Showing posts with label choice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choice. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Why War? Summary /D

 Everything is in our hands thanks to Free Will.

- Jacklyn A. Lo

Support for Writers and Screenwriters

We have to admit that in developed countries the popularity of the church and other religious institutions is rapidly declining. Therefore, people have to look for answers to their internal questions in alternative sources of information, that is, in books and films. 

Writer © Jacklyn A. Lo

It takes at least a year to write a quality novel or feature film script. Very often, independent authors do their work at their own expense, with the clear knowledge that their time and resources will never be compensated.

The worst situation in the film industry is where ideas are treated like garbage, and stolen ideas are a common way to succeed if you have the financial means but no creativity.

At best, an aspiring writer will get a paid job in a film studio. Unfortunately, this studio will require him/her to write those episodes that bring in the most monetary profit and not the development of the human consciousness.

Thus, governmental support should be organized for those writers and screenwriters who are able to present issues of self-knowledge1  in an understandable and entertaining way. For example, it could be a presentation of not only the physical and mental goals of the protagonist but also spiritual quests.

Note1: spiritual, metaphysical

Recognition of the Energy Healers 

At present, very little is known about healers such as prana-, energy- and especially spiritual healers.

They usually don't receive any government support to run their practice, and health insurance doesn't cover their bills, so healers have to work elsewhere to make a living.

We must understand that the drugs (chemo) that we currently use very often cannot help and also cause severe side effects. And subsequent surgeries are associated with an even greater risk to the physical body.

At the same time, a skilled healer is able to cure the disease without side effects.

The poor recognition of healers comes from a narrow view of the human body, where Western medical schools do not provide any knowledge about the human energy structure.

@Subtle Energy Bodies of Aura

In the Western World, raising awareness of the human energy structure can start with Chinese traditional medicine and  Indian Ayurveda.

Reincarnation Concept

All humanity develops according to the Universal Laws of Evolution and Change. No one, no person, no organization is an exception.

However, religious institutions remain in one place. Providing outdated spiritual information, they are unable to meet the needs of the rapidly developing modern man.

The dogma approach does not correspond to the ever-increasing energy potential of a person who leaves a church empty-handed - without knowing "Who I am."

Because of this, some spiritual seekers break away from the conservative "mother" church and organize more modern congregations. However, as a rule, after the death of the founder, the renewed faith is also "frozen" and becomes as conservative as the "main" church.

Hint: why don't you at least bring back the concept of Reincarnation, with which you could teach your flock additional concepts such as Karma, Free Will, Fate, and perhaps, Ascension?

Returning to the Original Question: Why War?

God, our Spiritual Father, and Head of Light, is against war. Although, in order to teach2  us, He must follow the Universal Law of Karma.

If we take the opportunity to study voluntarily, everything will go smoothly and we will enjoy peace. However, if the chance is missed, we will face a harsher reality, where war is a form of punishment.

Satan, as the Head of Darkness, is the direct beneficiary of the war. War is one of His main Values. He takes care of possible leaders and candidates for participation in hostilities, as well as ordering a program to run a war scenario.

And, of course, there is a choice behind everything, and on a larger scale, it is a Spiritual Choice.

Note2 : Universal Law of Evolution

Table. Choice-Karma-Consequence

* Only for souls with Free Will

In other words, everything is in our hands, thanks to our Choice based on our Values.








Find More about:

  • Satan and His Team ( Tv-scripts, 25% discount)

The end of the Article "Why War?"

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Why War? Summary /Part A

What Spiritual Choice do you think Volodymyr  Zelenskyy would have made on February 24 if twenty years ago he would have gone to work as a lawyer for whom he studied?

I think his Spiritual Choice would have been different, our current moment would be different and the future of humanity would have been different. 

Fig.1. Levels of Consciousness: Artist and Lawyer

We must recognize that Creativity is of far greater value than Logic or Analysis, and Artists* have the highest level of consciousness (between 75 and 100 levels).

All other professions (including lawyers) are a reflection of a lower level of consciousness.

CArtist       CLawyer 

*Artists, musicians, healers, spiritual preachers, writers, philosophers, screenwriters, directors, and business idea generators.

