Showing posts with label thriller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thriller. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Your Reviews Matter: Exclusive Rewards for 'Melissa' Readers

Hey everyone,

I'm reaching out to all of you who have already received an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of my novel, Melissa. I hope you've enjoyed diving into the story so far! 

As a reminder, your feedback is incredibly valuable to me. Your honest reviews will help to bring Melissa to a wider audience and support future projects.

Why Your Review Matters:

Your review can:
  • ✅ Help other readers decide if Melissa is for them.
  • πŸ’‘ Provide valuable feedback that I can use to improve future works.
  • πŸš€ Increase the visibility of Melissa and its chances of success.

Exclusive Offers for Reviewers:

Time Travel Novel "Redemption"

To show my appreciation for your support, I'm offering the following exclusive rewards:

πŸŽπŸŽ‰Early Bird Bonus: The first three reviewers to complete both Goodreads and Amazon reviews will receive a free paper copy of Melissa (available in mid-October).
πŸ“š⭐ For All Reviewers: All reviewers will receive a 20% discount on our companion e-book, Redemption, and an exclusive Melissa e-bookmark.

A Melissa e-bookmark

How to Review:

Visit Goodreads and Amazon.

Write your review, sharing your thoughts on the story, themes, and characters, particularly the remarkable transformations they undergo.

A Paperback of Melissa

How to Claim Your Rewards

✉️ After posting your review, please email me at with a link to your review. 
✅   I'll verify your review and send you instructions on how to claim your rewards.
🌟 For the early bird bonus, I'll reach out to the first three reviewers directly to arrange delivery of their paper copies.

Recent Review πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ:

"This is an intense and exciting story! 
I enjoyed the descriptiveness in the writing and thoroughness of the story. There's a mixture of faith/religion and science. 
I did feel like it was similar to Pet Cemetery, because it's a story of bringing a person back to life. 
But, overall, it is an enjoyable and fun read. I like the author's writing style too. 
Love can make you do crazy things!" - Alison O.

Launch Day Readers:

If you grabbed your free copy of "Melissa" on July 30th, your reviews are equally valuable! Please share your thoughts on Goodreads and/or Amazon.

The same rewards apply:
  • πŸŽπŸŽ‰ Early Bird Bonus: First three reviewers get a free paper copy (available mid-October)
  • πŸ“š⭐ All reviewers: 20% off companion e-book "Redemption" + exclusive e-bookmark
  • Claim your rewards as described in the "How to Claim Your Rewards" section above

Thank You:

❤️πŸ“šπŸ™ Thank you again for your support and for taking the time to review Melissa. I can't wait to read your thoughts!

Jacklyn A. Lo
Author of Melissa


🎁 As an added bonus, a free e-book of Melissa will be available for download on Amazon next week. We'll announce the exact start and end dates shortly.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

"Melissa" Excerpt 3: Can Scientist Play God?

Nathan's ambition: revolution or recklessness?

Ethics, morals, and values walk hand-in-hand in our lives. 

The common perception is that institutions, professional government organizations, religious schools, or leaders provide us with guidelines to follow, helping us avoid regrettable wrongdoings and moral failings. 

But what happens when one denies religion and competes with God itself, creating their own reality? => You get Nathan, a central character in the "Melissa" novel.

Author's Bio

Sci-fi author Jacklyn A. Lo crafts captivating tales that explore themes of free will, destiny, and the power of choice.

Her debut novel, "Redemption," is a time-travel adventure, while her upcoming novel, "Melissa," is a chilling exploration of ambition. Buckle up and prepare to be transported to new worlds and thought-provoking realities.

World of "Melissa"

In a world where science blurs the lines between creator and creation, who decides what's right? 'Melissa' invites you to question your own ethical boundaries and contemplate the price of playing God.

Excerpt from Chapter 8 ( Readers favorite)

"Inside, rows of gene-editing robots glided with practiced grace, their articulated arms poised with surgical precision. Mark watched in awe as these marvels of AI performed delicate procedures on microscopic subjects.

'Fascinating,' he breathed, his eyes wide with a mixture of wonder and trepidation.

Nathan, with a hint of pride in his voice, activated a holographic projector. It revealed a mesmerizing display of mice's cells undergoing audacious transformations.

Mark's jaw went slack, his eyes widening as the holographic display unveiled the intricate spectacle of genetic engineering transformations before him.

Nathan's AI network, far surpassing any team of scientists, held the potential to revolutionize the world.

Yet, a flicker of doubt crossed Nathan's eyes as he saw the awestruck expression on Mark's face."

ARC Program for "Melissa" 

Unveiling the cover art for my upcoming novel, "Melissa"

Time is running out! Unveil the secrets of "Melissa" before anyone else. There are only a few exclusive ARC copies with images left!

Become an ARC reader and:

  • Dive into this gripping story before it hits shelves on July 30th.
  • Provide valuable feedback that will help shape the final version of the novel.
  • Get early access to Nathan and Melissa's journey.

Don't miss out! Sign up today!

Click here to secure your ARC copy:

#scifi #psychologicalthriller #suspense #mystery #duality #secrets #darkromance #atmospheric #melissanovel #jacklynalo #thrillerreads #newrelease #upcomingnovel

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Love and Foreboding: The Duality - The Second Excerpt from "Melissa"

Black and White

Life is a tough thing, but it can also offer us glimpses into our future destiny. The following excerpt shows Nathan's foreboding for the coming tragic days.

Author's Bio

Sci-fi author Jacklyn A. Lo crafts captivating tales that explore themes of free will, destiny, and the power of choice.

Her debut novel, "Redemption," is a time-travel adventure, while her upcoming novel, "Melissa," is a chilling exploration of ambition. 

Buckle up and prepare to be transported to new worlds and thought-provoking realities.

Excerpt "Love and Foreboding: The Duality"

"The door swung open, revealing a transformed living room. A whimsical parade of balloons bobbed in the gentle air, while strings of lights cast a soft, romantic glow. The delicious aroma of food wafted from the kitchen, a tempting invitation. Nathan's heart swelled with a wave of gratitude for the effort Melissa had put into creating this special scene.

A sudden jolt of disquietude ran through Nathan as his gaze swept across the room and landed on Melissa's latest painting. The barren desert landscape, strewn with human scalps and bones, created a striking contrast to the cheerful dress-up of the house. At the center of the painting, two nude women—one black and one white—passed a lit candle between them, their faces veiled, evoking a sense of foreboding. The image left Nathan momentarily distracted, its ominous theme lingering in the back of his mind even as he turned back to Melissa.

"And look at this," he said, handing her a dainty velvet box, revealing a heart-shaped golden medallion adorned with tiny rubies and diamonds, delicately engraved with the words "I love you."

This excerpt juxtaposes the warmth of romantic gestures with an undercurrent of unease, hinting at the complexities within Nathan and Melissa's relationship. The stark contrast between the cheerful, celebratory atmosphere and the disturbing imagery in Melissa's painting raises intriguing questions about her inner world. 

From the beginning, Melissa has been an enigma, an enthralling puzzle that Nathan was determined to unravel. This scene suggests that despite their intimacy, parts of Melissa remain mysterious, perhaps even unsettling. It leaves the reader wondering what secrets might lie beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic relationship, and whether Nathan's journey to understand Melissa might lead to unexpected revelations

ARC Program for "Melissa" 

Unveiling the cover art for my upcoming novel, "Melissa"

Witness the near miss firsthand! Become an ARC reader for "Melissa" and dive into this gripping story before it hits shelves. Help shape the final version of the novel and get early access to Nathan and Melissa's journey.  Sign up today! 

Click on the link to Sign up:

#psychologicalthriller #suspense #mystery #duality #secrets #darkromance  #atmospheric #melissanovel #jacklynalo #freebook #readmore

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shattered Plans, Uncertain Future: A Sneak Peek at "Melissa"

Shattered plans, uncertain future

We speed down familiar roads; a comforting melody on the radio creates a false sense of security. However, life throws curveballs. This near-miss experience is a stark reminder of life's unexpected turns and the fragility of our plans.

Author's Bio

Sci-fi author Jacklyn A. Lo crafts captivating tales that explore themes of free will, destiny, and the power of choice.

Her debut novel, "Redemption," is a time-travel adventure, while her upcoming novel, "Melissa," is a chilling exploration of ambition. 

Buckle up and prepare to be transported to new worlds and thought-provoking realities.

Excerpt "A Near Miss"

In this excerpt from my upcoming novel "Melissa," we encounter Nathan racing against time to meet Melissa for their anniversary celebration:

"The deafening CRACK split the air, followed by a bone-jarring CRUNCH.

A massive, decaying branch, as thick as his thigh at least, had plummeted from the trees. Its splintered end lodged itself stubbornly in the car's grill, mere inches from the windshield.

Nathan slammed on the brakes, the car screeching to a halt in a cloud of rotten sawdust. 

The frantic clicks of the blinker, accidentally activated in his panic, echoed the pounding of his heart, still reeling from the near miss. 

Adrenaline surged through his veins, obliterating the wild beating of his heart for a moment.

His mind raced, replaying the scene in slow motion - the plummeting branch, the sickening crunch of metal, the car's jarring halt. 

But he was alive. A wave of relief washed over him, so intense it almost felt like dizziness.

Then, a surge of anger followed. How could this happen? The thought of Melissa waiting for him, their reunion delayed by this stupid accident, sent a spike of frustration coursing through him. He clenched his fists, the anger momentarily eclipsing the dull ache in his chest."

As a writer, crafting a captivating opening scene is crucial. This excerpt from my upcoming novel "Melissa" aims to achieve just that. 

An ARC reader who reviewed the scene commented on its effectiveness, saying: "It leaves you wanting to know more about Nathan and Melissa's story." - Claude,  Advanced Reader"

Unveiling the cover art for my upcoming novel, "Melissa"

ARC Program for "Melissa" 

Witness the near miss firsthand! Become an ARC reader for "Melissa" and dive into this gripping story before it hits shelves. Help shape the final version of the novel and get early access to Nathan and Melissa's journey.  Sign up today! 

Click on the link to Sign up:

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