Sunday, March 3, 2024

Unveiling the Unexpected: Reader Choices for "Melissa" Part II


A closer look reveals hidden depths

As my beta readers delved into the first ten chapters of "Melissa," a fascinating question emerged: which minor character captured their imaginations and deserved further development in Part II?

While I anticipated familiar favorites, I received a vibrant tapestry of choices, reminding me of the surprising power well-crafted supporting characters hold.

The usual suspects were passed over in favor of unassuming figures like Gera, the lab assistant. Her unique blend of scientific discipline and artistic spirit, coupled with her dedication to environmental causes, resonated deeply with some readers. Their eagerness to uncover her motivations and hidden depths highlights the enduring impact even seemingly minor figures can leave.


Meanwhile, the enigmatic Monica captivated others with her captivating personality and intriguing history of multiple marriages. Her veiled intentions and ambiguous role within the story fueled speculation and anticipation, making her a popular choice for further exploration. This underscores the effectiveness of crafting characters shrouded in mystery who pique the reader's curiosity.


Beyond these, the diverse perspectives of my readers shone through. Some championed Mark Brown, the protagonist's grounded friend, appreciating his unwavering loyalty and contrasting outlook on life. This choice exemplifies the beauty of diverse perspectives and how different readers connect with characters in unique ways.

Mark Brown

The sheer variety of responses has been incredibly enriching. It demonstrates the true power of minor characters to enrich a narrative, adding depth and dimension to the fictional world and offering endless possibilities for exploration. As I embark on writing Part II, I carry this invaluable feedback close to my heart, knowing that even the most seemingly minor player can hold the key to unlocking a reader's imagination.

What memorable minor characters have you encountered in other books? Share your thoughts and predictions for "Melissa" Part II in the comments below! It will be beneficial for "Melissa" Part II.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Unlocking Efficiency with Digital Tools: Lessons from My Beta-Reading Journey

Diving into the manuscript, ready to provide insightful feedback

Sharing my experience with managing a beta-reading program can offer valuable insights to fellow authors. Today, I delve into the strategies I used, including the challenges faced, successes achieved, and tips for running an efficient program, with a particular focus on utilizing digital tools.

Prioritizing Digital Tools:

Although recognizing the value of every beta-reader and respecting diverse preferences, my program primarily focused on individuals comfortable with digital tools. This meant utilizing readily accessible and often free platforms, such as 🆓 PDF for manuscripts, Google Forms for questionnaires, and email for communication.

While acknowledging some readers favor traditional methods, my focus was on optimizing efficiency for both myself and participating readers within the chosen e-format. This approach not only ⏳ saves time and energy but also reduces costs, a benefit appreciated by many authors.

This screenshot shows how I leverage digital tools for efficient beta-reading

Embracing Digital Tools:

Even if you're new to digital tools like Google Forms or email, fear not! Amazing YouTube tutorials can guide you through the process step-by-step. Remember, practice makes perfect – try sending test emails and forms to yourself first, and always share proofread links for feedback.

Scheduling Magic:

Email shines with its scheduling magic! Set your emails to arrive at the perfect day and time, ensuring your message lands when recipients are most likely to engage.

I'm curious to hear what strategies you've found effective for managing your beta-reading programs! 

Additionally, have you encountered any negative experiences with using digital tools in this process? 

Sharing your insights and challenges can help us all learn and improve together.

#betareading #authors #collaboration #feedback

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Passion, Knowledge, and a Sneak Peek: Building Trust with My 'Melissa' Beta-Team


Don't let the pretty scenery fool you: Nathan's about to uncover some dark secrets

With the all chapters of 'Melissa' polished and ready to unfurl their inner secrets, I found myself at a crossroads: choosing the story's first companions – the beta-readers! It wasn't a decision to be taken lightly.

"Melissa," a psychological thriller delving into the darkest corners of the human psyche, craved more than just readers; it craved passionate allies. Readers whose hearts resonated with its themes of faith, pride, and the shadows that lurk within all of us.

My search began with a carefully crafted survey. Not just a box-ticking exercise, it ventured deeper, exploring readers' beta-reading experience, their genre preferences, and most importantly, their understanding of "Melissa's" core themes. Were they in sync with the story's exploration of the human condition?

"Melissa" Novella Beta-Reader Survey (Powered by Google Forms)

But qualifications weren't enough. I sought passionate individuals, whose eyes would light up at the prospect of unraveling "Melissa's" mysteries. Readers whose feedback wouldn't just point out flaws, but celebrate triumphs and suggest exciting possibilities.

