The next question in Quora about angels and jinn caught my attention:
Spiritual Awareness is a process by which we begin to explore our own beings beyond our physical bodies.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Do angels or jinns ever appear in dreams?
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Do children choose their parents?
This is another noteworthy question on Quora:
"Children claim that they chose their parents when they talk about reincarnation. If we get to choose our parents, why do some of us choose bad parents?"
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I assume that if the choice of parents is given, then this choice is very limited. In other words, a soul may have such conditions that it chooses a lesser evil from a group of greater ones.
We must also remember that, under the influence of the Universal Law of Karma, we have a very limited choice of a future life. For example, a student who goes to school cannot change the curriculum or teachers at school, but he might have some limited choice of subjects to study.
We also have to be aware, that young human souls coming from the animal world do not have any choice for the future conditions of their lives as their consciousness is very low.
Of course, the higher the consciousness, the more difficult challenges a soul can overcome, and one can choose bad parents to teach them a lesson. However, I think this is a very rare case.
Irina Nola, past life regression therapist, explains the karmic aspect of relationships very well when answering this question.
There are a lot of reasons why a soul can chose ‘difficult” or ‘nightmarish” parents:
- Karmic debt, karmic relationship. We see a lot of situations in past life regression when a soul who was your murderer in past life become a parent in this life. Contrary to the ‘karmic punishment” idea, karma works in mysterious ways, and somebody who killed you in a past life can be your parent in the next life - “Taking life-giving life” as balancing karma” They have to take care of you as a kid and later, typically these are really bad relationships, often abusive, and the only connection with this parent is that they killed you in a past life and paying you back by spending time and money on you, and 9 months of pregnancy and breastfeeding for a woman.
- There is no deep Soulmate connection here, they create your body and feed you till you can finally get the heck out of their house. They can also abuse you pretty badly as a child since these are usually very low-level souls, without a high sense of morality or empathy. In a sense - you agreed to this to help THEM to balance their karma…
- Another ‘karmic debt” possibility (less violent) is one one soul sacrifised their life or well-being for another person - say, you shielded them with your body in some battle, or took care of them for years as a youngest daughter, who never married after taking care of her parent, basically one of you did something for another way beyond ‘fair trade” - so a karmic debt was created.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Dolores Cannon: Finding Your True Self
It's a great feeling when you know that someone is talking about the same thing as you do 😀
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Is the spirit world just as corrupted as the earthly realm?
This is another chain of thought-provoking questions on Quora.
The short answer to these questions is "No, the Subtle World is not corrupted."
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But let's take a closer look at all these questions.
Is the spirit world (afterlife) just as corrupted as the earthly realm?
The most probably the author of the questions by spirit world means a Subtle World where a soul comes after life ending.
As far as I know, the most difficult platform for the soul is physical, i.e. the material world, where the soul comes to gain the missing energies and determine its Spiritual Direction*.
You may ask why such challenges are created and why we do not have heaven on Earth. Well, these conditions are made for souls with relatively low consciousness. As consciousness grows and the soul achieves certain results that allow it to join the hierarchy of God or Satan, it passes into a higher reality in accordance with its achievements.
And the Higher World has its own principles, different from ours.
Why would some spiritual beings want to control other spirits and trap them in a cycle of endless unconscious incarnations?
To add even more thrill, science fiction writers, myself included, use strong words and phrases such as trap to describe reincarnation.
However, we must recognize that the concept of reincarnation is an excellent tool for human development.
If you have worked as a project manager or at least participated in some projects, then most likely you have noticed that the shorter the project, the more effective it is and the easier it is to meet deadlines.
The same idea with the project of our life - dividing a long stretch of the path into several lives gives better results.
In addition, more lives provide variety that cannot be achieved in one. For example, the same soul experiences in different genders, countries, conditions of existence, and even on different planets.
For example, in my novel Redemption, the soul of my main character, a high-tech executive living on Earth 2045, previously lived in the Nameless Country, France, Italy, and Russia, incarnating mostly as a woman, but also as a man.