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Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Why Pride? Part V. The Power of Compassion

Compassion. πŸ˜‡

Following our pride, we are speeding up on our highways, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. However, how can we stay stable and avoid veering off the path of True Pride towards arrogance, false pride, or hubris?

In previous parts of the article "Why Pride?", we discussed several safeguards, such as Self-Awareness and Humility, that can protect us from this risk. In Part V, we will delve deeper into another powerful buffer: Compassion.

Human compassion is a profound feeling of empathy and concern for the suffering of others. It involves a willingness to understand another person's pain, offer support, and take action to alleviate their suffering.

To better understand the interplay between true pride and compassion, let's explore real-world examples of individuals who have harnessed these qualities to make a positive impact.

 J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter)

A wizard's journey

After becoming a renowned author, J.K. Rowling used her platform to advocate for various charitable causes. Despite her immense literary success, she didn't succumb to false pride or narcissism. Instead, she remained committed to making a positive impact beyond her personal accomplishments.

Rowling established the Volant Charitable Trust, which supports multiple sclerosis research and works to alleviate social deprivation, particularly among women and children. She also co-founded Lumos, an international children's organization working to end the institutionalization of children worldwide.

In 2012, Rowling voluntarily dropped off Forbes' billionaire list due to her charitable giving. 

She stated, "You have a moral responsibility when you've been given far more than you need, to do wise things with it and give intelligently." 

This example showcases how true pride, when coupled with compassion, means using one's success to create positive change in the world.

True pride is often shared. When you achieve something, remember to lift others up and acknowledge their contributions. In contrast, false pride often involves belittling others to elevate oneself.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift, bringing her music to the people

After achieving stardom through her successful music career, Taylor Swift has made it a priority to use her platform and resources to support others.

In 2018, she launched the "Taylor Nation" program where she made donations to fans struggling with medical bills, student loans, and other financial hardships. Taylor didn't just celebrate her own successes but extended a compassionate hand to her supporters.

One of Taylor's Charities

Beyond that, she has made multi-million dollar donations to charitable causes like disaster relief efforts after the Nashville tornadoes and Louisiana floods. Swift said these acts weren't about gratifying her ego but coming from "an inherent humble perspective" to help others in need.

Her compassion isn't limited to grand gestures either. Swift is known for spending time with sick fans at hospitals, writing them letters of encouragement, and making their dreams come true through meet-and-greets.

These examples of J. K. Rowling and Taylor Swift showcase how true pride, when coupled with compassion, means sharing one's success and good fortune to uplift, support, and bring joy to others - without any need to belittle or elevate oneself above others. In the end, this helps us resist the touch of false pride.

Openness to feedback is another crucial tool for maintaining a healthy sense of pride. We shall cover this quality in the next part of this article.

Why Pride? A Skeptic's Perspective

Looking for evidence to back up claims?

As skeptics, we love to question things. We don't just accept what everyone else says. We want evidence to back up claims.

True Pride is a mix of qualities that skeptics can really get behind. It's about knowing yourself, being humble, caring about others, being open to feedback, and not comparing yourself too much to others.

These qualities go hand-in-hand with skeptical thinking. They encourage us to keep learning, try new things, and make a positive impact on the world. And we do it all while being honest and ethical.

By embracing True Pride, we show that being successful and doing the right thing can go together. We can thrive while still being critical thinkers and making decisions based on evidence.

Unchecked Ambition: How Pride Leads to Ruin in "Melissa"

Pride led to his downfall. Will you learn from his mistake?

For a compelling exploration of the dangers of unchecked pride, dive into my novel "Melissa." 

Follow the journey of Nathan, a brilliant but arrogant scientist whose ambition leads him to cross ethical boundaries in this thrilling sci-fi dark romance.

Exciting News: "Melissa" will be FREE on September 8th!

Grab your e-device and dive into Melissa!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to witness firsthand the destructive power of false pride and the importance of humility in scientific pursuits. Will Nathan learn to balance his ambition with humility before it's too late? Or will his pride lead to his downfall?

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Don't let this opportunity slip away! "Melissa" offers a unique blend of science fiction, romance, and philosophical exploration of pride and ambition.

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This novel serves as a practical illustration of the concepts discussed in this article, offering readers a chance to see the principles of True Pride (or the lack thereof) in action through a compelling narrative.

Thanks to AI

While some images were sourced from the internet, I would like to thank the NightCafe image generation tool for the images created for this post. I am also grateful to Bard/Gemini and Claude for their proofreading assistance.

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Monday, July 29, 2024

Morgue's Embrace: A Gripping Excerpt from Melissa ( Ch. 18)

Moments of bliss, shadows of fate

In the vibrant tapestry of life, our early thirties often represent a period brimming with potential. Careers are flourishing, dreams are being chased, and the concept of mortality feels like a distant horizon, a reality acknowledged but seldom truly contemplated. 

It's a time when we believe ourselves invincible, encased in an armor of youth that renders us untouchable. But life, in its capricious nature, has a way of shattering illusions. 

On the Edge

The unthinkable can happen in an instant, leaving behind a desolate landscape of grief and disbelief.

This is the brutal reality that Nathan confronts in Chapter 18 of Melissa. Struck by a sudden and merciless blow, he finds himself in the sterile, antiseptic embrace of the morgue...

Unveiling a Gripping World (Excerpt 5, Chapter 18)

When Love Meets Loss

The morgue's air was a thick, suffocating blanket of antiseptic fumes, stinging his eyes and constricting his lungs like invisible chains. The chill of the room seeped into his bones like an insidious poison, permeating the very essence of his being...

Nathan's heart clenched in a vise-like grip, his gaze drawn to her lifeless form—the gentle curve of her cheekbone, the strands of her hair framing her face in a heartbreaking parody of sleep.

Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill over, a torrent of grief that threatened to overwhelm him. A heart-wrenching sob tore from his chest, a desperate plea against the suffocating silence that enveloped him.

What our readers said: 

"This story took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I laughed, I cried, and I held my breath as Nathan faced unimaginable choices." - ConstanΓ§a Baptista, Beta Tester. 

Join the Celebration!

Our Melissa's launch is just around the corner! Experience the raw emotion of Melissa for FREE on the official launch day, July 30th or download your copy now and embark on a heart-wrenching journey! 

Available on Amazon! Click the link to read it!

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