Unveiling the Secrets: Get a Sneak Peek at the "Melissa" Beta-Reader Survey

Once I had chosen my dream team, it was time to craft the perfect invitation – their welcome aboard "Melissa's" thrilling adventure. 

Welcoming aboard Invitation to "Melissa's" thrilling adventure

This wasn't just an "here's-the-story-tell-me-what-you-think" message. It was a detailed roadmap, filled with essential tools and resources:

- A clear reading schedule, outlining chapter deadlines, and dedicated Q&A sessions:

Mark Calendars: It's "Melissa" Beta-Reading Time!

- Exclusive access to relevant materials, like genre, shot description, themes, plot, character and even writing style to deepen their understanding of "Melissa's" world:

"Melissa" Beta-Reader Resources: Everything You Need to Know!

- And most importantly, my sincere gratitude and appreciation for joining this crucial stage of the story's journey.  ❤️ 🫂 🚀

Finally, the moment arrived to share the first 10 chapters, along with the survey link.

"Melissa" Beta-Reading Invitation: Access the First 10 Chapters & the Survey

Selecting beta-readers wasn't about ticking boxes; it was about finding collaborators, fellow storytellers who believed in "Melissa's" potential. With their insightful feedback now flowing in, I'm confident this novella will emerge from its cocoon, stronger and more enthralling than ever before. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting journey!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

From Script to Novella: The Birth of "Melissa"


Melissa's painting "Black & White" 

For several years, "Melissa" brewed as a captivating screenplay, simmering with the potential for a deeper dive into the human psyche. But scripts, like blueprints, lack the nuanced tapestry of prose. I craved to explore the labyrinthine depths of my characters, to illuminate Melissa's and Nathan's, unspoken thoughts and desires.

The title page of "Melissa's" screenplay.

That's when "Melissa" embarked on a metamorphosis. Guided by the strong foundation of the script, I embarked on a journey of transformation. AI tools like Bard, GPT-4, and Sudowrite became my writing partners, whispering suggestions for the improvement of vivid prose and unlocking vibrant possibilities for word choices within the narrative.

Sudowrite Story Engine

Each keystroke became a brushstroke, meticulously painting a world where the boundaries between reality and the supernatural blurred. The psychological thriller I envisioned evolved into an intertwined horror, faith, and the insidious poison of false pride.

A flashback "Funeral"

Currently, we are running a beta reading program, which will last five weeks. The human feedback of "Melissa's" story is crucial and truly appreciable.

Beta Reader Evaluation Process

This isn't just a story penned on paper; it's a story reborn, one that invites you to question your own perceptions and delve into the darkness within. Are you ready to face the chilling realities of human pride, the transformative power of faith, and the promise of redemption? 

Scene "Ghost"

The stage is set, the curtain rises, and "Melissa" awaits your presence.

Follow the beta-reader program updates on our blog to learn about the engaging and insightful process of being a beta reader, and potentially join the program for "Melissa," Part II!

#Humanpsyche, #Falsepride, #Betareaders, #psychologicalthriller 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Shape Your Fate: Embarking on a Journey with 'The Last Choice of Hamlet'


The Last Choice of Hamlet ©

Dear Passionate Readers,

We hope this message finds you well. 😊

On behalf of the writing team, we wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for the overwhelming response we received to the Beta Readers Program for our upcoming novella, "Melissa". 🤯 Your enthusiasm for this thought-provoking tale about life, death, fate, and the power of personal choice has been truly inspiring. 👐

While we are thrilled to have assembled a remarkable group of beta readers who share our passion for psychological thrillers and thought-provoking storytelling, we understand that not everyone could join us due to scheduling conflicts or other commitments. 🗓️ We want to assure you that your interest and potential insights are still highly valued, and we hope you'll consider participating in future Beta Readers Programs. 🙋‍♀️

As we dive deeper into the creative process for our next writing project, we're excited to share that we'll be exploring the complexities of human existence, the weight of choices, and the eternal battle between personal desires and fate in the Romantic Tragedy titled "The Last Choice of Hamlet". ⚔️

Inspired by Shakespeare's masterpiece and grounded in historical facts, this story will delve into the profound decisions that shape our lives and the consequences that follow. ⚖️ We anticipate launching our next beta-readers program closer to May 2024, and we'll be sure to keep you updated on our progress. Stay tuned for more exciting news! 🔥