Why War? Summary / Part A

  • Our Earth is just one of the countless planets in the materialistic worlds of Our Spiritual Father, the Head of Light*

Universe ©

  • The creation of our planet and the people on it is the result of the need for a certain type of daily energies and a certain type of souls
  • The daily energies come from the thoughts, speech, and doings of humanity, where the highest quality of energy belongs to the "Treasury Fund" of people, i.e. Artists.
  • Since the Artists have the highest level of consciousness, this allows them to have a broader vision of not only the Material Reality but also the hidden one, i.e. Metaphysical.
  • However, there is a lack of recognition of the Artists’ value, so the Artists suffer from a lack of money and respect. Therefore, instead of developing their own creative projects, they are forced to look for a job with a predictable salary, which means under someone's lower strategic vision.
  • The Head of Light demands of us to have more souls moving towards Light, but the Spiritual Choice of Light is very challenging. This is especially difficult to do in an environment that supports superficial vision, that is, the exaggerated power of money and other values ​​of the material world.
  • As long as we meet the requirements of the CEO of Lights, we will enjoy peace and prosperity. However, when the quality of everyday energies and the quality of souls deteriorate sharply, we get an extreme, i.e. WAR.
  • The Spiritual Choice of a Leader is very important, especially in wartime. 
  • At a certain point in history (for example now) this can lead either to the development of the Values of Light (Choice of Light) or to the failure of the entire project of the planet Earth and humanity on it (Choice of Darkness).

*CEO of Lights = God = Head of lights = Our Spiritual Father

But are there any means to prevent WAR?

YES, indeed!

Our Spiritual Father always provides us chances to prevent a WAR

In the case, if the chance is taken we continue a peaceful movement forward, but if we missed the chance for voluntary improvement we face harsh consequences, where one of those is WAR, i.e. suffering of a big amount of people.

You ask: "And if the war has already begun?"

Our Spiritual Father is always watching over us, and He can stop the war run by Satan at any moment. 

So what needs to be improved? Let's make a list.

List of Improvements

  • Raise the value of Independent Thinking
  • Do not abuse Political Power
  • Improving Women's Rights
  • Raising the value of Art and Artists
  • Financial support for Writers
  • Recognition for Energy Healers
  • Reincarnation concept

We shall go through the List of Improvement in detail in the coming Part B. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Why War? Part X

History is not made by leaders, but by their choice.
                                                                   Jacklyn A. Lo

We must recognize that everything begins in the metaphysical realm, where our thoughts are born, turning into intentions and further on into actions.


We live in a very exciting time when a country (nation) makes its Spiritual Choice toward the Light!

Resistance to Mordor

It is even more amazing to realize that most of the civilized world has come together to help Ukraine confront the real Mordor that appeared on our planet Earth. 

We can say that these countries have voluntarily joined the Choice towards the Light!


The main person making decisions on the Spiritual choice of the country is, of course, the Leader of the country. And people (nation) are influencers in his/her choice.

V. Zelensky

Zelensky's strategy during the Russian military buildup was to reassure the Ukrainian population and reassure the international community that Ukraine was not going to retaliate.

Volodymyr Zelensky (44) was born into a highly educated family and has been accustomed to different cultures since childhood. In this regard, it can be assumed that the environment from the very beginning supported his personal development.

Fig.1 Growth of Consciousness of V. Zelensky

High Energy and Consciousness

Paying attention to the fact that Volodimir studied at a school with in-depth learning of a foreign (English) language and had a vast variety of hobbies, including music, he initially had above average level of energy potential and consciousness.

Degree of Lawyer

Studying at the university and obtaining the qualification of a lawyer allowed him to increase his energy potential and level of consciousness above level 50 ( Fig. 1).

The biggest upgrade in his consciousness, however, came from his choice of career as an Artist and successful career in this field* ( consciousness level above 75).

*Showman, artist, comedian, artistic director, and leader of the Kvartal-95 society, former member and general producer of the Ukrainian TV channel Inter, screenwriter.

Artists = Treasury Fund

As we learned in the second part of this article, Artists are our "Treasury Fund"capable of giving Humanity the largest number of souls making a Spiritual Choice towards Light.

