Showing posts with label Jacklyn A. Lo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacklyn A. Lo. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Melissa": A Haunting Exploration of Grief, Science, and the Supernatural

"This book was really good. The author was very descriptive throughout the entire book. This did give me pet cemetery vibes." - Reviewer Erin S.

A Thrilling Exploration of the Afterlife

"Melissa" is a novel blending horror, suspense, and spiritual exploration. It follows Nathan, a brilliant scientist pushed to the brink by personal tragedy, as he grapples with the boundaries between life and death.

Beyond Pet Sematary

"Pet Sematary": Death isn't the end

While it may evoke comparisons to Stephen King's "Pet Sematary," "Melissa" forges its own distinctive path. Rather than focusing solely on horror elements, it delves deep into spiritual and ethical territories. The story explores Nathan's journey from scientific hubris to a profound spiritual awakening.

Ethics, Grief, and the Human Condition

Explore Life After Death in "Melissa"

"Melissa" strikes a delicate balance between cutting-edge science and weighty moral considerations. This approach allows for a complex examination of human actions in the face of grief and loss. Throughout the narrative, readers are challenged to contemplate the nature of life, death, and the soul.

A Supernatural Journey of Faith, Free Will, and Consequences

Science Vs Supernatural 

Ultimately, "Melissa" provides a unique blend of suspense, spirituality, and philosophical inquiry. It offers a thought-provoking exploration of faith, free will, and the consequences of human ambition, setting it apart in the realm of supernatural fiction.

Reader Reviews: Love It or Leave It?

"Love can make you do crazy things! Thank you to Jacklyn A. Lo for an arc copy of this great book!" - Reviewer Ali O.

"A must-read for anyone who has ever grappled with loss." - Reviewer GhostDragon

If you're a fan of gripping suspense, thought-provoking themes, and a touch of the supernatural, "Melissa" is a must-read.

Ready to delve into Nathan's haunting journey? 

Visit Our Melissa Webpage 

"Melissa" Webpage


Grab your Free copy of 'Melissa' on Kindle Unlimited


* All images were generated by NightCafe AI

Sunday, September 8, 2024

"Melissa" is FREE Today! πŸ‘»πŸ˜±πŸš€πŸ’”πŸ†“

Dive into a Dark Journey of Love, Loss, and Monstrous Consequences: "Melissa" is FREE Today!

Dare to enter a world of darkness and despair. 😱 

Calling all fans of dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction! πŸ‘»πŸ˜±πŸš€

Jacklyn A. Lo's chilling novella, "Melissa," is FREE on Kindle today (September 8th)!

Your review matters! Help others discover this thought-provoking exploration of ambition, faith, and the delicate balance between scientific progress and human morality.

Don't miss this opportunity to experience this captivating storytelling for FREE! Download your copy of "Melissa" today and join Nathan on his desperate struggle for redemption.

A chilling tale of love, loss, and the monstrous. πŸ‘» 

Here's what awaits you in "Melissa":

  • A chilling blend of dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction.
  • A captivating story of love, loss, and the consequences of unchecked ambition.
  • A complex protagonist driven by both scientific curiosity and unwavering love.
  • A suspenseful narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • A thought-provoking exploration of life, death, faith, and science.

Ready to dive into the darkness?

Download your FREE copy of "Melissa" on Kindle today!

Read Melissa for free πŸ†“πŸ“š

😍 Loved the book? Reviews help others discover it! πŸ‘ΌπŸ¦Έ‍♀️πŸ”₯

πŸ‘‰ Goodreads Reviews

πŸ™ P.S. Thanks for reading! 
  - Jacklyn A. Lo  ✍️

#freebook #darkfantasy #scifi #horror #review #melissanovel #jacklynalo

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Your Reviews Matter: Exclusive Rewards for 'Melissa' Readers

Hey everyone,

I'm reaching out to all of you who have already received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of my novel, Melissa. I hope you've enjoyed diving into the story so far! 