In the meantime, we invite you to follow us on our social media channels to receive behind-the-scenes glimpses into our creative process and exclusive opportunities to shape the story of "The Last Choice of Hamlet". ✍️

Links to channels:

My Blog:




We value your feedback and invite you to join us as we bring this captivating tale to life. 🙏

Thank you again for your unwavering support and relentless enthusiasm for our work. 💪 We are incredibly fortunate to have such an engaged and discerning readership. 🤓

With heartfelt appreciation,

The Writing Team 💖







Sunday, January 21, 2024

Unveiling the Mysteries of "Melissa": Sign Up for the Beta Reader Program!

Melissa. Part I

Ever wondered what happens when human anguish collides with scientific ambition?

Explore the mysterious world of 'Melissa,' a novella that blurs the lines between reality and the supernatural!

Immerse yourself in a chilling tale of love, loss, and the perilous quest for immortality.

Delve into an immersive 46,000-word supernatural tale, brought to life with captivating illustrations.

Join our exclusive beta reader program and help shape the future of Melissa's story!

46k words, 218 pages

Are you a passionate reader with a keen eye for detail?  Do you love delving into captivating stories that challenge your perceptions? 

If so, you could be the perfect candidate to join our exclusive beta reader program for Melissa, a captivating novella that blends dark fantasy, horror, science fiction, and philosophical questioning.

As a beta reader, you will have the exclusive opportunity to read and provide feedback on the first part of Melissa, shaping the future of this thought-provoking tale. 

Your insights will directly influence the final version of the story, ensuring that it resonates with readers like you.

Epilogue. Melissa. Part I

Here's how you can participate:

Sign up for the beta reader questionnaire here

Read Part 1 of Melissa and provide thoughtful feedback.

Help us make Melissa the best it can be.

Shape the future of Melissa and earn exclusive rewards!

Beta readers who complete 50% of the questions will receive a signed copy of Melissa, Part I.

Those who complete 75% will also receive a complimentary digital copy of our supernatural novel Redemption.

Attain 90% completion and become a literary guardian, earning your name on the dedication page of Melissa, Part I.

Complete the entire novella and enjoy queue-free access to our author's future writings.

Redemption: Supernatural Time-Traveling Thriller

Are you ready to embark?

Complete this questionnaire by Jan 28th to reveal your literary prowess and claim your place among our esteemed Beta Readers!

Click here to begin your quest!

Any questions or concerns:

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Embark on a literary adventure of "Melissa" and join our elite team of beta readers!


Witness the Power of Melissa:
Experience a tale where reality blurs with the supernatural

Venture into a world where fantasy and horror collide with faith and psychology, creating an unforgettable reading experience

The Price of Immortality: Unveiling Nathan's Dark Secret

Delve into an immersive 45,000-word supernatural tale, brought to life with captivating illustrations.

Delve into the Supernatural: A Glimpse into Melissa

Shape the future of our upcoming novella, Melissa, and receive exclusive rewards for your insightful feedback, which will directly influence the final version of the story.

If you possess a passion for reading and a keen eye for detail, we invite you to join our beta reader team.


Avid reader with a love for fantasy, horror, faith, and psychological genres

Experience in providing beta reader feedback (previous readings preferred)

Willingness to commit 3 weeks to reading the novella and providing thoughtful feedback

Shape the future of our upcoming novella, Melissa, and receive exclusive rewards for your invaluable feedback.

Uncover the Hidden Secrets:
Melissa's Bare Feet Leave Trails of Mystery


50% Completion: Share your insights on at least half the questions and receive a signed copy of Melissa, Part I.

75% Completion: Dedicate your time and expertise to answer three-quarters of the questions and receive a signed copy of Melissa, Part I, plus a complimentary digital copy of our supernatural novel Redemption.

100% Completion: Become a literary guardian and answer all questions meticulously. Your efforts will be rewarded with a signed copy of Melissa, Part I, a complimentary digital copy of Redemption, and your name proudly featured on the book's dedication page, acknowledging your significant contribution.

Invest in a Captivating Tale:
Participate in Our Beta Reader Program and Receive Exclusive Rewards

Join our team of passionate readers and play a crucial role in shaping the final version of Melissa!

Stay connected for exclusive updates and information about our beta reader program!


My Blog:


