating reimagining.

Ready to Begin?

πŸ”΅ Learn More About Beta Reading Discover the full scope of the program, see illustrations, and understand the beta reading process

Your feedback will be invaluable as we refine this captivating tale.

🎭 The stage is set. Will you join us in reimagining this classic tale?

πŸ‘‰ Visit our landing page for complete details about the program, benefits, and how to join!

#HamletsLastChoice #ShakespeareReimagined #HistoricalFiction
#MedievalScandinavia #BetaReader #LiteraryAdventure #CharacterDriven
#ClassicReimagined #Bookish #ReadersWanted #JoinTheJourney #JacklynaLo

Sunday, January 5, 2025

✨ Redemption: A Glimpse into the New Back Cover!


Everyone dies.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a king living it up in a grand palace or a slum dweller fighting for survival in a cardboard shack – no one is exempt. Death comes for us all in the end.

But what if death isn’t the end? What if it is just a link in a reincarnation chain that spans centuries and millennia? What if all of us are trapped in an endless cycle of lives, doomed to suffer and die over and over again? Wouldn’t you want to break free?

Some of us do.

Our readers love Redemption!


Time Slips Away: Redemption - A Novel of Reincarnation

  • "The novel takes you from near future Chicago deep to the dark stone ages and back... precise with historical details." - Antti Niskanen
  • "An enjoyable sci-fi/philosophical novel, taking the reader to the past and future through a series of past lives... What is the purpose of life is the overall question, which is answered at the end in a surprising way." - T J Pyke
  • "An intricately weaved tale... a roller coaster ride of a woman travelling through the sands of time, seeking the truth veiled within her tumultuous past and finally attaining redemption by embracing her inner spirituality." - Farhan

 πŸ€© I am so excited about the upcoming release!

Follow our blog for updates and check for availability on Amazon soon!


Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Year's Party in the Between-Lives Realm: Soul Resolutions for 2025 and Beyond πŸŽ‰πŸ‘»✨πŸ“

The Cosmic Soul Lounge

Picture a cosmic lounge where souls gather between incarnations—some fresh from their last life, others anxiously awaiting their next adventure. The ambiance is timeless (literally!), with stardust cocktails floating by and ethereal music playing in the background.

Conversations Sparkle

Hellfire: Not recommended for sensitive souls

As the party gets livelier, conversations begin to sparkle.

"Next time, I won't invest my entire life in black magic!" declares a young soul, fanning itself with an imaginary fan. "The hellfire is way too hot for my taste!"

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

A spiritual growth doesn't require sacrificing human experience

A more mature soul, adjusting its airy metaphysical robes, muses: "I promise not to become a zealot again—last time I was so serious about everything, I forgot to enjoy the simple pleasures of being human. Plus, those medieval rags made of coarse cloth were really itchy!"

Dating Disasters: Cosmic Edition

We've all made dating mistakes, but this one takes the (wedding) cake

Near the cosmic punch bowl, a particularly exasperated soul with an ugly scar around its neck sighs: "This time around, I'll actually listen to my intuition. In my previous life, I ignored all the signs telling me not to marry Henry VIII. Big mistake. HUGE mistake!"

The Importance of Balance

"No more procrastinating on spiritual growth by saying 'I'll do it next time,' as that's always spread to the next life, and from that one to another one—and I've been saying that for the last twelve incarnations!"

The Mirror of Souls Pact

Seeking understanding through shared experience

In a quiet corner of the lounge, a profound exchange unfolds. A group of souls who were systematically dehumanized gather with those who perpetuated their suffering, proposing a Mirror of Souls Pact: "In the next life, we will exchange places. You will look in the mirror and see our faces, experience the world through our eyes."

Free Will and the Path to Redemption

Some of the souls will break the cycle of rebirths and find redemption

Beneath these lighthearted exchanges and solemn agreements lie deeper truths about attachment, addiction, hubris, and ego—the very challenges that shape our spiritual growth. Even with such contracts, souls retain their free will. Some will break the cycle of oppression and find redemption, while others may succumb to the temptations of false pride and power.

