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Showing posts with label appearance. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Do angels or jinns ever appear in dreams?

The next question in Quora about angels and jinn caught my attention: 

Do angels or jinns ever appear in dreams? If so, what do they look like?

Once in my life had an I experience with a representative from what I call the " Angelic " world and once with a Demon. 

Both cases happen over 10 years ago, but I remember them very well as if they would happen yesterday.

The first case happened when I got an undeserved emotional shock and I biked from the place in a gloomy mood. In a short distance
I saw a young fair-haired man in jogging mode with a super friendly bright smile.  
I knew that district very well and nobody was ever jogging there, especially in a happy mood, but he did. It seems like a little thing, but that was a warm and full of compassion glance, which is so rare among human-to-human.

Later, I read in a book of channelers that the most inexpensive ( from an energy point of view) way to communicate with people is by sending a message whether in a dream or via a hologram that looks like a human. My guess is that this was the case.

If the touch with the angelic realm was stress-realizing and encouraging,  the "meeting" with Demon was horror.

During a certain period of my life, I was doing some energy exercises to boost my next goal achieved. 

As long as I did the exercises alone, everything went smoothly; however, the procedure was to join (remotely) a group of people , which I did eventually. Again, the exercise itself went well and I decided to get a nap.

It takes courage to describe what happened next.
I must admit that prior to this experience, I didn't think too much or take too seriously the spiritual entities of Darkness. They were too abstract for me. However, this experience changed my attitude towards them.

Most likely, this Demon entered my astral body during sleep. I did not see his appearance nor sensed his breath, but felt the strength of his hands and felt his intentions.

His hands gripped my throat so tightly that it was impossible to inhale the air. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. This went on for some time; then he unclenched his hands and I woke up.
It should be noted that I have never suffered from nightmares.

That silent message was so powerful and convincing that I quit the exercises. The demon didn't come back.

So, in conclusion.
I assume that the spiritual beings from the Subtle World will have the form that is the least expensive in terms of energy consumption, but powerful enough to achieve their goal.

Find more answers to this question on Quora.