Choice of Freedom

After the invasion began, Zelensky declared martial law throughout Ukraine and the general mobilization of the armed forces. He himself did not leave the country, although he could have.

So, on February 24, 2022, V. Zelensky chose Freedom, where Freedom is the main Value of Lights.




Confronting the Values of Darkness and their CEO Satan allowed Zelensky to raise his consciousness even higher.





We must understand that Satan is not a kind and nice guy, but the founder of the Values ​​of Darkness, where Slavery is His key value. Therefore Satan is actively looking for new slaves.

Fig. 2 Spiritual choice of V..Zelensky on behalf of Ukraine


Satan is ready to buy off as many slaves as he can and is ready to pay for it with everything he owns in the materialistic world. He skilfully plays on the false pride of those people who are greedy for the values ​​​​of the physical world.


Dictators, addicted to money, power, magic, etc., are a great help to Satan on His path to gaining a higher energy potential. Being result oriented, He keeps them in great tension.

Spiritual Choice to Light

The Spiritual Choice towards Light is very difficult and requires great Spiritual Strength. Therefore, the supporters of the Values ​​of Light must provide all possible help to Ukraine to protect the Choice of Freedom and Peace for the entire planet Earth.

Our Spiritual Father

We must remember that our Spiritual Father, CEO of Lights, DOES NOT WANT WAR.
The War in Ukraine is given only as a last opportunity to set us on the right path (see Why War? Part I).

If Ukraine surrendered to the aggressor?

You ask: "What would happen if Ukraine surrendered to the aggressor?"

The Choice in favor of Slavery in a country of 40 million would increase the imbalance between souls moving toward Darkness and Light. This would lead to the utmost risk of the existence of mankind on our planet as a failed project of the Higher Ones.

Sodom, Gomorrah & Atlantis

We must not forget the terrible end of the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah or the death of the haughty high-tech Atlantis.

Our fate is in our hands

We must realize that our Earth is just one of the countless projects of our Spiritual Father.

Mother & Sister Earths

Our planet is a replica of Mother Earth*, which acted 100 years before us. Since the quality of the energies produced on that Earth was far from what the Higher Ones wanted, they allowed the “red button” to be pressed to destroy this planet.

There is another planet that is 30 years behind us. The Higher Ones are correcting the mistakes of our humanity on this young planet. If we destroy ourselves, they will still have a backup.

And the Higher Ones can create as many planets as they want.

Mother-, Sister-, and Our Earth

* Contactees with the Higher L. Strelnikova, L. Seklitova

Part X Conclusions

  • Ukraine has made its Spiritual Choice - toward the Light
  • The civilized world supports the Choice of Ukraine
  • The key reason for this Choice is the Leader - Artist
  • The War in Ukraine is given by purpose
  • The Choice of Slavery is backed by Satan and his servants
  • The destiny of Our planet and humanity on it is in our own hands

The Part "Summary" is coming shortly.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Why War? Part VII

When a spiritual being, including a country, constantly accumulates Dark Energies and cannot make the right Choice towards Light, the Higher Ones can give it a program of Degradation1


In the hands of the Highest, a Degradation is a tool for clearing accumulated harmful energies.

So, in 1964, Nikita Khrushchev is replaced by the new leader of Russia (USSR) Leonid Brezhnev, who has all the prerequisites to implement the Degradation plan.

Fig 1. L. I. Brezhnev. Period of Degradation 


Brezhnev begins his regime with the mass production of nuclear and other weapons, costing the Soviet economy dearly.

At the same time, any entrepreneurship, initiative in the economy, or other areas is severely punished. Violators are punished either in prison or in a psychiatric hospital (injustice and slavery are the values of the Darks). 

No Choice 

The planned from above economy2 itself with fixed prices and an information vacuum is a "No Choice" feature of Darks. 

Lack of motivation and incentives moves people into such workplaces where they can steal (i.e. catering, trade). The value of honest work is declining. The Commandment of God "Thou shalt not steal" is violated on the country level.

Values of Darks

In addition, in 1968 Russia (USSR) carries out an invasion of Czechoslovakia to suppress human rights and freedom (inhumanity and slavery = values of Darks) and starts a costly war in Afghanistan in 1969 (war = value of Darks).

