Saturday, August 20, 2022

Why War? Part IX/B – Putin’s Pact with the CEO of Evil 🔥

A Puppet of Darkness—When Free Will is Sold, Who Pulls the Strings?

We learned that, having blackened his soul, Mr. Putin made two Spiritual Choices in favor of Darkness, and Satan rewarded him with money and power.

You might think that the CEO of Darkness is a nice and generous guy. But is it really so? 

This is far from true, as Satan is a main representative of the Values of Darkness, and his main goal is to enslave as many souls as possible.



The main goal of Satan is to get a soul into his complete submission, i.e. make it a slave. One or two Spiritual Choices are not enough for this.

Therefore, Satan throws more and more bait to make a deal in which a person gives up his Free Will.

Addiction to Magic

Recently, Pu has shown great interest in magic

According to rumors, he not only regularly travels to Siberia to take part in occult rituals with sacrifices, but also sincerely believes in the predictions made to him by shamans.

In the beginning of the year 2022, shamans had promised him: 

This promise sounds extremely tempting to someone with inflated pride.

Fig 1. Pu's addiction to Satan's hooks.

Isn't the subjugation of supernatural forces what Pu gave up his Free Will to Satan for?

As Loss of Free Will means Full dependency from Satan.

And the loss of Free Will means that All Decision Making is given away to Satan.

Addicted to money, power, and magic, Pu, having no Will of his own, moves into Darkness, dragging a country of 140 million with him.

Fig. 2 Loss of Free Will by Pu


Since the entire decision-making process is outsourced to Satan, the CEO of Darkness must also equip His servant with ideas.

Since new ideas are very expensive, and Satan is extremely stingy, he tosses Mr. Pu with the second-hand things of his former servants.

He especially mocks those who, puffed up with their own pride, consume with great appetite everything that Satan throws at them.

Satan's Second-hand 

Among other things:

  • Stalin's second-hand: the main message of Pu - the liberation of Ukraine from the "fascists" echoes the calls of the dictator Stalin for the liberation of the oppressed people of Finland (the wars of 1939/1941);

Symbols of Evil

If the evil Stalin had a utopian ideal of the victory of the working people over the bourgeoisie, he was worthy of a unique symbol - the hammer and sickle.  


And the evil Hitler, fighting for the prosperity of the Aryan (German) race, deserved from Satan a hooked cross-swastika.


Z & V

And which symbol Mr. Pu deserve?

It looks like he didn't deserve anything else than just one of the letters from Latin alphabets, i.e. letter Z, given to him by Satan as a joke - Zombie ;).


Because the Zombie (Pu) remains under the control of the Sorcerer (Satan) as a personal slave with NO WILL of its own!

And the letter V, you ask?  


Well, if Z is for Zombie, then the letter V is for Voodoowhich confirms Pu's addiction to black magic and a keen interest in Africa.

Artificial Soul 

Driven by great pride, Satan himself is constantly seeking a competitive advantage over God.

His main dream of him is an Artificial Soul and all his loyal servants are in constant search for it digging out Artificial Intelligence as an initial source. And Mr. Pu is no exception.

Is the world in the greatest danger?

So, you may be asking, "If Satan commands Putin, does that mean the world is in the greatest danger?"

Well, yes and no, as our future depend on us or on our Spiritual Choice.


Multiple Spiritual Choices of Mr. Pu towards Darkness: 

1. Choice for  Money

2. Choice for Power

3. Choice for Magic

Pu's final Spiritual Choice towards Darkness led to the Loss of Free Will and Complete dependence on Satan.

The metaphysical realm

The metaphysical realm is like the hidden part of an iceberg—we believe it exists, but we cannot see it.

And only the Higher Ones with their perfect vision can see the “true” picture of the metaphysical realm and draw their final conclusions.

However, for our part, we can estimate the hidden part by making metaphysical analysis based on available data and drawing conclusions.

🌟 Learn more about :

NOTE: The delay in publishing Part B of this article was due to receiving disguised 'silent' calls following the publication of Part A.

Thanks to ChatGPT for helping polish this post, including the AI-generated main image.

🔍 Read More:

📖 Spiritual Choice – Explore this concept in-depth in HERE

🎭 Satan & His Team – Discover their role in the screenplay Redemption.

📜 Related Reads:

⚖️ Why War? Part X —The Power of Choice ⚡

⚔️ Why War? – Full Article

#Putin #War #Darkness #SpiritualChoice #FreeWill #Evil #Metaphysics #Occult #Ukraine #Russia #Geopolitics #History #Philosophy #Satan

Saturday, August 13, 2022

What was it like for the people who sold their souls, and what did they gain from it?

This is another fascinating soul question on Quora.

Soul selling is a simplified name for the complex process of transferring Free Will from a person to Satan*.

The process of selling the soul is well described by a number of authors, including Goethe in the tragic play "Faust";


Oscar Wilde, in his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, and the film "Dorian Gray" 

The Picture of Dorian Gray

and me, in the novella Tomo and The Soul Catchers, which became a base for the screenplay Heaven**.

Tomo and The Soul Catchers

In each of these cases, Satan is ready to satisfy any desire of the victim in exchange for his/her soul.