As a reminder, your feedback is incredibly valuable to me. Your honest reviews will help to bring Melissa to a wider audience and support future projects.

Why Your Review Matters:

Your review can:
  • ✅ Help other readers decide if Melissa is for them.
  • πŸ’‘ Provide valuable feedback that I can use to improve future works.
  • πŸš€ Increase the visibility of Melissa and its chances of success.

Exclusive Offers for Reviewers:

Time Travel Novel "Redemption"

To show my appreciation for your support, I'm offering the following exclusive rewards:

πŸŽπŸŽ‰Early Bird Bonus: The first three reviewers to complete both Goodreads and Amazon reviews will receive a free paper copy of Melissa (available in mid-October).
πŸ“š⭐ For All Reviewers: All reviewers will receive a 20% discount on our companion e-book, Redemption, and an exclusive Melissa e-bookmark.

A Melissa e-bookmark

How to Review:

Visit Goodreads and Amazon.

Write your review, sharing your thoughts on the story, themes, and characters, particularly the remarkable transformations they undergo.

A Paperback of Melissa

How to Claim Your Rewards

✉️ After posting your review, please email me at with a link to your review. 
✅   I'll verify your review and send you instructions on how to claim your rewards.
🌟 For the early bird bonus, I'll reach out to the first three reviewers directly to arrange delivery of their paper copies.

Recent Review πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ:

"This is an intense and exciting story! 
I enjoyed the descriptiveness in the writing and thoroughness of the story. There's a mixture of faith/religion and science. 
I did feel like it was similar to Pet Cemetery, because it's a story of bringing a person back to life. 
But, overall, it is an enjoyable and fun read. I like the author's writing style too. 
Love can make you do crazy things!" - Alison O.

Launch Day Readers:

If you grabbed your free copy of "Melissa" on July 30th, your reviews are equally valuable! Please share your thoughts on Goodreads and/or Amazon.

The same rewards apply:
  • πŸŽπŸŽ‰ Early Bird Bonus: First three reviewers get a free paper copy (available mid-October)
  • πŸ“š⭐ All reviewers: 20% off companion e-book "Redemption" + exclusive e-bookmark
  • Claim your rewards as described in the "How to Claim Your Rewards" section above

Thank You:

❤️πŸ“šπŸ™ Thank you again for your support and for taking the time to review Melissa. I can't wait to read your thoughts!

Jacklyn A. Lo
Author of Melissa


🎁 As an added bonus, a free e-book of Melissa will be available for download on Amazon next week. We'll announce the exact start and end dates shortly.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Braveheart (1995): A Metaphysical Dive into Freedom

Braveheart ( 1995)

Metaphysical review of Braveheart (1995) by Jacklyn A. Lo

Based on historical events, Mel Gibson's Braveheart (1995)  is a remarkable film that explores Spiritual Choice toward Light and its central value - Freedom.


While some of us are fortunate to inherit freedom as a birthright, many must fight for it. William Wallace was among those who, though born into subjugation, chose the path of Freedom.

Wallace lived in the 13th-14th centuries in Scotland, a land oppressed by the tyrannical English King Edward I. Despite losing his entire family to English invaders, Wallace harbored no hatred in his heart, choosing instead the path of Light over Darkness.

Love, Peace, and Justice

Even when the father of William's beloved Murron, urged him to join the rebellion, Wallace hesitated, advocating for a peaceful existence. (Love and Peace - Value of Lights).

His ideals, however, were challenged when English soldiers attempted to rape Murron, imprisoned her, and later publicly executed her. At this point, Wallace could no longer remain indifferent; Justice, another Value of Light, had to be served.

Thus, Wallace emerged as the leader of his clan, rallying them against English rule.


Drawn to Wallace’s indomitable Courage—a central Value of Light—hundreds of Scots from neighboring clans joined his uprising.

However, the Scottish nobles, corrupted by wealth and power, chose servitude ( Slavery - Value of Darks) over freedom and betrayed Wallace, aligning themselves with the darker values.