Breaking the Reincarnation Cycle

Some will attain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation.

The Cosmic Joke

And here's the cosmic joke: even our mistakes and seemingly wrong choices contribute to our evolution. After all, what's a few millennia of learning compared to eternal wisdom?

So as we stand on the threshold of 2025, perhaps we can take a page from this celestial celebration. While we may not remember the resolutions from our past lives, each New Year offers a fresh canvas for growth. Here's to making this incarnation count—one spiritual lesson and a dash of cosmic humor at a time—lighting the path to evolution and liberation.

About the Author

Jacklyn A. Lo is the author of "Redemption," exploring the spiritual awakening of an AI executive who chooses light over power, and "Melissa," a tale of a brilliant biophysicist Nathan whose arrogance leads him to crucial life lessons. 

Both novels delve into themes of spiritual evolution, free will, and the transformative power of self-awareness. These works reflect the author's interest in how souls navigate their paths between pride and humility, artificial and authentic, ultimately finding their way to higher consciousness.

#BetweenLives #SoulEvolution #PastLives #SpiritualGrowth #NewYearReflections #CosmicHumor #BeyondIncarnation #EtherealVibes #CelestialParty #SpiritualJourney #MetaphysicalMusings

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Warmth, Joy, & Creative Sparks πŸ’‘✨

The solstice shadows, long and deep, 

Where 'Melissa's' chill, my soul did keep.❄️ 

Then Hamlet's call, a challenge bold, 

A story waiting to unfold. πŸ“– 

With every line, a seed was sown,

By beta readers, wisdom shown. 

Now winter's grace, a gentle hand,

Where inspiration fills the land.

May warmth and peace your spirits find,

As stories bloom within your mind.🌷 

A season's peace, a writer's dream,

May joy and wonder softly gleam. πŸŒŸ

This holiday season, I'm filled with gratitude for the journey, the lessons learned, and the stories yet to be told. 

May this winter bring you moments of warmth, joy, and quiet inspiration that fuels creativity. πŸ’‘

Wishing You All a Season of Peace and Wonder.  πŸ•Š️


Learn More About Melissa

Discover My Reimagined Hamlet

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Why Pride? πŸ€” Part X: The Downfall of Group Hubris πŸ“‰

Pride is not confined to individuals—it can also manifest powerfully at the group and national levels, often with more devastating consequences than one individual. 

When unchecked, group pride can transform from a source of motivation into a destructive force that breeds extreme hostility, conflict, and ultimately, self-destruction.

The Downside of Collective Pride

The lower collective consciousness a group has, the more likely its pride will swell into a toxic environment ready to be a breeding ground for conflict. This phenomenon is well acknowledged throughout the history of humankind and unfortunately persists on our planet.

Terrorism: Ideology Fueled by Distorted Pride

The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City represent a grim testament to how false pride can nourish extreme ideologies. 

The perpetrators believed their actions were justified, driven by a distorted sense of pride that elevated their cause above human lives. This tragic event illustrates how group identity, when warped by extreme pride, can lead to unimaginable destruction.

Social Injustice: Pride as a Mechanism of Oppression

In societies where women's rights remain fragile, "honor killings" demonstrate the most horrific manifestation of group pride. Families committing violence to "preserve" their reputation reveals how collective pride can become a tool of systematic oppression of one human against another. 

Women are brutalized not for their actions, but for challenging a group's rigid perception of honor and acceptable behavior of a member of the group.

Urban Conflict: Territorial Pride and Gang Violence

In many urban environments, gang violence epitomizes pride's destructive potential. Territorial disputes become battlegrounds where perceived honor is defended through violence. 
Each confrontation reinforces a cycle of aggression, with pride serving as the primary fuel for continued conflict.