For example, due to such a deal, Faust got limitless knowledge, Dorian - eternal youth, and Cora - seductive beauty.

So, in principle, we can say that these guys got what they wanted from earthly pleasures. However, is everything so simple? Or are there side effects?

Yes, they are.

The soul becomes a slave of the Head of Darkness*, losing its own "voice", the freedom of further choice and decision-making.

The good news is that the soul will not be punished for its "bad deeds", meaning it avoids karma. On the other hand, it will forever lose the opportunity to become the Creator, "produce" souls, and the opportunity to become "first", since Satan (which the soul eventually become) is always "second" to God.

Also, for a short time, the soul avoids Degradation and the risk of spiritual death for the loss of energy. On the other hand, it will run the risk of spiritual death as a punishment for cruelty.

A young soul might say, "I enjoy earthly pleasures, I hate making decisions and don't like karma at all, so this might be great for me." But in fact, Satan's "kindness" is a well-disguised evil, and in all of the stories listed, the protagonist encounters side effects shortly after the deal and is deeply disappointed in what he/she has done.

After the soul's Earthly existence, Satan will continue to “work” on it sending it to study or labor in the hardened worlds to achieve the energies and goals that He wants.

The soul will not have the opportunity to choose a planet, body, etc., and the habitat and shell of the body can be really terrible.

One way or another, the process of selling the soul or the temptations of Satan stretches over hundreds or even thousands of incarnations and does not necessarily end with a deal, since the majority of souls still choose the direction to the Light, leaving Satan empty-handed. This case of Satan chasing the soul for five incarnations, is well described by me in the screenplay Redemption**, based on my novel Redemption.

novel Redemption


*Satan = Head of Darkness

** We are looking for an experienced producer and director

Sunday, August 7, 2022

How does real-life karma work, and why does it affect some people but not others?

This is another major lighting theme that appeared on Quora.

Why is it important? Because some young souls may mistakenly think that everything is permitted and that there is no punishment for crimes.

So how does karma work in real life and why does it affect some people but not others? 

Short answer

Karma only works for souls with Free Will.  

Karma does not work for souls without Free Will.


Longer answer

All young souls incarnating in a human body receive a precious gift from our Creator — Free Will.

Free Will

Having this gift, they can choose the Spiritual Direction of their movement - towards Light2 or towards Darkness3. There is also a sub-direction - Degradation, which is the worst case scenario and should be avoided.

The Universal Law of Karma (karma for short), like any Law, helps people correct their mistakes and move on.

Because most young souls are unwilling to study voluntarily, they are forced into what we would call punishment.

If the soul does not learn well and continues to make the same mistakes, the punishment will be tougher. At the same time, by the Universal Laws of Change and Evolution, it will be given the Choice of a further direction towards Light or Darkness.

In the case of the Choice of Light, which is more challenging than the Choice of Darkness, the soul will receive a renewal of its consciousness and "automatically" gain an understanding of what has been done wrong in the past. In other words, the person will receive a vision to voluntarily correct his/her mistakes.

Brad Anderson in his movie The Machinist (2004) skillfully described the mechanism of karma for a soul moving towards Light. Find my review of the movie.

 © Wikipedia

However, in the case, if the soul will choose a direction toward Darkness, its consciousness will be brutalized and it will continue to develop its bad doings further, i.e. will become more skillful in "bad" deeds.

The Head of Darkness, Satan, is especially attentive to all those who have a tendency to constantly choose Darkness. Satan is the direct beneficiary of the soul's choice in favor of Darkness, as it receives a potential member of its Hierarchy.

But how practically Satan will drag the soul into His pool?

To catch the prey tightly Satan drops some earthly treasures in front of his prey. At this stage, the goal of the Head of Darkness is to make the soul become addicted. Whether, it's drugs, money, power, sex, etc. Everything goes.

However, even with the number of addictions, but with Free Will in hand, the person still has a chance to turn to the Light. Therefore, Satan's goal is to take this Will away from the soul.

At some point, a strongly addicted soul becomes so weak that it is unable to resist the next temptation of Satan and gives up its Free Will for the sake of another treasure. Now, this soul is fully belongs to Satan and Satan's Will.

The soul still keeps its personality, but feels, that a "someone" or "something" beyond his own intentions pushes him/ her for doings.

As the soul doesn't have its own Will and follows orders of Satan it doesn't have any Karma anymore. 

Therefore, from the outside it seems that the person who does evil to another does not bear any punishment.

Another group of souls without affect by karma are mature souls - missionaries. They made their Final Choice towards Darkness long time ago. They incarnate in the materialistic worlds like our Earth on the order of Satan. They move in the physical reality fast, without hesitation and thinking.


1. Karma works for souls moving towards Light, i.e. having Free Will. If they make a mistake they have to fix it

2. Karma doesn't work for souls that made their final Spiritual Choice towards Darkness, i.e. who lost Free Will. As the soul doesn't make any decisions, there is no punishment for its doings.


1. Creator1   - God, Head of Lights

2. Spiritual Direction towards Light2   - the Direction of following Values of Lights












3. Spiritual Direction towards Darkness3  - the Direction of following Values of Darkness