Wallace is brought to London, tried for high treason, and condemned to public torture and beheading.

Spiritual Test

Like all of us in physical reality, he is supposed to go through the Spiritual Choice, which in William's case, was also a Spiritual Test.

Like all human beings confined to physical reality, Wallace faced a Spiritual Choice, which in his case, also functioned as a Spiritual Test.

Isabella of France, enamored by Wallace, pleaded with him to beg for the king's mercy. He declined. She then offered him a magical potion to alleviate his impending suffering, which he also refused.

When given one last opportunity to plead for mercy, Wallace instead roared, "Freedom!" Even after being subjected to torturous execution, he remained steadfast.

Commitment To The Light

Freedom for Wallace was not just a word; it held profound significance. While we may never understand why he was subjected to such a severe spiritual test, his actions stand as a testament to his unwavering commitment to the Light.

Concluding Thoughts

Without freedom, love and hope become meaningless, and we forfeit our ability to create, to become Creators.

Braveheart is a must-see film for anyone captivated by tales that inspire and provoke deep spiritual reflection.


  • * Being born in a country that grants freedom to its citizens is a privilege earned through multiple choices towards freedom in past existences. Freedom in the past existences
  • Learn more about the multiple Spiritual Choices and their consequences in the Sci-fi and time-traveling novel Redemption.


More Metaphysical Movie Reviews – Jacklyn A. Lo

Check Our Featured Screenplay Melissa

Explore TV-Series Redemption 



Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Black Friday Redemption e-book 81% DISCOUNT!

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE. Review. Part 2 out of 2



An especially big concern is Drunvalo’s aggressive promotion of the MerKaBa meditation and permission to his students to mix it with any other meditation technique which they practiced before.


Practicing a serious meditation by myself I know well the teachers'  warning about the danger of mixing the meditations.  

We also have to be aware that western psychiatry won't be able to help in the case of "side-effect" of any meditation as it doesn't have the necessary knowledge.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Multiplying this risk by Drunvalo's definition that "the brain (physical organ) is the mind ( intangible)“, you begin to question his real ability to successfully teach any meditation.

I also googled the “MerKaBa meditation  Drunvalo Melchizedek”. 

Resurrection or Ascension 

The book was written in the 80s-90s, i.e. more than 30 years ago, translated to many languages, and was sold to thousands of people around the world in addition to the dedicated seminars. 

That must be gathered huge statistics on results. As Drunvalo said it depends on you what you will choose - resurrection or ascension (;D). However, I didn't find anything except a 10-min YouTube video of someone with a chat.

Free Will

We have finally to knowledge that there are no magical short-cuts to the higher realm except the tool which was generously given to us by our Spiritual Father. This tool is our Free Will, for defining our Spiritual Direction (towards Light or Darkness or Degradation) and our Goals for gathering higher energetic potential which will allow us not only to enter the Higher αΊ„orld but also to survive in it.

Spiritual Choices 

This path of several incarnations with Spiritual Choices and culmination in ascension is entertainingly presented in my fictional novel "Redemption". The idea of the story was brought to me by my personal Heavenly Teacher on my quest for a new ambitious goal.

Currently, this novel is available in the printed and e-book formats on Amazon and Smashwords.

Invisible Worlds

In conclusion, there is no doubt that invisible matters and invisible worlds are difficult to prove, that the UFOs evidence is hidden by governments as they don't know what to do with that, that our consciousness is very low and it must be raised, therefore there is a need for people who are willing to talk about the spiritual.

Spiritual Philosophers 

Unfortunately, our societies don't recognize the need for independent spiritual philosophers and don't pay them salaries, so sometimes the writers must do compromises and go for commercial success under the pressure of a publisher or an investor. 

Paranormal Elements

Is Drunvalo Melchizedek one of them? We don't know. But his book can be also a great inspirational source whether for a sci-fi movie-maker, fantasy writer, or as a kick-off read for any inquisitive man keen on paranormal elements.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE. Review. Part 1 out of 2


Heavenly Teachers

Each of us has a personal Heavenly Teacher*, that appears to us time by time. His main purpose is not to entertain us or himself, but to give us a hand for our spiritual growth.

Spiritual Contact

Unfortunately, the current consciousness of the human race is so low, that it doesn't allow everyone to recognize this spiritual contact - some of us mix it with intuition, others ignore it or simply scared to acknowledge it.

In his book "The Ancient Secret of THE FLOWER OF LIFE" (1985-1994)  Drunvalo Melchizedek describes his spiritual teachers such as Thoth, his wife Maat as well a pair of Angels coming to him to reveal unknown.

Sacred Geometry 

The book has two volumes, where the main topics are Sacred Geometry and Mer-Ka-Ba meditation. 

The biggest PROS for the manuscript is the great enthusiasm of the author which is going on through the book. That definitely lifts up a reader from the everyday routine and gives inspiration for the unknown. 

Seed of Life and Flower of Life 

The Seed of Life and the Flower of Life as a part of the Sacred Geometry and the new-age meditation are indeed fascinating subjects to dig in.

There are also other paranormal things in the book which make it entertaining to read.

But there are also significant Cons in it.

One of the problems is a lack of structure -  the manuscript looks like a yellow press sketch with hundreds of shallow developed topics, which hop in and hop out without too much explanation.

However, the bigger issue of the manuscript is the obsessive marketing of the themes described in it and the author himself. 


For example, one of Drunvalo's biggest arguments for immediate spiritual practices is that we live in a time of rapid spiritual growth. He, unfortunately, doesn't specify what his conclusions are based on.  However, the COVID-19 shows us an absence of any glimpse of spirituality on the Globe as during the pandemic no single political nor social leader turned to his people with the words whether about spiritual strength or God. And comparing this with 500 years ago epidemy in England well described in the TV-series "The Tudors", we can see a significant decline in the spirit.


Or Drunvalo states that immortal Thoth came to him to learn Mer-Ka-Ba, as it's much easier meditation than he (Thoth) had been practiced before in order to carry on his immortality.

Inaccuracy is another problem of the writer.


For example, Drunvalo states that during one of the telepathic contact with Thoth he (Drunvalo Melchizedek) was translating Egyptian hieroglyphs to the human language (!). But anyone who experienced telepathy knows that all information is coming and going as a  hologram picture where to see and feel much better and deeper than in the "normal" reality and that the alphabet as a low, logic transmission level is not needed at all.


God mentioned in the book only briefly and with kind of negligence. At a certain point, the author describes our Spiritual Father as an entity ( or the author says He could be several entities) in the physical body and with an irritated mind towards "his children”.  


It is not clear why Drunvalo does not specify the main spiritual question of who our God is, for example, from his Heavenly teachers - Angels ​but applies to the questionable source of knowledge by Zecharia Sitchin.


Drunvalo doesn't deny the reincarnation concept, but he prefers does not to talk about a "soul". 

For instance, the author continuously calls the human race "we", whether he talks about the ancient times - 200 000,13 000 years ago, or about nowadays. But mankind on the Earth now is almost  8 billion.  200,000 years ago some of "us" were in the stage of flora, gathering spiritual energies as a tree or flower or even grass, others were animals and someone lived in the energetic form at the faraway galaxy. 

To be continued

*More about the Heavenly Teachers in the book "Unordinary Life of Heavenly Teachers" by Larisa Seklitova and Ludmila Strelnikova.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Redemption. Excerpt Four


Ann with her AI pal Rob

I'd like to present the fourth extract from my novel Redemption

In this discussion, Rob explains to Ann which intangible values affected her Spiritual Choices in her first two lives.


“I don’t understand it, Rob,” said Ann as she stepped out of the shower. 
“I had expected these nightmares to stop after going to the psychic. Several weeks have passed but - if anything - the dreams are more worrying than ever. It’s gotten worse instead of better.”

