Showing posts with label Melissa Unveiled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melissa Unveiled. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Melissa: The Raven's Handshake

Jeffrey Darrington: More than meets the eye

What lies beneath the surface of a seemingly ordinary encounter?

We often take for granted the casual touches that punctuate our daily lives, assuming them to be innocuous. Yet, these brief moments of contact can serve as portals to hidden depths, revealing truths concealed beneath layers of artifice.

Nathan sought investment, a common pursuit in the world of scientific research. Little did he know that this particular meeting would open a door to a realm far more sinister than any other risk.

Excerpt from the Chapter  14 ( Encounter)

Never trust a raven with a shiny object

"As their skin met, an icy tendril snaked up Nathan's arm, momentarily stealing the warmth from his hand. 

A faint outline, a raven clutching a coin, brushed against his palm, sending a shiver through him that transcended the coolness. Startled, he looked up, the question forming on his lips before he could stop it. 

"Mr. Darrington," Nathan faltered, the lingering chill of Jeffrey's handshake sending goosebumps erupting across his skin. 

Before he could finish, Jeffrey released his hand, the smile replaced by a mask of professionalism as smooth as the exhale of his now-dead cigarette."

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The Cover of the Melissa Part I

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