Faith in communism

At the same time, the government elite strongly promotes Faith in Communism along with the worship of Lenin and the cult of Brezhnev (violation of the 1st and 2nd commandments and dedicated karma for it).


Brezhnev also uses the sale of alcohol as a source of government revenue.  Drunkenness becomes a serious social problem hitting the quality of goods produced.

Stagnant processes lead to a slow but steady loss of previously accumulated energies. Degradation affects the country's economy badly generating the shortage of all products, including essential goods. 


Addicted to glory3 and autocracy L. Brezhnev becomes the perfect executor of the Highest plan. Old and ill he drags on his role until the very end of his life (1982).

Fig 2. Brezhnev's addictions


1 The process of Degradation is well described in the books of contactees L. Seklitova, L. Strelnikova

Everything was planned from above, there was little that could be done from the level of the household, the individual worker, or the enterprise.  This killed the initiative from below, and the planned nature of the system brought the situation to the point of absurdity: for example, in the light industry, to make minimal changes in the design of clothes, it took an extremely long time to coordinate them in different instances.

Brezhnev's first desire as a future "leader" was that the entire party elite should stand up when he enters the hall 😉.

M. Gorbachev

The average age of the government elite in this era is about 70 years old.  Sick and old successors of Brezhnev fall ill and died one after another, clearing a place for relatively young Mikhail Gorbachev

Having become a leader of Russia ( USSR) in 1985 Gorbachev set a new challenge for the country - the Spiritual Direction toward Light.

Fig 3. M. Gorbachev's Spiritual Choice 

As we learned earlier, the Spiritual Choice towards the Light is the most difficult choice. Therefore, oil prices on the world market are falling, which further weakens the Russian economy.


The leader of the country Gorbachev is able to establish the main Value of Light - FREEDOM

Russians get the opportunity to travel abroad, open a business, and publish and read books that have been banned for almost 70 years.

As a real pacifist, Gorbachev also gives political freedom to the Eastern Bloc of countries.


A new vocabulary has been created: GLASTNOST (Freedom of Speech) and PERESTROIKA (reconstruction).

Negative Karma 

However, the new leader still violates the 1st Commandment of God, keeping the Faith in communism, which continues to generate negative karma for the country.

Command Economy

Another problem is that Gorbachev is in no hurry to change the command economy ( a feature of Darkness) to the market economy (a feature of Light). Half-hearted measures impede rapid economic growth.

Eastern Bloc

As the Russian economy continues to decline, financial assistance to the countries of the Eastern Bloc ends, causing the bloc itself to collapse. Most likely, this is a continuation of the degradation process that began a generation ago.


  • Guided by compassion, the Higher Ones give the USSR a Degradation program for cleaning from Dark Energies
  • L. Brezhnev, obsessed with glory and autocracy, is an excellent executor of this plan
  • After 21 years of forced cleansing, the USSR finally gets a chance to head for the Light through the leadership of M. Gorbachev
  • The ongoing process of degradation of the USSR and the freedom granted destroyed Communist regimes in Eastern Bloc

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Grigory Rasputin - Light or Dark? Part III (A)

Very often, Grigory Rasputin was accused of drunkenness, debauchery, and even venality.  

To get to the bottom of the truth, we must understand why alcohol, sex, and money exist in the human world.

Grigory Rasputin 1909

satan's tools

We must recognize that alcohol, sex, money, and so on are neither values ​​nor qualities of Darkness, but effective tools of Satan to tempt and test the human soul.

This main goal of Satan is to make a person addicted, and in the long run - to gain complete control over him.

negative karma

At best, the person will acquire negative karma, and retribution will prolong his existence in the physical world; in the worst case, his soul will be decodedThere is an intermediate option - the person will be dragged into the Dark System with their CEO Satan.

Let's take a closer look at alcoholsexmoney closer to Grigory.


Grigory's favorite alcoholic drink was Madeira with a strength of 18–20%, which is two times lower than standard Russian vodka. 

