Sunday, August 27, 2023

Elina: As If I Wasn't There (2002). Metaphysical Review

Elina: As If I Wasn't There (2002)


Metaphysical review Jacklyn A. Lo for the film Elina: As If I Wasn't There (2002).

Original title: Elina - Som om jag inte fanns.
This is a very exciting film with metaphysical elements where the main character - a little girl confronts an adult authoritarian woman who is fit for her grandmother.

Mature Soul

The protagonist Elina is a school-age girl with a mature soul that has great energetic and spiritual potential.

Following the plot we recognize that Elina has not only Courage but also Compassion (the episode with Finnish-speaking boy Anton).

On top of that in spite of all difficult circumstances, she is a fighter for Justice, her own Human Rights, and the rights of others.

As Courage, Compassion, Justice, and Human Rights are the main intangible Values of Light, Elina is a spiritual being moving toward the direction of Light.

She also has a high sensitivity to reality beyond the physical world which proves her high Spiritual Potential.

Absolute Power

The antagonist of Elina is her teacher Tora Holm, a conservative and authoritarian administrator.

The main value for her is absolute social power based on what she believes in her rightness.

That principle she spread not only over school children but also to Einar BjΓΆrk, the new teacher, who sees things differently than she does.

Spiritual Direction 

From a spiritual point of view, Tora has an above-average energetic potential in her soul (she is an administrator and a teacher).
But, what is her Spiritual Direction?
Through the film, we see that she humiliates the poor and those who have a lower social status (such as Finns).

She is also indifferent to their suffering, for example, she deprives Anton and Elina of dinner.
She clearly enjoys her own social power ( the episode of giving or not giving charitable boots to Elina), ignoring the girl’s positive intentions, etc.

All these actions are signs of the presence of heavy brutal energies in her soul and the movement of her soul toward Darkness.

Elina's and Tora's battle

At first glance, the energy capabilities of these two characters are equal, but it turns out that the girl is still stronger.
In fact, Elina is ready to sacrifice her own life, but not give up the Values of Light¹ that she followed.
Moreover, Elina receives additional strength from the collective will of all the schoolchildren who joined her protest.

Under these circumstances, Tora finally finds herself in a "No Choice" situation and is forced to accept her defeat and subsequent Change.

Some thoughts

It would be useful to add visibility to this change in Tora - for example, she changes her red suit for a less authoritarian dress and, for example, shows her sitting at lunch at the same table with schoolchildren.

Unfortunately, the film ends without showing us the inner transformation of the Tora. That would be the most interesting part.

Will she continue her journey into Darkness, hiding her cruelty like a wolf in sheep's clothing? Or perhaps this unwanted Change gave her a chance to turn to the Light and begin the process of enlightenment? Or maybe she will give up her school career and retire, i.e. will choose the direction of Degradation?


"Elina: As If I Wasn't There( 2002)" by director: Klaus HΓ€rΓΆ and scriptwriter Kjell Sundstedt is a fascinating film with spiritual elements and highly recommended to watch by the whole family.


  • Picture in the review:  ©IMDb 
  • Learn more about the Spiritual Choice towards Light and its consequences in the novel Redemption. Get an 85% price discount with the code YK37U. Valid until 2023-9-9
  • Check the presales of my new screenplay, "The Hamlet's Choice".


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Explore TV-Series Redemption 



Friday, August 25, 2023

Interview with Jacklyn A. Lo

Jacklyn A. Lo, India

What do you write about?

Why do you write about it?
The metaphysical is the source of everything that happens in the physical world.

Why exactly do you write about the metaphysical?
I would like to share my experience. I have felt the supernatural and its influence since I was a teenager. However, the main reason is the upgrade of my Consciousness that occurred in adulthood.

What metaphysical theme do you like the most?
Spiritual Choice

Why Spiritual Choice is the most fascinating for you?
Any Spiritual Choice toward Light provides not only an upgrade of consciousness but also enlarges your vision.

View the whole interview now at Smashwords.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Hamlet's Choice. Presale

 Exclusive early release! 

The Hamlet Choice 

My new screenplay, The Hamlet's Choice, is coming on August 29 to major retailers, but the ebook is available NOW at Smashwords for immediate purchase and reading!  

#presale #smashwords #hamlet

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Professor and the Madman (2019). Metaphysical Review


Professor and the Madman (2019)

Metaphysical review Jacklyn A. Lo for the historical film The Professor and the Madman (2019).

Negative Karma

The metaphysical core of this sophisticated film is the negative karma that hit one of the main characters of the story.

The protagonist, Dr. William Chester Minor, caused suffering and pain to a stranger (a solder Declan Reilly). This happened during the American Civil War when William was on duty as a surgeon and captain.

No Peace

Sometime later, William began to hallucinate - Declan Reilly not only pursues him but also attacks him, threatening his life. To avoid danger, William leaves the US and seeks asylum in England. However, even in a new country, he fails to find peace.


One night, William wakes up and realizes that Declan Reilly has been at his house. Grabbing his revolver, he immediately begins to pursue the man. At a certain point in time, William catches up with the man and kills him. However, as it turns out that was the wrong man. That murdered man, a father of several children, didn't have anything to do with Declan Reilly.


Someone might object - there shouldn't be any negative karma involved as William did professional duties in wartime as anyone else would do. This conclusion is based on pure Western logic without consideration of the man's level of consciousness. However, from our Highest Brother's point of view, the punishment ( if any) must be given in accordance with the human's maturity of his soul, i.e. level of consciousness.