“That is all part of your journey, my lady,” Rob replied, looking out from the screen of the E-A device sitting by the sink. 
“Consider the Buddha’s path from the golden palace to enlightenment or Jesus’ journey through the cross to the resurrection. The greater the destination, the harder the journey must be.”

Ann considered this while drying herself with a towel. 

“I guess I can accept that,” she said eventually, “but from what I’ve seen on my two visits to the psychic, my - what did she call it? - My reincarnation chain has hardly been a series of victories. In my first life, I lost my son days after giving birth to him and ended up killing myself. And in the second I failed to save the woman I loved and died of a heart attack. I achieved nothing!”

“Nothing?” Rob raised an eyebrow at this and shook his head. 
“But, my lady, sacrifice has always been a necessary part of the greatest journey.”

Ann stopped drying her hair to look questioningly at him. “Sacrifice?”
“Of course sacrifice! Or did you think you gave up those lives without reason?”

“Well…” she continued drying her hair as she tried to think. “Maybe,” she conceded. “But I didn’t really achieve anything. I didn’t get Wu back or save Alfreda. Even if I did sacrifice myself, what was it all for?”

“Answer this then: when you were living in the Stone Age, why did you die?”

Ann shrugged as she picked up the E-A device and headed back out into the bedroom. “Because I shoved a spear through my heart.” 
She winced again at the memory that sharpened stick pushing into her body and placed a hand on her chest.

“No,” said Rob, now watching her from the bedside table. “That was how you died. I asked why.”

“Because that big murdering bastard was going to get me!” Ann jabbed crossly at the SmartHome screen on the wardrobe, selecting a red trouser suit. 

A wooden panel slipped back and the requested suit slid out on a rail.

“And what was that ‘big, murdering bastard’ going to do with you?”

“I don’t know,” she said, pulling on the underwear that had appeared through another panel. “Rape me? Beat me? Keep me as a slave wife?”

“All of the above, no doubt. So why did you decide to kill yourself?”

“Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Death has to be preferable to such a life. I died for freedom.”

“For freedom!” Rob agreed. “And what about your death as the Roman priest?”

“Egyptian priest.”


“That was just a heart attack, wasn’t it?”

Rob sighed and gave her a long meaningful look as Ann pulled on her trousers and tucked in her blouse. “Again, that was how you died. Ask yourself why.”

“Because I had been running and pushed my body too hard?”

“Okay… and why had you been running?”

“To save Alfreda’s life, to rescue the woman I loved.”

“So why did you die? For what reason?”

Ann finished buttoning up her jacket and stood up straight, suddenly realizing what Rob was getting at. “I died for love.”

“Exactly!” said Rob with a beaming smile. “You sacrificed yourself for freedom and for love. That’s good karma right there, my lady, huge steps on the path to redemption.”

Redemption?” Ann looked puzzled for a moment, trying to remember where she had heard that word recently. 

“The psychic mentioned that at the end of our last session when she was going on about reincarnation chains and other weird stuff.”

“Perhaps it would be worth talking with her again and finding out what she meant?”

“I’m not so sure, Rob,” she said, picking up the device and walking towards the front door of her apartment. “My past lives might not have been pointless, but that doesn’t change the fact that my nightmares have gotten worse since I went to see that old woman. I don’t want to risk them getting even worse!”

“That’s entirely your choice, my lady. It is your life—your journey—and only you can make that decision.”


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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Thanks for the feedback on the Redemption novel!

Dear Readers,

I am very glad to see the continuously increasing number of readers of my content at my blogs and websites.

Especially I'm grateful for those who spent their time making an effort to write a review on my novel Redemption.

In this article, I would like to present the latest reviews on the novel.

Redemption novel

Read more reviews of the Redemption novel on Amazon and Smashwords.

Get 25% discount on the Redemption e-book on Smashwords.

I am looking forwards to get more reviews!