Sports: When Confidence Becomes Complacency

The 2004 U.S. Olympic men's basketball team provides a compelling snapshot of how pride precedes a fall. The "Dream Team," comprised of NBA superstars, entered the competition with an assumption of inevitable victory. 
Their shocking defeat by Puerto Rico in the opening game and subsequent in only bronze medal finish exposed the dangers of unexamined confidence, i.e. illustrating the dangers of group hubris.

The Delicate Balance: Pride vs. Humility

While these examples highlight pride's destructive potential, it's crucial to recognize that group identity isn't inherently negative. 

The key lies in maintaining a delicate balance between justified pride, humbleness, and self-reflection which could be dramatically improved by a collective consciousness that is open to growth. 

Click on the Link to find out more about the development of consciousness.

Healthy group pride can:

  • Motivate collective action
  • Foster community resilience
  • Drive positive social change
  • Celebrate shared achievements
The key thing is whether that group's consciousness remains open to growth, feedback, and continuous improvement.

Conclusion: A Call for Conscious Collective Identity

True strength emerges not from unbridled pride, but from a nuanced understanding of our collective strengths and limitations. Groups and societies must cultivate an identity.

Author Bio

Jacklyn A. Lo is a writer who explores the destructive potential of unchecked pride through compelling narratives that blur the boundaries between science, faith, and human pride. 

Her novel "Melissa" delves deep into the consequences of hubris, following a brilliant biophysicist whose arrogance leads to a terrifying experiment that challenges the very limits of scientific and moral boundaries.

With thanks to:

#GroupPride #CollectiveConsciousness #PrideAndPrejudice #PrideVsHumility #PrideAndFall #DangerousPride #PrideAndConflict #SocialJustice #HonorKillings #GangViolence #CorporateHubris #Theranos #DreamTeam #Consciousness #SelfReflection #EthicalLeadership #PrideAndResponsibility

Sunday, December 8, 2024

🏴‍☠️ Hamlet's Last Choice: A Journey Through Medieval Scandinavia πŸ‘‘


"To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them..." 

- William Shakespeare

A Realm on the Edge of Chaos

Journey back to late Medieval Scandinavia, a time of shifting power, religious turmoil, and daring exploration.

An Epic of Human Passions

This era of upheaval serves as the backdrop for my novel "Hamlet's Last Choice" – a story of Revenge and Justice, Love and Loss, Fate and Free Will, Power and Corruption.

The Dance of Kingdoms

In the harsh beauty of the sixteenth-century North, three kingdoms – Denmark, Norway, and Sweden – danced an eternal waltz of power and betrayal. Denmark, jewel of the North Sea, held its neighbors in check through mastery of vital sea routes, while Norway and Sweden circled like hungry wolves, forever seeking advantage.

The North Sea: Highway of Intrigue

The North Sea itself was both highway and battlefield, its gray waters churned by merchant vessels and pirate ships alike. Some of these pirates were more than mere brigands; they were the shadow hands of kings, carrying out their masters' will with cutlass and torch while courts maintained a facade of innocence.

A Prince's Escape

For a young prince like Hamlet, the call of such a life represented more than an adventure – it was an escape from court intrigue, a path of raw freedom and potential redemption.

Calling All Historical Thriller Enthusiasts! πŸ•΅️‍♂️πŸ“–

Are you a reader who craves immersive historical narratives that blend intrigue, political machinations, and the raw human struggle for survival? "Hamlet's Last Choice" promises a gripping journey into the treacherous world of medieval Scandinavia, where every page turns like a blade's edge between fate and choice.

Exciting Developments

Current BETA shift: In the final stages of completion 

πŸ“š Next BETA Rendering Program: Launching late January 2025 

🎁 Detailed rewards and perks: Click on the Link

Ideal for fans of:

  • Complex historical narratives
  • Political intrigue
  • Maritime adventures
  • Psychological depth
  • Reimagined historical perspectives

Join us and become part of a select group of readers who will help shape this extraordinary narrative!

With thanks to:

#HamletsLastChoice #HistoricalThriller #MedievalNorthSea #BookLovers #BetaReaders