For example, very young souls with multiple incarnations in a human body could earn positive karma for faithfully following military orders (which William followed). However, the higher the consciousness, the greater the responsibility. Some religions, such as Buddhism, do not accept harm to any creature, even an insect, let alone a person.

Energetic level of Soul

Therefore, let's look at the captain and surgeon William in terms of the energy quantity and quality of his soul

In 1872 ( the year of William's imprisonment) only 1 person out of 5 could read and write, but William was not only literate, he got a much higher education with a deep knowledge of human anatomy and he worked as a surgeon. Also, as a great contributor to the Oxford Dictionary, he has a much higher intellectual level than an average man as well as very good organizational skills.

All the factors above are clear signs that the energetic level of his soul is much above average.

Spiritual Direction

Some might argue that highly intelligent villains hang around us without any punishment for their deeds.
And again, for a correct understanding, we need to look into the spiritual core of a person, or rather, in what Spiritual Direction¹ he moves.

Spiritual Choice

We must remember that Karmic lessons only work for spiritual beings moving toward the Light. Mature spiritual entities who have constantly made their Spiritual Choice toward Darkness no longer have the opportunity to correct their mistakes, as they "operate" under the complete control of Satan, the Head of Darkness.

Again, someone can object - but there is a third party involved in this case, and even one of them (the husband of Eliza Merrett) dies at the hand of William.


That's true, our Highest Brothers put a lot of effort into giving a chance to correct mistakes for one individual soul.

And thanks to that, we observe constant spiritual progress in William, not only through his philanthropic help in making the Oxford Dictionary but especially via his voluntary sacrifice in favor of Eliza Merrett, the widow of the man whom he killed.

And of course, this progress would not have been possible if William had resisted this karmic lesson.

Similar Movie

This film is similar to the film The Machinist ( 2004), where negative karma teaches a protagonist to work on mistakes already in his current life.


The Professor and the Madman (2019) directed by Farhad Safinia  and written by Todd Komarnicki, Simon Winchester, and Farhad Safini is a highly spiritual biopic recommended to anyone interested in the work of karmic lessons


  • ¹Spiritual Direction is a chosen Direction whether toward Light or toward Darkness. Degradation is a sub-direction, which can be chosen too.
  • Picture in the review:  ©IMDb 
  • Learn more about the Spiritual Choice towards Light and its consequences in the novel Redemption. Use the code YK37U for an 85% discount. Expires on: 2023-9-9


More Metaphysical Movie Reviews – Jacklyn A. Lo

Explore TV-Series Redemption 


Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Greatest Discount for the Screenplay "Redemption"


Redemption Screenplay for Tv

I am happy to share the 85%- discount code for the Time-Travel with Sci-fi "Screenplay Redemption"

The code is: PN96H
Until  2023-9-9 only!

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Father Stu ( 2022). Spiritual Movie Review

 Illustration to the film "Father Stu" (2022)

Spiritual review by Jacklyn A. Lo of the film "Father Stu" (2022).

Faith in God

Father Stu (2022) is one of the best biopic films about the hard path of a man to Faith in God.

Stuart ( Stu in short) is a professional boxer with a father who is a drunkard living for his own pleasure and a loving mother, without a spiritual spark


His life destiny brings him to a change - leaving boxing. He tries to become an actor but to no avail. In the meanwhile, he meets a Mexican girl who is Catholic.

To move on to a relationship with a girl, he is baptized.

Despite this new life curve, he continues to solve problems in the same way as before - with his fists. Even in confession, Stuart's speech is full of profanity.

However, our Higher Brothers see that Stuart has a good potential for Spiritual growth. For this reason, they decided to create a problem in Stuart's life.


Before that, to attract attention, a messenger is sent to him.

We do not know the details of whether this is a real person or a talking hologram, but he predicts to Stu the further development of events in his personal life. The stranger also warns Stuart not to drive that night. However, Stu ignores the weird guy's warning and gets behind the wheel.

Holy Virgin

A series of strange coincidences on an almost empty road leads Stuart into a serious traffic accident. Again, our Higher Brothers are using their valuable resources to send Stu a message via the image of the Holy Virgin. The short conversation with the mother of Jesus should encourage Stu to move on with his life script no matter what. 

In addition, the supernatural events help shape Stuart's Faith in God and his deeds.


Coming out of a deep coma, Stu decides to become a Catholic priest. (The courage2 and adventurism of this guy, using every opportunity, is stunning).

But on the way to his further life goal, Stu faces a new obstacle - his physical health is threatened by a terminal illness. His flippant mother recommends that he spend the rest of his life in pleasure, but Stu has the guts to refuse this worthless idea. This challenge works for him as a Spiritual Choice toward Light.

A Choice toward Light always requires inner Spiritual Strength. The reward for this is improved consciousness.


He prefers to continue following his goal - to become a priest. During this troublesome journey, Stu constantly improves his consciousness. Besides other spiritual revelations, this enables him to understand not only the purpose of suffering but also its value.


"Father Stu" (2022)   written and directed by Rosalind Ross is a great Faith-based movie to watch and recommended for any Spiritual Seeker.


Any change is formed by the Universal Law of Change

2 Courage is one of the Values of Light

 Picture in the review©IMDb 

Learn more about the Spiritual Choice towards Light and its consequences in the novel Redemption.


More Metaphysical Movie Reviews – Jacklyn A. Lo

Explore TV-Series Redemption 