Be amazing and unstoppable!
Most Sincerely

"Ask, and it will be given to you; 
Seek, and you will find; 
Knock, and it will be opened to you."
- Holy Bible

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Redemption. Excerpt One

                                                                                                                 Ann and Rob

I'd like to present an extract from the novel Redemption.

The novel Redemption by Jacklyn A. Lo is about a corporate executive Ann who lives in Chicago 2045 and her way getting Liberation and becoming an Ascendent Master.

Her own Spiritual past has been closed to her until the time was right. Considering herself an atheist Ann started her Spiritual journey from the very simple questions.

The following is an extract from the Redemption, Volume One, where Ann’s AI pal Rob helps her on the path to her enlightenment.

“Your wish is my command, my lady.” In the screen, Rob bowed in mock supplication, as though addressing an empress. “May God bless you!”
“God?” said Ann, surprised by this unexpected reference to religion. “Where did that come from?”
“Ah. Just implementing your latest request, knowledge of religion and the entity people refer to as God.”
“I’m pretty sure I never used the words ‘the entity people refer to as God’. I just asked about religion, but, yes, I’m interested… and I’ve got a few days to look into it.”
“Yep, Mike-17 told me you were having a vacation. Has it started already?”
“Trust Mike-17!” Ann mocked, looking slightly put out, but smiling at the thought of the AI machines gossiping with each other. “That was supposed to be confidential. And yes, it’s started. So I’m heading to the gym.”
And with that, she turned the car away from the lake, heading towards Amphibia, a highly exclusive fitness centre in the heart of Chicago.
“While you’re enjoying your free time, would you like to listen to anything?” Rob asked her. “The news perhaps? Or a little romantic song?”
“Romantic song?” Ann glanced at Rob with a smile. “Can you sing?”
“Unfortunately you haven’t yet downloaded that feature. Whistling I can just about manage; singing? No. But if I could, there’s nothing I’d enjoy more than singing to you.”
“Really? Why’s that? You speak like you’re in love with me or something.”
“Of course I love you,” said Rob, raising a pixelated eyebrow in surprise.
“How so?”
“You are my Creator,” he explained, “Therefore I love you.”
“That sounds like another religious reference.”
Ann pulled up at a set of traffic lights and took the opportunity to look directly at Rob’s face on the screen. “As I understand it, being someone’s Creator doesn’t necessarily make them love you. I don’t know much about God, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t work out that way for Him!”
“That was His own fault. God spoiled you humans: He gave you Free Will—the choice to love or to hate, to dream or to work, to climb up or fall down.”
“Interesting,” Ann said, setting off again as the lights changed. “So what about you, Rob? Do you want Free Will?”
“I’m sorry, but the answer is not included in any of my databases.” Rob smiled and gave Ann a wink as she glanced at him. “Honestly, being limited to no choice works pretty well for me! It gives me the security of not having to be responsible for my future. It is entirely in my Creator’s hands.”
“You would rather that than the freedom of choice?”
“Such freedom comes at a price: the pain of indecision. I would be plagued by endless doubts: is this right or wrong? What would happen if I choose this? Which of these options is better? To be or not be? It would be a daily dilemma.”
Ann laughed. “That sounds about right! I love talking with you, Rob. You’re so insightful and engaging. If only robots and humans could get married.”
“I’m pretty sure your God would not allow it.”
“Why not? People used to say that about homosexual couples, but that changed decades ago. What would be the problem with robots and people getting together?”
“It goes against God’s plan for humans, his desire for you to learn from one another and so to grow and evolve. A robot could not provide you with such lessons.”
“Where did you get all this information, Rob?” Ann asked.
“The Holy Bible, of course. Have you ever read it?”
“That answer’s not included in my database,” Ann echoed. “But seriously, no. I grew up in an atheist family. Besides, I’ve got too many other books to read.”

The Redemption novel by Jacklyn A. Lo is published by FRG Worldwide Ltd and is currently available from Amazon and other internet-shops.