Since Rasputin was a peasant from a Siberian village, where the morning begins with a large glass of vodka, Madeira was for him a secular drink.

actors and doubles

Grigory's enemies tried their best to denigrate him and compromise him in front of the tsar’s family. Some representatives of high society hired actors and doubles for the role of the drunken Grigory. 

false admirers

Matryona Rasputina wrote that her father loved music and dancing, was an inquisitive person and was often molested by false admirers.

By slipping the drug into his drink, they created an environment with naked women, and photographed Grigory, in order to blackmail and manipulate him. One of the cases is described in Maria Rasputina's book "Rasputin. Why?"


It must also be understood that from the beginning of the mobilization of the Russian army for the First World War  (17th of July 1914) until his death ( 30th of December 1916), Grigory was in constant tension. His mission to influence the tsar Nikolai so that he would not enter the war failed. 

At the same time, the Russian tsar sincerely considered himself the keeper of the good name of the Romanov dynasty and the savior of the Russian Empire and did not want to hear about any peace. Both Nicholas and Alexandra lost interest in Grigory. The number of his fans and students also decreased. 


It must be understood that, as a clairvoyant, Grigory saw the karmic projections of fate on himself, and on the royal family, and on the Russian people, and on the country, and this future terrified him. 

Such stress had to be extinguished somehow, but there was not much choice.

Sexual debauchery

Hieromonk Iliodor (S. Trufanov)2 was one of the main figures in slandering Grigory and accusing him of debauchery.  Driven by pride and envy of Grigory's fame and success, Iliodor, who had much less energy and spiritual capabilities, came up with various absurdities, including Grigory's sexual relationship with the tsarina.

Find more about Iliodor's slandering in the screenplay The Tsar's choice.

However, it is documented that Grigory was faithful to his family with three children all his life. 

Grigory Rasputin with his children

Arriving in St. Petersburg in 1903, he lived first in a monastery, then with his admirers, and only ten years later he moved into his own apartment. 


While still living in someone else's apartment, he brought his daughters to St. Petersburg - Matryona first, and then Varvara. His wife refused to leave the farm and move to the city, visiting them once a year. 

At some point, Grigory's wife Praskovya Fedorovna underwent a total hysterectomy and she told her husband that she was ready for a divorce, but Grigory refused.

Grigory with his wife and daughter

no female victims

When political power came to Vladimir Lenin, the Bolsheviks began to look for materials to denigrate the tsar's family through its inner circle. 

They announced they were looking for Rasputin's female victims, but found none. Also, there was not a single case of pregnancy from Grigory. The close friends to tsar's family Anna Vyrubova/Taneeva, who was rumored to be Grigory's mistress, was, in fact, a virgin, as confirmed by several gynecologists.


The most incredible rumors about Grigory spread not only in Russia, but also abroad and grew to unprecedented proportions. For example, in one of the English-language sources was said that Grigory's real surname was Novy3, but among the people, Grigory received the nickname Rasputin for debauchery.

As the matter of fact, the word Rasputin with the root «put'» has several meanings in the Russian language: 1. Rasputitsa = bad road;  2. Rasput’ye = crossroad;  3. Rasputnik = libertine.  The correct metaphysical meaning of the surname Grigory belongs to the second meaning, that is, the crossroads, hinting at the Spiritual Choice of the Russian Tsar.

Find an alternate reality for Russia's future in 2021 in the screenplay The Tsar's Choice.


Rasputin spoke of love as the highest Christian virtue, but his bright intention was conveniently turned by his enemies into carnal "love" understandable to everyone.


 Soul decoding is a spiritual death of a soul.

Trufanov ended up abandoning faith and God, planning terrorist attacks against the existing government, organizing several assassination attempts on Grigory, and offering his services to the Bolsheviks.

3 "Novy" (new) was the first word of the little Tsarevich Alexei when he first saw Grigory. Since the name and surname Grigory Rasputin were widespread in Russia, it was decided to add the second surname "Novy" to the existing surname Rasputin. Since then, Grigory began to sign with a double surname: Rasputin-Novy. 

Note that two-word surnames with a hyphen were allowed only to nobles, and Grigory was a peasant, but by order of the tsar, he was given such a surname.

Part III (B) will be released soon.